Where coming to shul is like coming home

Schedule of Services

Friday, February 9

7:00am - Shacharit

4:58pm - Candle lighting

5:00pm - Minchah / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv

  • Kabbalat Shabbat - Matan Doron

Shabbat, February 10 (Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim)

9:30am - Chevra Mishnayot

10:00am - Shabbat Morning Tefilot

  • Shacharit - Jonathan Greenberg
  • Torah Reader - Harry Weller, David Gibeley, Matan Doron, Rabbi Adler
  • Haftorah - Matan Doron
  • Musaf - Rabbi Adler

Kiddush Fund Contributors

Sam and Lisa Kassow

in memory of Celia Kassow

Roselle Weiner

mazel tov to the Benjamin family on the birth of their first grandson!

4:55pm - Minchah / Seudah Shelishit / Maariv

6:00pm - Havdallah

Sunday, February 11

8:30am - Morning Tefilot

5:05pm - Minchah/Maariv

Monday - Thursday

7:00am - Shacharit

5:05pm - Minchah/Maariv

Friday, February 16

7:00am - Shacharit

5:07pm - Candle lighting

5:10pm - Minchah / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv

Beth David Super Bowl Fundraiser Details


Delicious Shabbat Dinner!

Tefillah B'Yachad (Women's Tefillah) with Maharat Intern Talia Weisberg!

Israel talks by Larry Berson, Laurie Feldman,

 Alan Solinsky, and Harry Weller!

Early Bird Pricing until February 20!

All are welcome!

Register Here!

Join our Beth David WhatsApp Community!

Need a plumber recommendation? Looking for guest housing in the eruv? Want a babysitter? Join the Beth David Schmooze and ask away!

The Beth David Schmooze is a new WhatsApp community for members to connect with each other, chat, ask for recommendations, and share updates.

Scan the QR code below to join, or CLICK HERE.

Please NO political statements, off-color jokes, lashon hara (gossip), etc.

Monthly Middot Mornings

Sunday, February 11, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Beth David Synagogue 

Estee Axelrad invites your teen or pre-teen to delve into a lively meaningful curriculum based on Mishna principles of character, reflection and growth, also with hands-on activities. All children are welcome but should be mature enough to read and write independently and participate in discussions with some depth. If you haven't already, please RSVP to Alyssa Norwood ([email protected] or 860.424.1345) no later than Sunday February 4. Also, please mark your calendar with dates for the remainder of the year: March 10, April 14, and May 5

Click here to see a video message to Beth David from some of the recipients of our care packages to soldiers in the IDF.

As of this week, we sent four duffel bags.

New items have been added.

We need your support to fill more duffel bags

for the coming weeks.

Please log in below at the light blue box.

Please click this box to support this campaign.

We have been ending our Shabbat tefilot with HaTikvah since October 7. Some members have asked for a copy of the words. If you need, please clip this box and bring it with you to shul.

Click here for a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Marc Angel on this week's parsha.

The War

As Israel navigates the war against Hamas, and we celebrate the release of hostages, let us not forget those Israelis who paid the ultimate price. Please CLICK HERE for brief biographies of brothers and sister that have been lost.

From the Beth David Inbox -

From Elisha and Anat Rosenzweig

"As you can imagine, things here in Israel are challenging, but B"H we are doing fine, and Gd willing we will get out of this soon, and stronger for it.

anted to share that I've started to record a "war diary" of the Israel-Hamas war that is taking place these days around us, tracking how things evolve from our perspective. The point is to give people - especially those who are not Israeli, but want to gain a sense of how things are here, "on the ground" - a sense of what it feels like, as well as what are the personal, political and strategic forces at work. I'm not a reporter or an expert in anything related to this war. Just an informed citizen of the State of Israel, who has lived in this tiny country in the Middle East most of his life and so has (hopefully) a broad context within which to help place these events. So far I've done two episodes. I'll be trying to do these in a semi-daily manner."  Click here for Elisha's updates, and save the link.

Feel free to not only watch but also share with those you think would find this meaningful. 

Hope to see you soon, in quieter times, Elisha Rosenzweig and Family

In Pursuit of Information -

There is a massive amount of information filling our inboxes multiple times daily with updates from Washington, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The Times of Israel is a source you might want to consider. Click Here.

Memorial Candle

Upcoming Yahrzeits

Leah Polman, Mother of Harriet Goldsher

Samuel Greenberg, Father of Leba Bernstein, Father of Samuel Rubin

Eleanor Lomasky, Grandmother of Levi Lomasky

Gussie Chase, Mother of Joyce Solomon

Bennie Egdish, Father of Lauri Greenstein

Murray Federman, Father-in-law of Jean Federman

Madeleine Rich, mother of Patrick Rich

Rachel Wise, Great-grandmother of Amy Mondschein

Ruth Epstein, Sister of Elaine Schwartz

Iyzik Mogulskiy, Father of Viktor Mogulskiy

Dr. Gerald L Stepakoff, Father of Jonathan Greenberg

Ruth Federman, Mother-in-law of Jean Federman

Yitzchok Margolin, Uncle of Bella Klebanov

May their memories be bound in the Heavenly bond of life eternal.


Would you like to support Beth David

by donating to one (or more) of our charitable funds?

Click Here

to visit our Donations Page

for charitable opportunities.

If you need to visit the Beth David office for any business matter or for an appointment with Rabbi Adler, please call (860-236-1241) to schedule an appointment. Please ask for an appointment only if you have no reason to be in quarantine or isolation.

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Office Administrator     [email protected]

Lior Krinsky, Director [email protected]

Rabbi Yitzchok Adler    [email protected]

Beth David Synagogue 860-236-1241
