Amira Elghawaby Was appointed As Canada’s first Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia. Amira Elghawaby Is Good Friends With Jew Hater Zahra Billoo!

 Amira Elghawaby Was appointed As Canada’s first Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia. Amira Elghawaby Is Good Friends With Jew Hater Zahra Billoo!

Jew Hater Zahra Billoo wasted no time in congradulating her friend Amira Elghawaby on her appointment.

"Zahra Billoo on Twitter: "Congratulations to Amira!"

Prime Minister announces appointment of Canada’s first Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia | Prime Minister of Canada:

Amira Elghawaby has also posed for pictures with antisemite  Zahra Billoo

American activist Zahra Billoo, the executive-director of CAIR-SFBA said in a panel at the AMP Annual Conference that took place on November 27, 2021 that the two-state solution is “laughable” and any organization that supports it is an enemy. She told the audience that the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Federation, “Zionist Synagogues,” and Hillel chapters on “our campuses” are not their friends. Billoo said that they will throw the Muslims under the bus. She further urged the audience to donate monthly to AMP, because if they pay U.S. taxes, this means that they financially support “apartheid” every month.

Additional background information on Zahra Billoo from Canary Mission:

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The Never Again Live Phone-In Podcast with Meir Weinstein is a weekly show and it will focus on changing Jewish leadership and exposing physical as well as philosophical BDS "social justice" threats to Jewish Communities Globally. The Never Again Podcast is live and will have guests and a phone in. We need your support to purchase additional equipment for our Never Again studio and to promote the Never Again Podcast through all social media to reach the masses. Let's do it together.

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