Thank you SLO County and SLO New Times!
Even though our theatre has been dark for over a year and our only "show" these days is a virtual one, YOU did it again. Thank you SLO County for voting us the BEST LOCAL THEATRE GROUP for the 13th year in a row! (Cue Sally Field Oscar speech: "You like us, you really like us!") You can see all the winners in today's NEW TIMES right HERE. Thank you for voting us #1 again!
No Intermission Show this Week!
Sorry folks, but there will be no show tomorrow. Our team here at SLO REP has been spending the past two weeks learning all about our brand-spanking-new ticketing system and believe you me, it's amazing! But that set-up and training has left very little time (or brain cells) to bring you that Grand Finale Episode we've been promising you.
There WILL be a finale!
Just not this week.
But all is not lost! You can watch all your favorite past episodes on our YouTube Channel by clicking the link below.
We'll be back very, VERY soon with our FINAL, FINAL episode of
#MayFlowerInitiative in Downtown SLO
“This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.” -William Shakespeare
May is for flowers in downtown SLO and SLO REP has joined the garden! Artist Sara McGrath has lent her skills to decorate our windows on Palm Street with Shakespeare and flowers. Created by our friends at Downtown SLO, the #MayFlowerInitiative "showcases the creativity, innovation, and resilience of local artists and businesses transforming the windows of businesses into canvases on display for the public to enjoy." Join us as we stop and smell the flowers all along the way!
An Update on Reopening Plans
We are getting closer and closer to that reopening date! But we're still keeping all the details under our hats for now. The show has been chosen, the actors cast, the posters designed (hint on the right), rehearsals have begun. It's happening, folks! But if this past year has taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't count on anything. So, cross all your fingers and toes and mark your calendars for the middle of June. We'll keep you posted and let you know when tickets are on sale!
Thanks again for sticking with us while our stage has been dark. Your generous donations over the past year have helped to make it possible for SLO REP to come back stronger than ever; and when we do, we’ll pick up right where we left off, exactly the way you remember us. Maybe even better. Your gift today will help SLO REP come roaring back this summer! Thank you for your support!
There are still a few slots left for our HUGE assortment of summer camps running June-August. Sign your youngster up for camp and get them out of the house and into the ACT!
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Theatre plays a critical role in shaping our culture and our community, and has a responsibility to enact positive change through its work, practices, educational programs and policies. SLO REP is committed to being an actively anti-racist organization that is welcoming to all. To learn more about SLO REP's anti-racism work and commitments, please CLICK HERE.