cosmetic skin care
beauty buzz
april 2017
In This Issue
Jump Into Spring!
Achieving Brilliant, Radiant, Brighter Skin!
Did You Know?
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Jump Into Spring With Our Exciting New Microdermabrasion Skin Peel !!!
Our exciting new Microdermabrasion Skin Peel  is designed to gently resurface and strengthen the skin, resulting in immediate hydration and luminosity...with no downtime - for only $85 !  Call today to schedule your Microdermabrasion Skin Peel  with one of our Certified Skin Care Specialists!  856-751-7550

Achieving Brilliant, Radiant, Brighter Skin!
As our facial skin ages, it loses more and more of its ability to reflect light. Subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) pigmentations progressively accumulate in both the superficial and deeper layers of the facial skin making it actually look slightly darker. Years of sun damage and weathering also tends to give the facial skin a darker hue. Simultaneously, the sun and the elements add some wrinkles and lines that absorb more light than they reflect, unlike the smoother skin we had when we were younger. Read more...
Did You Know?
Did you know that for as little as $25 a month you could have weekly treatments with us such as The Verju Green Laser or Microdermabrasion?
Call us - 856-MAKEOVER - to find out how!!!
Lyle M. Back, M.D. and the staff of
Cosmetic Skin Care Specialists of Cherry Hill


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DISCLAIMER : 'Cosmetic Skin Care Specialists Beauty Buzz'  is for information purposes only and is not intended to be interpreted as medical advice nor to substitute as an alternative to a complete medical evaluation. Patients should be examined by and consult with a Board Certified physician for more complete and detailed information and a personal treatment plan based accordingly. Any information appearing in 'Beauty Buzz' is not intended as a guarantee of results or warranty, express or implied. Links to third party websites are provided as a convenience only; 'Beauty Buzz' assumes no responsibility for their content.