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To be a Community where all persons will encounter the power and 

love of the Living God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.




All Saints Episcopal Church is called by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to...


·     Worship Jesus Christ

·     Learn and Teach His Word

·     Minister in His Name

·     Proclaim Him and Share the Blessing of His Love

·     Welcome All in His Name


The All Saints Messenger
February 2, 2017
In This Issue

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

The first time I was at sea on a destroyer I went forward to the Forecastle (foc'sle in Navy terminology) also known as the front part of the ship or bow. As I climbed the ladder to the main deck I was struck by the power of light in the darkness of the night. Once my eyes had acclimated to the darkness after emerging from a well lit passageway the moonlight seemed to be able to light up everything. I could see the horizon, the ripples of the waves and yes, the dolphins swimming alongside us. It seemed like I could see forever, even though it was very dark. It was as if nighttime were not so. Light truly was not overcome by the darkness.

In Mathew's fifth chapter Jesus calls his followers to be the ones that shine bright in the darkness...that is Jesus' reality. This calling has found its way into the liturgy of baptism and in many ways serves as the marching orders for those of us who follow Christ. Like the moonlight on a dark night at sea, you also are called to shine in such a way that the power of darkness is overcome by the gift of light. How will you do that this week?

God of creation, give us the courage and strength to be, speak, live and love in a way that brings light into our world so often filled with darkness. Ignite the fire of justice and mercy inside us so that it overflows from our very being. Amen.

Blessings & Peace!

See ya Sunday,
Fr. Gary+


So I Send You
A Discipleship Study Based on the 7 Signs in the Gospel of John
Saturday February 18 - Saturday April 8, 2017 - 9 am
All Saint's Episcopal Church - 704.864.7201
Deacons Cris South and Martha Richard
How are we called to serve God in this world he has created? What is it he wants us to do? How do we find the strength to do what he wishes? And we ask ourselves, "Why me?"
So I Send You is an 8 week course, meeting each week on Saturday mornings, Feb. 18 - April 15 for approximately 2 hours, and culminating with the 8th  session during which we will share our stories, a meal, and the Eucharist together. It is open to all adults and is non-denominational. All are invited and it is designed to be a welcoming, accepting space. We will explore the lessons Jesus taught through his example and actions in John's gospel. What are we to learn from his feeding of the 5,000, walking on water, or raising Lazarus from the dead? And how do we discern our place in each of the stories? The goal of this course is to dig deep and find - or renew - our call to be Christ's hands, feet, and mouth to all of his people.
Course materials will be supplied but each participant is asked to bring their Bible every week (any translation). Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be provided. Donations to help cover the cost of the course are not a requirement but are considered a blessing.
Space is limited so register as soon as possible by calling All Saint's at 704.864.7201 no later than February 13. 


*  Picture Directory:  FINAL 2 DATES - February 5th & March 5th.  There is a sign up sheet in the Family Life Center - make your photography appointment now!  Emma Butterworth will be our photographer.  

*  Youth Brainstorming Meeting: Will be this Sunday, February 5th.  We will gather with parents of our youth and any and all interested parishioners who care about how we minister to our children. Our goal is to brainstorm and then act on doing ministry for our youth in exciting, real and new ways in this time of doing Church differently. Questions contact Fr. Gary.

*  Souper Bowl Of Caring is youth across the nation working to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the Super Bowl.  This Sunday, February 5th, our children will have a soup pot available for you to drop your money into.  Dig deep in your pockets for loose change and bills!  All donations go to CAM (Crisis Assistance Ministry).  Please see Carol Wertz if you have any questions. 

*  Reminder:  All loose offerings from the first Sunday of every month are deposited into the Rector's and Deacon's Discretionary Fund.  

* Parish Nurse Ministry will be taking blood pressures after the 8:00 and 10:30 services this Sunday.  Nurses interested in the parish nurse ministry please contact Cheryl Saylor, MSN at 803-656-5110. 

*  Giving Statements:  Are available after both services this Sunday.

*  The Pacesetters will visit the Aviation Museum at the Charlotte airport on Tuesday February 14th.  We will gather at the church at  9:45 and our visit will start at  10:30.  It is a self-guided tour and the cost is $8.58.   Afterwards we will have lunch in Belmont at Cherubs.  If you plan to go, please let Jerry Wertz know ( [email protected]) and as always we welcome guests. 

*  Adult Christian Formation: We will be studying "Great Figures of the New Testament." Our guide is the esteemed scholar Amy-Jill Levine who teaches at Vanderbilt University. What Ms. Levine brings to the table is a unique Jewish understanding of the New Testament, the culture and people of the day. She can do this because she is Jewish. She will take us on a journey of specific characters: who they are, what they do and how they have been assessed across the centuries. We begin at  9:30 AM. Please join us!

