Get Organized with This 32-Item Year-End Close Checklist
A great way to make a wonderful start to 2020 is to wrap up 2019 feeling organized and on top of the world. Here’s a checklist of items that you can start now to make your year-end close go smoother than ever before. And don’t worry if you don’t know how to do some of these tasks – that’s what we’re here for.
The Ten Biggest Money Leaks in Your Accounting System -
Free Report Download!
The last thing most entrepreneurs want is for their hard-earned dollars to go down the drain because of a money leak in their business. Since so many entrepreneurs are working harder than ever before earning their living, it just makes sense to shore up every profit leak possible. But you might not know where they are or what to look for. That’s where we can help.
As your tax professional, we may be asking you additional questions next year that are required by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Tax preparers must collect new information from clients who qualify for any of the following tax credits: