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To be a Community where all persons will encounter the power and 

love of the Living God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.




All Saints Episcopal Church is called by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to...


·     Worship Jesus Christ

·     Learn and Teach His Word

·     Minister in His Name

·     Proclaim Him and Share the Blessing of His Love

·     Welcome All in His Name


The All Saints Messenger
May 25, 2017
In This Issue

Greetings in the Name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ,

Today is the Feast of the Ascension. It is the day we remember when the risen Christ is taken into heaven after appearing to his followers for forty days. The Ascension marks the conclusion of Jesus' post resurrection appearances. It is the final elevation of his human nature to divine glory and the near presence of God. The Ascension is affirmed by the Nicene and Apostle's Creeds. The Ascension is listed as one of the seven Principal Feasts in The Episcopal Church along with Easter, Pentecost Sunday, Trinity Sunday, All Saints Day, Christmas Day and The Epiphany.

Most Episcopal Churches do not celebrate Ascension on Thursday so the celebration is moved or "slides" to the following Sunday. This "sliding" recalls for me our human forgetfulness to recognize all that is good, not only in our lives but also in our parishes. We just don't say thank you enough and recognize and affirm the wonderful "extras" that are needed to make All Saints work smoothly.

Two weeks ago I was in Atlanta with our Bishop attending a workshop put on by The College of Bishops about better utilization of our resources. One of the things they emphasized is that, as a church, we don't recognize and thank all those who give of their time, talent and treasure. We are to continuously thank people for their gifts to All Saints.

So I want to take this opportunity to thank the following: Our Vestry; our Altar Guild; our Deacons; our Parish Administrator; our Godly Play coordinator and teachers; our choir; our musicians; our children who serve and bring smiles; our Outreach coordinators; our Pastoral Care coordinators; our Towel Ministry team; our Acolytes, Servers, Readers and Chalicists; our Greeters & Ushers, our Building & Grounds people; our Breadmakers, our birthday card team; our Eucharistic Visitors; our Sound Technicians; our web presence technician; our Morningside ministers and musicians; our Salvation Army & Cornerstone cooks and serving teams; our Coffee Hour coordinator and hosts; our Treasurer; our SOCKS coordinator; our Parish nurses; our Crisis Assistance Ministry (CAM) Coordinator; our financial advisor and pledge coordinator; our collection counters; our Garden coordinator and weeders; our Backpack Ministry folks who pick up, pack and deliver; our Family Promise Coordinators; our handbell choir; our EfM facilitators; our childcare person; our Director of Music Ministries; our finance committee; our Bereavement Committee; our Shepherds; our Pacesetters; our Wedding Coordinator; our 1 st Sunday Breakfast Coordinator; our 3 rd Sunday Parish Lunch coordinator and cooks and clean up folks; our Last Friday Gathering coordinators; our Facebook page coordinator and whew...I'm sure I forgot someone and some ministry and if I did please tell me.  It's important that we recognize all the good work they do for God's Kingdom.

You can tell by this list that there are so many things happening here as well as the normal things that need to be done and we could not be successful without them and you. If you see something that you feel called to, ask one of us and we will put you in touch with the coordinator. Also, use the list as a reminder for your prayers. We are all in this together following Jesus' lead to love and serve the Lord in our little corner of God's Kingdom.

See ya Sunday!

Fr. Gary+

June is CAM (Crisis Assistance Ministry) month for All Saints.  
CAM is a cooperative ministry of the greater Gastonia faith community and provides emergency food and financial assistance to those facing financial crisis or struggling with the burden of poverty.  CAM needs financial assistance, food contributions, and volunteers.  More information can be found on the table in the Family Life Center and a shopping list will be in Sunday's bulletin.  Please get your donations in early.  If you have any questions contact Linda Klocker.

*  Holiday:  The All Saints Office will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.

*   Fr. Gary:  Will be gone next week to move his mother into a long term care facility.

*  Last Friday Gathering:  May 26th at 6PM.  We will have hot dogs for dinner and enjoy the movie Inside Out with popcorn at 6:45.

*  Parish Breakfast:   Sunday  morning breakfast will take place on June 4th.  Eggs, pancakes & sausage is the menu.  If anyone has a special item they would like to bring, please sign up and let us know.   Breakfast starts early for those attending choir practice ( 9:00 ) and continues until  10:00 .  Hopefully we can get more  10:30  people to attend with these expanded hours.  It is a great time to relax and visit!

*  Family Promise :  The remaining 2017 dates that we will be host to the Family Promise guests are: 8/6 - 8/13, 10/8 - 10/15. Family Promise is a community program that provides housing and support to families that are less fortunate. All Saints is one of the original churches that helped establish this ministry more than ten years ago. We host families in this ministry four times a year at our parish facilities with assistance from the Redeemer Lutheran Church here in Gastonia. There are many ways to support this ministry. During hosting weeks we need parishioners to greet and engage guests, to provide homework and enrichment activities for the children, to prepare and serve dinner, and to spend the night.The other way that parishioners can assist these families is to donate items that our guests need. Suggested items to donate are clothes, detergent, toothbrushes and toothpaste, small first aid kits, hair products, soap and/or body wash, suitcases (both used or new), 10, 20, and 30 gallon storage tubs w/ lids, towels and washcloths (both used or new), bed linens (both used or new), family friendly movies or videos, board games, & craft supplies.  For more information, or to volunteer please contact Marc Dudley at 704-718-4044 or [email protected].

*  Pastoral Care :  Our bi-monthly Pastoral Care Meeting is Tuesday, May 30th.

* Invitation to All Saints Members:  Eileen Klimkowski has engaged Marsha Ellison, Karen Solis and others to play on her deck on Saturday, June 17th at 1pm.  All Saints members are invited to bring lawn chairs & drinks & enjoy the music.  

* Parish Nurse Ministry  will be taking blood pressures after the 8:00 and 10:30 services on the second Sunday of the month .  Nurses interested in the parish nurse ministry please contact Cheryl Saylor, MSN. 

* Cookbooks:  $10  If you don't need a cookbook, but would like to help our Outreach committee reach their budget goal, consider buying a cookbook to donate to our newcomers committee. Any donated cookbooks will be included in the welcome bag we hand out to newcomers. 

*  The Wednesday morning Bible Study , which meets at the church at  10:00am , is reading "An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor.  If this sounds of interest to you, please plan to join us.

*  Hand Bells :  Rehearse May 31.  Ring in 10:30 worship on June 4.   

*  Food Pantry :  Please help us keep our food pantry stocked.  If you would like to give a monetary donation, we'd be happy to do the shopping for you.

*  Salvation Army Garden:  Planting of the garden is underway to provide vegetables for a salad each week or to use in the meals.   Charlie Jenkins is in charge of the garden along with a team.  We are in need of people/families willing to adopt 1 or 2 plots and do the weeding of those plots.  There is a sheet in the Family Life Center for you to put your name on a plot. In case you didn't know, All Saints provides the meal and fresh salad every  Monday  night at the Salvation Army.  The recipients are always very complimentary of the food provided.  The vestry representatives for the garden are Jerry Wertz and Linda Klocker.

*  Zumba:  Will resume on Friday, June 9th.

*  Adult Christian Formation: We are studying "Great Figures of the New Testament." Our guide is the esteemed Jewish scholar Amy-Jill Levine who teaches at Vanderbilt University. What Ms. Levine brings to the table is a unique Jewish understanding of the New Testament, the culture and people of the day. She will take us on a journey of specific characters: who they are, what they do and how they have been assessed across the centuries. We begin at  9:25 AM. Please join us!

*  Parade of Tables:  Save the date!!  Saturday, September 23rd.  

*  Choir:  Rehearsal will now be on Sunday mornings at 9:25am.

*  Sign Up Sheets for coffee hour, altar guild and altar flowers are on the bulletin board in the Family Life Center.  Coffee Hour hosting can be as simple as drinks and cookies.  Coffee hour is provided to have fellowship with our parish family.  Please sign up or call the church office to add your name to the list (704-864-7201).

*  Salvation Army Service Schedule:  Monday, May 29th - Team #4.  (Carol Maiden)

*  Church Financials: The Vestry wants to make sure that all parishioners are aware that the monthly financial reports are posted on the bulletin boards in The Family Life Center. If you have any concerns or questions please contact Phill Wertz or Fr. Gary.  Thank You!

*  Why Do You Love All Saints?  Who here loves All Saints?  Do you want to tell the world why you love being a part of the All Saints family?  Please help us spread the word about our congregation by telling your All Saints Story.  All Saints Stories will be published on our website: as well as our facebook and twitter pages.  To submit your story, go to and click "All Saints Stories" under the Parish Life tab.  If you can, please submit a photo with your story.  

* Prayer List:  Our prayer list grows rapidly.  We ask all parishioners to keep the office informed so that our prayer list remains current and manageable.

*  Fr. Gary's Blog:

*  New Partnership: All Saints has entered into a new relationship with the YMCA's Resource Connection Gateway.  This new relationship enables us to help those in need more rapidly and efficiently while also addressing long-term needs versus only addressing immediate concerns.  If you would like more information please see Fr. Gary.

*  Salvation Army Serving:   If anyone is interested in serving at the Salvation Army on Mon. nights from 5:00 to 6:00, please contact Candy Albergine at 704-868-8691 or email  [email protected]. We have a couple of spots open and you will find this ministry is a true blessing to all involved. The schedule is on bulletin board in Family Life Center.

* Christian Formation for Youth.  If you have questions please ask Laura Tilly,  Phill Wertz, or Fr. Gary.

*  All Saints Sermons online: Thanks to John Woodward, our sermons are available in audio and video on our website at:
*  Free Mulch:  There are several piles of mulch in the upper parking lot that you are welcome to take.  We need to free up some parking spaces in that upper lot.  Please do not take the mulch by the shed as that is intended for the garden.  

*  Church Directory:  Available on the table in the Family Life Center.

*  Towel Ministry:  We are excited and thankful that Vic Cooper and Jim McCarthy have taken over the coordination of our Towel Ministry.  Please approach them and let them know your talents and availability when projects arise.

*  Building Use Policy:  Our buildings are being used more and more and scheduling conflicts are occurring.  Effective immediately, all rooms/buildings will be scheduled by the Parish Administrator by the submission of a form which is available at the office and will soon be available on the web site.  We appreciate your understanding realizing that this will improve our ability to serve our parishioners and ministries.

* Planned Giving: Programs for Outreach Ministries are an important part of our parish.  You can ensure the continuation of these programs by setting up an endowment or including a bequest in your will. The Episcopal Foundation of Western Carolina has set up "The Living Stones Society" to provide Education and training to all clergy and parishioners about setting up a program. For more information see Fr. Gary or call the foundation at 828-225-6656.
* Ministry Opportunities: There are a variety of Ministries available at All Saints including feeding at The Salvation Army, tending the Garden, Family Promise where we take care of those without a home for a week at a time, Altar Guild, Readers, Lectors, Acolytes, Chalicers, and many more. Everyone at All Saints is encouraged to serve in some way. Please let us know what you are interested in and we will put you in touch with the ministry coordinator. You can call the office (704-864-7201), email ([email protected]) or speak to Fr. Gary.

 Upcoming Schedule  


May 26th:  Last Friday Gathering

May 29th:  Office Closed

May 30th:  Pastoral Care

June 4th:  Parish Breakfast

June 9th:  Zumba

June 27th:  Outreach

September 23rd:  Parade of Tables

This Sunday's Scripture Readings

The Collect

G rant, we pray, Almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into heaven, so we may also in heart and mind there ascend, and with him continually dwell; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The First Lesson:  Acts 1:1-11

I n the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. "This," he said, "is what you have heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."

So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?" He replied, "It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven."

Psalm 93

1 The Lord is King;
he has put on splendid apparel; *
the Lord has put on his apparel
and girded himself with strength.
2 He has made the whole world so sure *
that it cannot be moved;
3 Ever since the world began, your throne has been established; *
you are from everlasting.
4 The waters have lifted up, O Lord,
the waters have lifted up their voice; *
the waters have lifted up their pounding waves.
5 Mightier than the sound of many waters,
mightier than the breakers of the sea, *
mightier is the Lord who dwells on high.
6 Your testimonies are very sure, *
and holiness adorns your house, O Lord,
for ever and for evermore.

The Epistle:  1:15-23 

I  have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

The Gospel: Luke 24:44-53

J esus said to his disciples, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you-- that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And see, I am sending upon you what my Father promised; so stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high."

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God.
Saint Day / Feast of the Week

Martyr at Rome, c. 167

Toward the middle of the second century, there came into the young
Christian community a seeker for the truth, whose wide interests,
noble spirit, and able mind, greatly enriched it.

Justin was born into a Greek-speaking pagan family about the year
110 in Samaria, near Shechem. He was educated in Greek philosophy.
Like Augustine after him, he was left restless by all this knowledge.
During a walk along the beach at Ephesus, he fell in with a stranger,
who told him about Christ. "Straightway a flame was kindled in my
soul," he writes, "and a love of the prophets and those who are friends
of Christ possessed me." He became a Christian as a result of this
encounter, and thereafter regarded Christianity as the only "safe and
profitable philosophy."

About 150, Justin moved to Rome. As philosophers did in those days,
he started a school-in this case, a school of Christian philosophy-
and accepted students. He also wrote. Three of his works are known
to us: a dialogue in Platonic style with a Jew named Trypho, and two
"apologies." (An apology in this sense, of course, is not an excuse,
but a spirited defense.) Justin's First and Second Apologies defend
Christianity against the Greek charge of irrationality and the Roman
charge of disloyalty to the empire. These two works provide us with
important insights into developing theological ideas and liturgical
practices of early Christianity. In the Dialogue with Trypho, Justin
defends the Church against the Jewish charge of distorting the Old
Testament. He interprets the Old Testament as the foreshadowing of
the New.

While teaching in Rome, he engaged in a public debate with a
philosopher of the Cynic school named Crescens, accusing him of
ignorance and immorality. Angered, Crescens preferred legal charges
against him. Justin and six of his students were arrested and brought
before the prefect Rusticus. As the custom was, Rusticus gave them an
opportunity to renounce their faith. All steadfastly refused to do so.
Justin and his companions were put to death about the year 167.

May 26th - Courtney Brunder
May 26th - Charles Jenkins
May 29th - Abby Woodward
May 30th - Paul Balco
June 2nd - Susan Marshall
June 3rd - Karen Solis
June 5th - Susan Stroud
June 9th - John Still
June 15th - Brenda Bostian
June 17th - Claudette Forbes
June 17th - Cheryl Saylor
June 18th - Shelton Current
June 19th - Sophie Martin
June 21st - Carol Wertz
June 22nd - Theo Sloop
June 24th - Cathy Harvey
June 25th - Vic Cooper
June 27th - Lee Wells
June 27th - Emory Borner

Please let the office know if we have missed your birthday!

May 28
June 4
8:00 AM
Brad Frazier
Kelly Morris
10:30 AM
Jim & Flo
Cheryl Richard
Adam Nygren
Claudette Forbes
Pete Laine
Lee Wells
Lindsey Wells
Lydia Kish
Phill Wertz
Sophie Martin
Autumn Jager
8:00 AM
Kelly Morris
Linda Boyd
10:30 AM
George Sowersby
Pam Hart
Allison & Lee
Marc Dudley
Glenda Carpenter
Allison Wells
Kelly Halley

Kelly Morris

Parish Breakfast
10:30 AM
William Graham
Judy Mullins
C.B. Barr
Morningside Resident
Marc Dudley
William Graham
Jerry Wertz
Chong Saile
George Sowersby
Susan Stroud
VPOD 8:00
Jerry Wertz
Lee Wells
William Graham
William Graham

Blessings & Peace,
Fr. Gary+

phone: 704-864-7201
Fr. Gary's blog: