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Ascension Revealed

“The world is evolving away from the dominance hierarchy system into a more inclusive circular mode of operation.” 

~ Meg Benedicte

3-Part Online Workshop Series

Ascension Revealed

Illuminating a Road Map for the Four Stages of Ascension

with Meg Benedicte & Debra Giusti, Authors of Ascension Tips

February 23 | March 9 | March 16

5:00-7:00 pm Pacific Time

*Replays Available for All Who Register!

Watch Part 1 For Free

Have you deeply sensed that a massive shift is occurring within yourself and throughout the planet?

This shift is known as Ascension. 

Ascension is the accelerated spiritual process occurring within humanity and all planetary lifeforms during this cosmic evolutionary cycle. We are experiencing a personal and collective transformation during this unique time on the planet. 

This "Planetary Ascension" is currently accelerating and offers everyone the opportunity to live and manifest from a state of Oneness.

Join Ascension Guides Meg Benedicte and Debra Giusti as they share helpful tips for your Ascension Journey. Based on deep spiritual wisdom and personal experience, Meg and Debra will share in-depth evolutionary information outlined in the Ascension Tips ebook. They will provide personal and dynamic support for your unique Ascension pathway. 

You can download the Ascension Tips booklet here for free right now!

In the 3-part Ascension Revealed series, they will discuss the Four Stages of the Ascension Process: 1) Your Awakening, 2) Complete Transmutation, 3) Soul Embodiment, and 4) The Divine Human in the New Earth. 

Discover why this process is taking place in your life and how, with awareness and spiritual focus, you can maximize your Ascension Journey in this lifetime

Each session will include a special Ascension Activation Meditation.

Join the 2-hour program live, or enjoy the replays.

Ascension Revealed Part 1 (Complimentary!)

Ascension Revealed 3-Part Workshop Series 

Ascension Tips - FREE DOWNLOAD

*Replays Available for All Who Register!

Learn Why These Extraordinary Times Offer

Such a Significant Opportunity for Ascension


Join The Planetary Ascension!

Free to watch!

Find out why you chose to incarnate during these evolutionary times and how you can take advantage of this accelerated spiritual process. Meg and Debra will give an overview of the Ascension Tips booklet, which shares 88 tips in 4 different sections, including 1) Your Awakening, 2) Complete Transmutation, 3) Soul Embodiment, and 4) The Divine Human in the New Earth. Discover how and why your life is going through this transformation and how you can maximize your Ascension Journey through awareness and spiritual practice. Meg and Debra will share their personal stories from their Ascension Journeys and highlight experiences you may already be undergoing or will likely show up on your path. They will also share critical spiritual practices that support the Ascension process. At the end of the session, there will be a Q&A and an Ascension Activation Meditation experience.

Get Workshop Part 1 Now


DEEP EXPLORATION into Ascension Stages 1 and 2:

Your Awakening and Complete Transmutation

Discover Mastering the Magic of Synchronicities, Harnessing the Power of Traveling to Sacred Sites, Undergoing Shadow Work, and Utilizing Galactic Transmissions. You will also learn more about how to take advantage of each tip. 

Section 1: THE AWAKENING: Guidance for the Beginning of Your Ascension Journey is the first stage of Ascension. 

Section 2: TRANSMUTATION: Supportive Wisdom for One of the Most Amazing Alchemical Transformations of Your Life.

Get the Whole Series 


DEEP EXPLORATION into Ascension Stages 3 and 4:

Soul Embodiment and The Divine Human in the New Earth

Explore each tip in-depth, from Living in Nonduality to Developing Extrasensory Capabilities to Existing in 5D to Instantly Manifesting. You will discover how you can take advantage of every tip. 

Section 3 - EMBODIMENT: Experience the Complete Soul Embodiment of Your Ascension Process is the third stage of Ascension. 

Section 4: DIVINE HUMAN: Become a Divine Human Through the Planetary Ascension and Live in the 5D New Earth

Get the Whole Series

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Simple Guidance for

Your Remarkable Expedition

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