In preparation for the Together in Hope Ministry Fair coming October 3rd (more information soon!), we'll be featuring one or two ministries each week. Check out today's featured ministry after the news in this email!

Amanda Fulton, Communications Team
Got a question or a tip for the eNews? Email me here!
Beginning October 3, you are invited to worship with St. Columba’s in one of four ways:
Inside – in the Church Nave
  • 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 
  • 9:00 am Holy Eucharist with choir; live-streamed
Outside – in the Courtyard
  • 9:15 am Wee Worship for young children and their families 
  • 11:15 am Courtyard Worship; Holy Eucharist with choir
  • We will worship in heat and cold; in sunshine, rain or snow; dress accordingly!
  • Prerecorded worship continues online through October 3rd. Live-streamed worship will be available online from 9:00 am, beginning October 3rd
Columba Circles, Prayer Groups, House Churches, and more
  • Opportunities abound to gather throughout the week for prayer and fellowship; details can be found at 
Super Sundae Sunday!
Coming 10 am, October 3rd

In a typical year, our programs for adult and child formation would begin just after Labor Day, under the celebratory title “Sundae Sunday”. This year, because we are beginning our program year on October 3rd, AND we’re reopening the Nave after its refurbishment, AND we’re hosting the “Together in Hope Ministry Fair”, AND we’ll have ice cream, we are calling October 3rd “Super Sundae Sunday”! See details below:

You had me at ice cream.
  • Join us for one of our services, online or in-person, and then join us for an IN-PERSON celebration at the grounds of St. Columba’s at 10am. We’ll have ice cream treats for all!

Tour the refurbished Nave.
  • Take a tour of the Nave, with our new flooring, paint, spruced-up stained glass, and more.
Learn about the work of St. Columba’s and how to get involved.
  • Take a tour of our diverse array of ministries at the “Together in Hope Ministry Fair”, showcasing the ministries of St. Columba’s and ways to get involved. Curious about how to sign up for Bible study, book groups, engagement opportunities for all ages, Sunday formation for children and adults, choir and handbells, or ways to participate in our Ending Family Homelessness Ministry? Join us at 10 am on October 3rd (ice cream in hand) on the sidewalks of Albemarle and 42nd!
Fun for the whole family (including the four-legged members!)
  • St. Columba annually commemorates St. Francis of Assisi, by blessing the animals on the Sunday closest to the 13th century saint's feast day. So gather up your pets or photos of pets and join us for a blessing at 5pm in our Courtyard!
On Saturday, September 25th, Samaritan Ministry, St. Columba’s, St. Alban’s, and Friends of the National Cathedral will gather to participate in a Samaritan Ministry Empower our Neighbors in Need Community Walk!

We will gather at 9 a.m. in our courtyard, hear from leaders from participating churches about Samaritan’s work with our neighbors and then join a walk to the National Cathedral. For more information and to register, visit the Samaritan Ministry page or our website. For further information about Samaritan and the Walk, contact your Samaritan Ministry Partner Parish Rep Joe Kolar.
St. Columba’s is participating in the DC-sponsored Art All Night on Saturday September 25 from 7:00 – 9:30. Come enjoy exhibits in the common by local artists, and then enjoy walking around Tenleytown for more inspiration and entertainment. For safety, masks will be worn inside the church.

Plus, our fabulous new Wee Worship musician, Sara Curtin, will be performing with her award-winning DC folk duo The Sweater Set at Middle C Music, 4530 Wisconsin Avenue, from 7:30-8:30 pm! (And swing by the church after!)
Sing with the Celtic Choir

The Celtic Choir, our group of adult singers who support and lead the music at our 9 am indoor worship service, would like to encourage those who love to sing to add their voices to this important ministry. The group sings with the Children's and Gallery Choirs each Sunday at 9 am, and rehearses 10:10-10:30 am right after the service.

Please contact Anne Timpane at if you have any questions or are interested in singing with the group.
Grown ups - share God's love with our youngest Columbans by helping with Columba Crew (Sunday School) on the playground for 7 weeks starting October 10! Sign up or view more details here!
We just launched a brand new family ministry newsletter! This is your one stop shop for all children and youth formation news. Subscribe here and read the latest edition here!
Sacred Ground classes are again being offered at St. Columba’s this fall. This powerful program consists of 10 meetings which supports the church’s commitment to racial healing and justice in our personal lives, parish, and society. To learn more, visit our website here or register here.
Ron Larson died on September 5. May his soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Please hold his wife Polly, and all of Ron's family, in your prayers. A service will be held in the Courtyard on September 26 at 12:30 pm.
Spotlight on: Samaritan Ministry
Samaritan Ministry brings together our neighbors who face poverty, homelessness or other debilitating challenges with partner leaders, donors, volunteers and staff in a shared ministry that improves the lives of all throughout the Washington area, one next step and neighbor at a time. St. Columba's is proud to be a partner parish.

For further information about Samaritan, contact Samaritan Ministry Partner Parish Rep Joe Kolar.
Courtyard Sundays

8am Service without Music
9:15am Wee Worship
10:30am Service with Music

We recently released new worship guidelines as we continue to respond to the COVID crisis. Read the update here for information on new worship times, safety protocol, nave construction updates, and a special announcement about this year's SUPER Sundae Sunday!
Looks Like Rain? Grab Your Umbrella!

St. Columba’s will now hold Sunday worship services outside, rain or shine! It will be pared down in order to spare our audio equipment, but if you’re willing to withstand the elements, we’ll be there to worship with you. Don’t prefer the rain? Join us for our Sunday services online!

Sermons, Daily Breads, and Faith Stories are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Listen and subscribe!
Our pastoral team is here to help with everything: emergencies, spiritual guidance and direction, and conversation. Visit this page or contact the Pastoral Team for more information.
Weekly drop-in Bible studies

Sunday Bible Study

9:00 am – with David Griswold - via Zoom or in-person in room 212.
Contact the session leader for more information.

Wednesday Bible & Book Study - 10:00am - with David Griswold. Always open to new or periodic participants. Contact the session leader for call-in instructions.

Thursday Morning Bible Study - weekly at
9 am via Zoom. Contact Jon McBride for call-in instructions.

See our other prayer groups and Bible studies online at our website!

Learn more at

How to Find us Online
Need a crash course in finding things online?
Here are some helpful links ...

Prayer Groups Find our daily/weekly/monthly Prayer Groups here.

How to Connect during the coronavirus crisis?

Click here for an archive of #ColumbaDailyBread inspirations or find them on St. C's YouTube Channel. #PassTheBread and join the conversation by including #ColumbaDailyBread in your social media posts.

Instagram Download the Instagram app on your phone, go to St. C's on Instagram at @stcolumbas.dc and follow us.

St. C's Nursery School
For live events, go to the Nursery School's Facebook page.

Zoom Video Conferencing When looking to join a Zoom meeting, contact the meeting leader by email and ask for the meeting link and meeting ID number. Passwords may be required. Note: You may opt to join the meeting via telephone also, by using the call-in telephone number.