All Things St. Philip's 

January 19, 2023

Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, February 26, after 9:30 service

Only one service that Sunday. Organizational reports must be emailed to the office by February 6. At the annual meeting, the congregation will elect three persons to serve on the vestry. We will not livestream the meeting, and you must be present to vote. 

Vestry Interest Meeting

Sunday, January 29, after each service

Interested in running for vestry? Join Thomas Beatty for one of the meetings on January 29 for an information meeting in the Hamilton Chapel.The vestry invites all with interest in serving on the vestry.

Rev. Marlene's First Anniversary

Sunday, February 5

We will celebrate Rev. Marlene’s first anniversary as rector with St. Philip’s after

the 10:30 am service. Please bring something to share with all.

Sunday School Resumes

February 5

See Liz Hayes Mackey or Evangeline Poindexter for more information.

Ministry Fair and Newcomers Reception

Sunday, March 5, after 9:30 service

This event has been moved to March 5, and we will have one service only that day. A table will be available for each ministry. Please email us who will be representing your ministry. Thanks to the Knights of St. Philip’s for hosting the reception! If you can, please bring something to share and welcome all our newcomers. 

Stewardship Update

2023 Pledges

Thank you to the 72 families, individuals, and organizations that have pledged for 2023. We are currently at 99.8% of our $250,000 pledge goal! Many of you have increased your pledge this year, and we are so very thankful. We also have several new pledgers, and we appreciate your financial commitment to your church home.

If you or your organization has not pledged, please prayerfully consider joining your sisters and brothers who have already made a pledge and help us meet or exceed our goal.

There are a number of ways to pledge:

  • Click here to pledge electronically.
  • Mail your pledge card.
  • Place it in the offering plate on Sunday.
  • Leave your card in the office during the week.
  • Call the church office if you need help.


2023 Giving

In addition to your pledges and general giving, we hope you will also donate to our church's specific funds and ministries including the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, Transportation Ministry, Food Pantry, Endowment Fund, Building Maintenance Fund, and Outreach.

For January, the funds and ministries focus is--

  • Transportation Ministry
  • Building Maintenance Fund
  • Rector's Discretionary Fund 

When you give, please designate the fund/ministry on the memo line of your check or in the description box of the online giving form. If you use giving envelopes, all the specific giving categories are listed on each envelope. Although we will designate specific months for this additional giving, you may donate at any time. 

Both your general and additional donations support the financial health and stability of our church and our work in the community. We are grateful for you. 

2022 Pledges and Giving 

You will receive your 2022 giving statement by January 31, 2023. Please contact our treasurer Vickie Seymour or office manager Diem Miller with any questions.

2023 Church Year and Liturgical Color Calendars

These calendars will be available to purchase for $5 each at the Ministry Fair on Sunday, March 5. You can also email or call 804-321-1266 to make arrangements to obtain one. Thank you, Diem Miller, Office Manager

February 12, 9:30 am

Wear your favorite sports team Jersey at our one service that day and share in God’s love for our neighbors in need and give generously. All donations collected will go directly to the St. Francis Food Pantry and our Blessing Box Ministry.

Thank You Letter from Peter Paul

"Our East End of Richmond is a vibrant community defined by its neighborhoods, people, experiences, and opportunities. We deeply appreciate your [donation] of $100, which we received on 12/14/2022. With this investment, you support Peter Paul's purpose to educate the child, engage the family, and empower the community...." Read more.

St. Philip’s Hosts Another Successful Blood Drive

Thank you St. Philip’s for answering an urgent call to save lives by giving the "gift of life"! On January 7, 2023 with the coordination of the American Red Cross, 26 people donated 23 units of blood. We exceeded our goal due to the collective efforts of church members and community neighbors. This number of units can help save the lives of as many as 69 patients. For this, we are extremely thankful. In addition, the need for African American blood donations is extremely urgent so that attention can be focused on sickle cell anemia, a disease prominent in our community. The need for blood donations continues. Please look for information about future blood drives at St. Philip’s. You can also look for donation opportunities at Special thanks to the Richmond Alumnae Chapter emergency response team for their help to make this blood drive a success. 

Pastoral Care Commission Needs You!

The pastoral care commission at St. Philip’s seeks for us to “love one another as I have loved you.” If you have a passion for caring for and serving others, we need your time and talent as we seek to respond to our parishioners with love, support, and care. What that support and care looks like will be up to those of us on the commission. A phone call, a meal dropped off, transportation to a doctor’s appointment... PLEASE prayerfully consider sharing YOUR time and talent with this commission and reach out to Sherrard Gardner.

Girl Scout News

We had our first meeting with our girls this week and have some exciting activities planned. Stay tuned!

We still have spaces for girls in grades K–12 to join the fun at Girl Scouts. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6-7:30 pm. Please reach out to Melissa Greene or Sarah McDermott to sign up. 


Did Someone Say Cookies?

A well-known component of Girl Scouts is the cookie program, the largest girl-run business in the world. Did you know that when you purchase cookies, you are supporting our girls in “learning by earning”? They learn five essential skills: goal-setting, money management, people skills, decision-making, and business ethics. Here are three ways to order and support these young entrepreneurs:

  1. Stop by our table in the parish hall after either Sunday service to place your order.
  2. Order online for local delivery or to pick up at the church.
  3. For delivery outside of metro Richmond, order here. (Customer pays shipping.)

Thank you for your support!

Shrine Mont Camps

Below are some scenes from a recent Shrine Mont Camper Reunion at St. James the Less in Ashland. Special thanks to Bishop Stevenson for joining the campers, who taught him some of the finer points of UNO. 

2023 camp registration is open! If you haven’t had a chance to see the sessions offered this 2023 season, rush to and check the Dates and Rates section. We cannot wait to have you join us this summer!

Interested in learning about Shrine Mont? James Williams will appraise us of activities and happenings at Shrine Mont on Sunday, February 19 at the 10:30 am service.

Triangle of Hope Youth Pilgrimage

Late June - Early July 2023

Liverpool, England 

The Triangle of Hope is a covenantal community between the dioceses of Liverpool (England), Kumasi (Ghana), and Virginia dedicated to transforming the long history, ongoing effects, and continuing presence of slavery in our world through repentance, reconciliation, and mission. Current eighth-graders and high-schoolers are invited to apply. 

This summer’s trip will be to Liverpool, England with pilgrims from Kumasi, Liverpool, and Virginia participating. Each diocese can have up to 15 pilgrims plus chaperones. Costs and other information are on the application form. Please contact the Rev. Rock Higgins with any questions.

Apply Now

Baptism Date Approaches!

We in the Episcopal Church recognize certain days when baptism is particularly important. They are holy days when new saints are added to our midst, committing to life in Jesus, or having that committed for them. They are days in which we the community of St. Philip’s commit to being there for them. There is no greater joy! Easter is one of those great holy days.

Easter this year is April 9. If you are interested in being baptized, plan on attending two required classes on March 5 and 19 after the 10:30 am service. Please contact the office at 804-321-1266 or email Diem Miller if interested.

Important: New or gently used blue pants or jeans for elementary school children are needed to fill up the boxes located in the atrium. We need to support the Barack Obama E.S. children in our community!

Soul Fire Saturday...

...will take a break from January through Lent. We look forward to seeing you at the next Soul Fire Saturday, April 22 at 5 pm!

St. Francis Food Pantry

Our St. Francis Pantry, which provides free food to some 65 families every other week, is earnestly in need of PAPER GROCERY BAGS. Please ask for these items when you shop and bring them to church to help feed the hungry.

Thanking you in advance, your St. Francis Food Pantry team.

Ways to Donate to St. Philip's

Check - Send to PO Box 27492, Richmond VA 23261

Credit Card or Bank Account - Click here

Online Banking & Electronic checks - Set up payment with your bank

PayPal - Click here to donate or go to our website and click GIVE

Text - Text GIVE to (833) 959-2287

Sunday Services are held weekly at 8 and 10:30 am

The 10:30 service will continue to be livestreamed on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Please note our new Zoom link for the 10:30 am service. Do not use the old expired link. Thank you.

A few guidelines:

  • Masks are required to be worn by all.
  • Coffee hour will not resume at this time.
  • Bible study takes place at 9 am, immediately following the 8 am service, and will continue to serve those that call in.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to the office at (804) 321-1266 or We look forward to seeing you at St. Philip’s!

By Computer:

Our website

Click Virtual Prayer Services on Facebook:

Our Facebook page

Sunday Service Bulletin: January 22, 2023

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Dial-in: (978) 990-5000

Access Code: 656298#

Please note: Church School/Bible Study will be held at 9 am following the 8 am service, and we will continue to serve those who dial-in at 9.  

Bible Study Scripture Reading

Wednesday Noon Prayer

Dial-in number: (978) 990-5000

Access code: 870051 #

All are welcome!

Prayer List for This Week

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Christopher’s Church in Springfield

Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer: The Church of North India (United)

Metropolitan Richmond Cycle of Prayer: We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: To overcome ignorance, indifference, resentment, and bitterness with regard to race in both private and public life.

Members of Our Sister Church: St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Boipatong, South Africa

All in Need of Healing: Marc Albertson, Trey Bankhead, Cynthia Bently, Mary Carter, Alexander Corbett, Joseph Flannigan, Eudora & Lewis Forrest, Anaya Gavins, Marvis Hazel, Eva Hicks, Ester Hyatt, Francine L. Johnson, Alaina LaVonne, Mary Little, Steven Little, Barbara Lowe, Michael Mackey, Christian Miller, Robinette Miller, Edmund Moore, Romaine Morgan, Lela Morris, Tara Plummer, Hortense Powell, Inez Tuck, Clementine Washington, Louise White, Cynthia Smith Williams, and John Williams

Members of Our Armed Forces: Satchel Bacon, Reginald Coleman, Talon Cowgill, Tanya Cowgill, Deja Freeney, Deneisha Freeney, Vernon Harmon, Chauncey Hodge, Sa’ad McNeil, Franklin Morton Jr., Joseph Murray III, Benjamin Neely, Kevin B. Stallings, and Vernon Threatt

WARNING About Emails Spoofing Clergy

Please be aware that Rev. Marlene will NEVER reach out to you individually asking for any type of gift card or financial contribution. Our clergy will ONLY email you from their church addresses with the domain of If you receive an email that claims to be from Rev. Marlene with an urgent request, please check the email address, do not respond and report the email to your ISP. If you have questions or concerns call the church office at (804) 321-1266.

Rev. Marlene works Monday-Thursday. She can be reached by phone (804) 356-8216 or email



Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm

Friday, 9 am - 1 pm

If you have a pastoral care need or an emergency and cannot reach Rev. Marlene directly, contact the Senior Warden, Thomas Beatty 

(804) 310-4742


To schedule a meeting with Rev. Marlene, please call, email, or use this link:

Scheduling Link
Vestry Members, Staff, and Ministry Areas

Rev. Marlene E. Forrest, Rector

Diem Miller, Office Manager

SENIOR WARDEN: Thomas Beatty

TREASURER: Vickie Seymour

REGISTER: Carolyn Lanier

Ernie Armstrong
Carol Arrington-Sims
Tim Brown
Alan Foster, Sr.
Melissa Greene
Nathaniel Lewis
Sarah McDermott
To learn about a specific ministry or associated programs, please contact the vestry liaison for more information.

Sarah McDermott

Community Engagement:
Ernie Armstrong

Pastoral Care:
Nathaniel Lewis

In the near term, vestry liaisons will be assigned to:
WORSHIP (All things Sunday morning)

MINISTER OF MUSIC: Dr. Willis L. Barnett


VERGER: Nathaniel Lewis

SEXTON: Richard LeTang

St. Philip's Episcopal Church
(804) 321-1266
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Province III of the Episcopal Church Newsletter