*  Fr. Gary's Annual Meeting Address: Fr. Gary's address to the Parish at the Annual Meeting is available on the table in the Life Center. If you were not able to make it to the Annual Meeting please pick up a copy.

*  Foyers:  The group lists are available in the Family Life Center.  Contact Jerry Wertz if you have any questions -  [email protected] or 704-577-9699.

*  Outreach:  The outreach committee will meet in the conference room on  Wednesday 2/15/17 at 6:30 to discuss the upcoming yard sale in April and Parade of Tables in September.

*  Parade of Tables:  Save the date!!  Saturday, September 23rd.  

*  Family Promise:  Family Promise is a program that offers assistance to families who are in need of food and shelter. Our next opportunity to host the families in the program will soon be upon us. The families will be with us again starting Sunday February 19th and will be with us until the next Sunday February 26th. During that week we will be greeting the families when they arrive in the evening on each day, providing activities for the children, preparing and serving meals to the families here at the church, and staying overnight during their stay to provide any assistance they might need. One of the jobs that you may volunteer for is greeting our guests as they arrive at the church at 5pm from Monday to Saturday evening. This includes  answering any questions the guest might have and make sure they have access to guest facilities. Currently, there are 2 families in the program. Cheryl Smith and her 2 children, Jeremiah (6) and Victorie (3), and Mary and Billy Black and their son Preston (6). We appreciate any time that you might give to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer for one of the activities or are just interested in finding out more about the program please contact Marc Dudley at 704-718-4044 or at [email protected].

*  2017 Pledge Cards: If you have not turned in your pledge card yet, please think about doing so.  Pledge Cards are available in the Narthex.  The Vestry thanks everyone for their generosity.

*  The Bible Study Group began a new study of Paul. The group meets  on Wednesday at  10:00am in the Family Life Center.   We welcome anyone who would like to join us. You do not have to be a member of All Saints to come. If you would like to learn more about the group, please contact Jerry Wertz at 704-577-9699. 

*  Choir:  Rehearsal weekly on Wednesday at 7PM.

*  Pastoral Care Meeting:  Tuesday, March 28th at 7PM.

*  Sign Up Sheets for coffee hour, altar guild and altar flowers are on the bulletin board in the Family Life Center.  Coffee Hour hosting can be as simple as drinks and cookies.  Coffee hour is provided to have fellowship with our parish family.  Please sign up or call the church office to add your name to the list (704-864-7201).

*  Salvation Army Service Schedule:  Monday, February 6th - Team #1.  (Candy Albergine & Susan Marshall)

*  Mid-Week Service: All Saints offers a "Service of Healing with Eucharist" on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM.  All of us are hurting, in need of healing, or want to be made whole again.  Christ comes to us in the quiet times of a contemplative service where we can "be still and know that God is God." Think about joining us and be renewed, refreshed, transformed, and continue your journey towards "wholeness."

*  Save The Date:  The 2017 All Saints Yard Sale will be on Saturday, April 29th so start collecting items for our sale.  Please only donate items that are in good, working condition, clean and no stuffed animals.  We will need lots of help the week prior for setting up and pricing, as well as on the day of the sale.  The sale is sponsored by the All Saints Outreach Committee.   We have no space to store your donations before the sale.  If you have large items or furniture that must be moved prior to the yard sale, please call George Sowersby.  Contact Claudette Forbes or George Sowersby with questions.

* Cookbooks:  $15 each or 2 for $25 - If you don't need a cookbook, but would like to help our Outreach committee reach their budget goal, consider buying a cookbook to donate to our newcomers committee. Any donated cookbooks will be included in the welcome bag we hand out to newcomers. 

*  Church Financials: The Vestry wants to make sure that all parishioners are aware that the monthly financial reports are posted on the bulletin boards in The Family Life Center. If you have any concerns or questions please contact Phill Wertz or Fr. Gary.  Thank You!

*  Parish Lunch: Help is needed to clean up the kitchen after lunches.  There is a sign up sheet in the Family Life Center.

*  Why Do You Love All Saints?  Who here loves All Saints?  Do you want to tell the world why you love being a part of the All Saints family?  Please help us spread the word about our congregation by telling your All Saints Story.  All Saints Stories will be published on our website: as well as our facebook and twitter pages.  To submit your story, go to and click "All Saints Stories" under the Parish Life tab.  If you can, please submit a photo with your story.  

* Prayer List:  Our prayer list grows rapidly.  We ask all parishioners to keep the office informed so that our prayer list remains current and manageable.

*  Picture Directory:  We will have one make up day for pictures.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the Family Life Center.  Emma Butterworth is our photographer.  

*  Ministry Schedule:  The 2017 January through April Ministry Schedule is on the table in the Family Life Center.

*  Fr. Gary's Blog:

*  Gaston Library is sorely in need of used books etc. for their annual book sale held next year.  Paperbacks, hardback, fiction, nonfiction, children's, magazines, DVD and CD's are needed.  If you're cleaning out, now's a good time to give those old books a new home.  Books can be left at the dock at the library or at the church and I'll see they get over there.  (Put them next to the CAM box).  Please no wet, moldy or books with broken spines.  Thanks,  Linda Klocker.

*  Food Pantry:  Please help us keep our food pantry stocked.  If you would like to give a monetary donation, we'd be happy to do the shopping for you.

*  Flower Ministry:  We are looking for a volunteer to head up our Flower Ministry.  It entails breaking down the large  Sunday flower arrangement into smaller arrangements  on Monday mornings.  These smaller arrangements are then delivered to parishioners who are home bound or sick.  Please let Debra know if you would be interested in this ministry.

*  New Partnership: All Saints has entered into a new relationship with the YMCA's Resource Connection Gateway.  This new relationship enables us to help those in need more rapidly and efficiently while also addressing long-term needs versus only addressing immediate concerns.  If you would like more information please see Fr. Gary.

*  Salvation Army Serving:   If anyone is interested in serving at the Salvation Army on Mon. nights from 5:00 to 6:00, please contact Candy Albergine at 704-868-8691 or email  [email protected]. We have a couple of spots open and you will find this ministry is a true blessing to all involved. The schedule is on bulletin board in Family Life Center.

* Christian Formation for Youth.  If you have questions please ask Laura Tilly,  Phill Wertz, or Fr. Gary.

*  All Saints Sermons online: Thanks to John Woodward, our sermons are available in audio and video on our website at:
*  Free Mulch:  There are several piles of mulch in the upper parking lot that you are welcome to take.  We need to free up some parking spaces in that upper lot.  Please do not take the mulch by the shed as that is intended for the garden.  

*  Church Directory:  Available on the table in the Family Life Center.

*  Towel Ministry:  We are excited and thankful that Vic Cooper and Jim McCarthy have taken over the coordination of our Towel Ministry.  Please approach them and let them know your talents and availability when projects arise.

*  Building Use Policy:  Our buildings are being used more and more and scheduling conflicts are occurring.  Effective immediately, all rooms/buildings will be scheduled by the Parish Administrator by the submission of a form which is available at the office and will soon be available on the web site.  We appreciate your understanding realizing that this will improve our ability to serve our parishioners and ministries.

* Planned Giving: Programs for Outreach Ministries are an important part of our parish.  You can ensure the continuation of these programs by setting up an endowment or including a bequest in your will. The Episcopal Foundation of Western Carolina has set up "The Living Stones Society" to provide Education and training to all clergy and parishioners about setting up a program. For more information see Fr. Gary or call the foundation at 828-225-6656.
* Ministry Opportunities: There are a variety of Ministries available at All Saints including feeding at The Salvation Army, tending the Garden, Family Promise where we take care of those without a home for a week at a time, Altar Guild, Readers, Lectors, Acolytes, Chalicers, and many more. Everyone at All Saints is encouraged to serve in some way. Please let us know what you are interested in and we will put you in touch with the ministry coordinator. You can call the office (704-864-7201), email ([email protected]) or speak to Fr. Gary.

 Upcoming Schedule  


February 5th:  Youth Brainstorming Meeting

February 5th:  Souper Bowl of Caring

February 14th:  Pacesetters

February 15th:  Outreach

February 18th:  Lenten Study 

February 19th:  Family Promise

February 21st:  Vestry Meeting

February 28th:  Shrove Tuesday

March 1st:  Ash Wednesday

March 28th:  Pastoral Care

April 29th:  Yard Sale

September 23rd:  Parade of Tables

This Sunday's Scripture Readings

The Collect

Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The First Reading: Isaiah 58:1-9a
Shout out, do not hold back!
Lift up your voice like a trumpet!
Announce to my people their rebellion,
to the house of Jacob their sins.
Yet day after day they seek me
and delight to know my ways,
as if they were a nation that practiced righteousness
and did not forsake the ordinance of their God;
they ask of me righteous judgments,
they delight to draw near to God.
"Why do we fast, but you do not see?
Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?"
Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day,
and oppress all your workers.
Look, you fast only to quarrel and to fight
and to strike with a wicked fist.
Such fasting as you do today
will not make your voice heard on high.
Is such the fast that I choose,
a day to humble oneself?
Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush,
and to lie in sackcloth and ashes?
Will you call this a fast,
a day acceptable to the Lord?

Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them,
and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly;
your vindicator shall go before you,
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.

Psalm 112:1-9

1 Hallelujah!
Happy are they who fear the Lord *
and have great delight in his commandments!
2 Their descendants will be mighty in the land; *
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches will be in their house, *
and their righteousness will last for ever.
4 Light shines in the darkness for the upright; *
the righteous are merciful and full of compassion.
5 It is good for them to be generous in lending *
and to manage their affairs with justice.
6 For they will never be shaken; *
the righteous will be kept in everlasting remembrance.
7 They will not be afraid of any evil rumors; *
their heart is right;
they put their trust in the Lord.
8 Their heart is established and will not shrink, *
until they see their desire upon their enemies.
9 They have given freely to the poor, *
and their righteousness stands fast for ever;
they will hold up their head with honor.

The Epistle:  1 Corinthians 2:1-12

When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I came to you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling. My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.

Yet among the mature we do speak wisdom, though it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to perish. But we speak God's wisdom, secret and hidden, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written,

"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the human heart conceived,
what God has prepared for those who love him"-
these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For what human being knows what is truly human except the human spirit that is within? So also no one comprehends what is truly God's except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.

The Gospel: Matthew  5:13-20

Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.

"You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Saint Day / Feast of the Week

Cornelius the Centurion

All that we know about Cornelius is contained in the Acts of the
Apostles (chapters 10-11). He was the first Gentile converted to
the Christian faith, along with his household. A centurion was
commander of a company of one hundred men in the Roman army,
responsible for their discipline, both on the field of battle and in camp.
A centurion was a Roman citizen, a military career man, well-paid,
and generally noted for courage and competence. Some centurions,
such as Cornelius, and those whom we know about from the Gospel
narratives, were men of deep religious piety.

The author of Acts considered Cornelius' conversion very momentous
for the future of Christianity. He records that it occurred as the
result of divine intervention and revelation, and as a response to the
preaching of Peter the chief apostle. The experience of Cornelius'
household was regarded as comparable to a new Pentecost, and it
was a primary precedent for the momentous decision of the apostolic
council, held in Jerusalem a few years later, to admit Gentiles to full
and equal partnership with Jewish converts in the household of faith.

According to tradition, Cornelius was the second Bishop of Caesarea,
the metropolitan see of Palestine. Undoubtedly, Cornelius and his
household formed the nucleus of the first Church in this important
city, a Church that was gathered by Philip the Evangelist (Acts 8:40
and 21:8).
  Prayer List 
We pray for Anne Dalton, Page Lee, Adam Barnes, Cathy Harvey, Laura Beth Murray, Joshua Scruggs, Jack Dixson, Charles Clamurro, Courtney Birk, Charlie Metcalf, Caroline, Madison Krontz, John Klimkowski, Linda Stanford, Joseph Colarossi, Vic Cooper, Maureen Cooper, Art & Chong Saile, Brendan McKiernan, John, Owen Harpold, Johnny Featherston, Carolyn Healy, John King, Jim & Glenda Carpenter, H olly,  William Knowles, D onald & Sadie Woody, Marsha Ellison, Susan Lamb, Linda Klocker, Walter Frazier, Jane Tucker, Joe Myers, Maxine Justice, Aiden, Tony & Liz Butler, Michael Driscoll, The Hobbs Family, The Beals Family & Owen Swartz .

February 2nd - Win Borner
February 4th - Courtney Birk
February 4th - Smokey Craven
February 5th - Kathleen Broome
February 5th - Diane Camp
February 7th - Kathy Butler
February 8th - Gay Lindsey
February 11th - Cary McWhirter
February 19th - Kirsten Witry
February 22nd - Dennis Stewart
February 24th - Sydney Wertz
February 26th - Katie Huskins
March 2nd - Kyle Tilly
March 4th - Marian Watts
March 5th - Sid Brandon
March 5th - Christina Solis
March 9th - Anita Elgin
March 9th - Linda Stanford
March 14th - Chong Saile
March 14th - Larry Kish
March 24th - Jocelyn King
March 28th - Debra Sayles
March 29th - Jerry Wertz
March 30th - Kelly Eckard
March 31st - Millie English
March 31st - Bruce Kiser

Please let the office know if we have missed your birthday!

February 5
February 12
8:00 AM
Kelly Morris
Jim McCarthy
10:30 AM
Terry Eckard
Jack Gaskey
George Sowersby
Kyle Tilly
Kyle Tilly
Adam Nygren
Phill Wertz
Zoe Tilly
Emory Borner
Lee Wells
Noelle Martin
Randy Mullins
8:00 AM
Brad Frazier
Linda Boyd
10:30 AM
Allison & Lee 
John & Jessica Woodward
Katie Huskins
Allison Wells
Gay Lindsey
Chris Butterworth

Randy & Judy
Erin Balco
10:30 AM
C.B. Barr
Morningside Resident
Pete Laine
Eileen Klimkowski
John Woodward
Marc Dudley
Lee & Casey Allison
Jerry Wertz
Chong Saile
VPOD 8:00
George Saylor
Phill Wertz
Jerry Wertz

Blessings & Peace,
Fr. Gary+

phone: 704-864-7201
Fr. Gary's blog: