May 3 - Puget Sound
1830 -north end Hartstine close to east side of the island.
Susan Freiler Mendenhall
6:15p.m. - Heading down the east side of case passage near Heron. There is a white JetSki that keeps popping ahead of them. Bad. There is a blue and white jet ski being very respectful.
Boomer Pawkette
6:14 p.m. - We counted 6 Orcas past us about 5 minutes now they are in the middle of the inlet between Hartstine Point and Herron island
Mark Lemon
6:00 p.m. -
Killer whales in Case Inlet. We just watched a pod of killer whales (7-8) - several babies in Case Inlet. Looked like they were herding fish into a ball. They were "shoulder to shoulder". A little spy hopping & breaching. No adult males seen.
Julie Lasnetske
5:52 p.m. - Just south of Vaughn Bay shores very active and jumping
Garrett Aries
5:45 p.m. - Orca sighting Case Inlet. We have the pleasure of seeing 6 orcas in Case Inlet down from Vaughn Bay. Feeding. Lat: 47.2675°NLon: 122.57611°W
Mary Lemon
5:28 p.m- Heading south. They are just past Vaughn Bay
4:53 p.m. - In Rocky Bay
Brent Kobayashi
5:11 p.m. - Looks like they are headed back out of Case Inlet
5:05 p.m. - they are across from Vaughn Bay spit in the middle of the inlet.
Cheryl Burnett
4:11 p.m. - We are sitting at the Boathouse in Allyn and see them off the point. Maybe 3
Paul Vicha
Approx 3:55 p.m. - They were still heading north for Allyn.
3:18 p.m - Nine or ten just north of Stretch Island! Very active, lots of tail slapping and spyhopping. Males and small (babies) noted!
Danielle Vance
2:58 p.m. - At Stretch Island now
Garrett Aries
1:45 pm They just went back past our place on Pickering Passage . At least 9 in the pod. Northish bound toward Stretch Island. Probably past Jarrell Cove by now. Lots of tail slaps and breaching.
Katje Hansen
1:45 p.m. - Approx 6-8? heading north up Pickering Passage across from Jarrell Cove.
Allison Walker Wilson
12:45 p.m. - They are heading toward Harstine Bridge headed south towards Pickering Passage.
Troy Hansen
12:08 p.m. - Heading down west side of Harstine now. Into Pickering passage.
(we have T100s, T86As, Bart has also ID'd 124As, Possibly 101's.)
Renee Beitzel
11:21 a.m - Currently at the North end of Stretch island, slowly southbound.
Brian McGinn
11:15 a.m. - heading south. Case inlet, between Reach Island and Vaughn bay.
Pamela Jarrett Berger
11:10 a.m - they are across the bay from Vaughn Bay. I counted 5.
Cheryl Burnett
Bart Rulon IDs: we definitely had the T86As, T100s, T101s, T124As, and T124Ds with us today on Chilkat down south. They just spent the whole time socializing!!
11:05 a.m. - Found them! Large group heading south in case Inlet just north of Stretch Island! So far looks like 3 groups. 100's and others. Super playful and surface active. One really small calf with lots of energy!
Renee Beitzel, Chilkat
10:42 a.m. - They at Rocky Point.
10:26 a.m - They are headed South out of North Bay. About 7 or 8 of them. Beautiful.
10:19 a.m - See them they are right off of Allyn.
Steve Nieto
10:10 a.m. - North Bay, Case Inlet Orca Sighting: The pod of orcas that has been seen in south Puget Sound lately is now in North Bay near Allyn. We have counted at least 10 individuals (including at least one adult male). The pod was here yesterday, too. Playing ad traveling and possibly feeding.
Pat Karman
10:39 .m - Heading back South past Treasure Island.
10:13 a.m. - they are down by Allyn just South of the dock. Same group as last night. Large male. Spy hopping, tail slaps and breaching.
0:08 a.m. - they are getting close- North Bay area towards Allyn.
Beverly Lynch McCallum.
9:58 a.m. - Orca sighting in North Bay, by Allyn, WA. We sighted about 10 or more Orcas near Allyn WA in North Bay, just north of Case Inlet. Stayed there for around 30 minutes or so. Very cool to see from shore! 1 big male for sure, maybe 2.
They seemed to be playing, several spy hopping, tail splashing and breaching.
Martha Wells (photo below)
Photo by Martha Wells, May 3, 2017 (report above) |
Sighted in North Bay, Case Inlet, Allyn, WA. Came from the south, arrived 9:58am, stayed until 10:28am, then traveled south. Most I could count at one time was 7. Photo by Shirley McNeil,May 3, 2017 |
Photo by Shirley McNeil, May 3, 2017 |
Photo by Shirley McNeil, May 3, 2017 |
Pec fin... Photo by Shirley McNeil, May 3, 2017 |
9:07 a.m. - They are heading towards Allyn
8:56 a.m. - They are currently out off of stretch island looking out toward Vaughn bay.
Garrett Aries
May 2 - Puget Sound
8:45 p.m. - Orcas just came through by Herron Point (ferry on mainland) on way north up to Vaughn in Case Inlet. Beautiful!!!
Bambi Lynn Fegley
7:59 p.m. - Pod of Orcas off Johnson Point heading south toward Harstine.
Robyn Enders
6:23 p.m. - They seem to have stalled between Zittle's and Anderson Island. They are circling there, perhaps feeding.
6:15 p.m Passing Johson Pt. heading south. Appears to be the same group as yesterday, males, females with calves. I could count 8 up at the same time.
Joan Ahre
5:46 p.m. - @ Wilson Pt. and out of my visual range now.
5:36 p.m. - Hugging Hartstine shoreline just north of Wilson PT southbound
5:31 p.m. - Approximately 10 between Joemma and Fudge Pt.
5:23 p.m. - Southbound mid channel .5 mile SE of McMicken Island
Doug Olson
5:18 p.m. - Orcas heading south in Case Inlet. Were traveling slower than yesterdays sighting going north in Case inlet. group was more separated than yesterday.
Debby Klippert Tropiano
3:50 p.m. - At least seven Orca in Case Inlet down by Treasure Island bridge just milling around.
Beverly Lunch McCallum
3:10 p.m. -They are by Stretch island and still headed north rapidly. There were at least 8, maybe more. We were too far to get a better count. This group had the little one in tow. They came from Pickering Pass.
Nick Wenzel
3:10 p.m. - Orca whale sighting in Case inlet all morning and @3:10pm off the south end of Stretch Island headed north toward Allyn. 8-10 Orcas (incl 3 large Males) about 200 hundred yards of the beach, really, really COOL!!! Feeding
Mark Knauss
1:10 p.m. - Orcas, Pickering passage, west side of channel across from Jarrel cove. 3 or more adults plus 2 juveniles southbound in Pickering passage. At approx 1:10 pm
John Murray
About 11:00 a.m. - Pretty large group off the north point of Harstine Island. Moving northeast, some leaping and splashing.
Kathleen Tucker
11:00 a.m. - I saw a pod near Allyn, WA today.
(Case Inlet) At least one adult male...just off Treasure Island.
I saw at least five but there may have been more. They were about a half mile off shore.
Suzanne Scuderi
May 1 - Hammersley Inlet
Libby Point heading east toward Arcadia point at 1 pm, may 1.
Debbera Coker
12:34 p.m. - Just turned around - heading east
12:31 p.m. - In front of Walker Park, across the bay, heading west.
Becky Wilson
12:40 p.m. - Old Arcadia Rd, 2 orcas leaving toward Arcadia Pt direction.
12:25 p.m. - Old Arcadia Rd, Hammersley Inlet, pod of 4 orcas heading toward Walker Park Shelton. Swimming slowly no breaching or slapping.
Patricia Lambert
NOON - 2 Orcas traveling in Hammersley Inlet heading toward Shelton. Observed between Libby Point and Church Pt. at noon on may 1.
Debbera Coker
11:00-Noon - Orca sighting in Hammersley today! 5 Orcas in Hammersley! We were about 2 miles up the Inlet from Arcadia Point. They cruised past us going west, up inlet against tide, 11am. An hour later, we saw them coming back toward us, headed east with tide back out toward Squaxin.
Not sure if they hung a left north up Pickering or a right south toward Dana Passage. Definitely one large male, maybe two smaller males, then perhaps two females..? Travelling, on a mission. Moving fast up inlet against tide, then cruised past us on way out with tide. Breaching (surfacing) only to breathe, no playfulness at all.
Adam Stocks
9:00 a.m. - Orca whale sighting - We followed a pod of Orcas out of Hammersley Inlet , they headed down Totten (Inlet)
Susan Morgan
8:52 a.m. - They came quickly through the inlet into Shelton...stayed a short time - did some "celebrating" (breeching / tail slapping) and slowly headed back out the inlet. (Looked like 2 females, each with a baby alongside.) I'm near Walker Park...
Becky Wilson
7:50 a.m. - Three (maybe more) orcas in Hammersley Inlet. Westbound towards Oakland Bay. Photo by Pamela Burger, May 1, 2017 (Melisa Pinnow, CWR, ID notes from looking at several of Pamela's photos: " I see T68B1 for sure. Maybe the rest of the T68Bs are still there ") |
Photo by Pamela Burger, May 1, 2017
Photo by Pamela Burger, May 1, 2017 |
May 1- Tacoma/Olympia
7:59 p.m. - Looks like they're just hanging out at the north tip of the island. Must be having a good dinner.
7:35 p.m. - Orcas off the north tip of Harstine Island in Case Inlet right now. Heading south I believe
Bambi Lynn Fegley
6:28 p.m. - headed northbound along east side of Harstine Island. Headed towards Dougall Point.
Brian Farver
6:04 p.m. - They may have split around Herron Island. Some appeared to be going on W. side of Island NB
5:52 p.m. - Pod (8-10 with at least 2 males) is between Herron Island and Key Peninsula (In Case Inlet)
5:37 p.m. - northbound Case Inlet mid channel @ Fudge Point
Doug Olson
4:58 p.m. - At least 8, looked to be probably 3 little ones. Yes, at least one male traveling in the group. Couldn't count the females. They are headed back north still on the far side of the bay.
4:25 p.m. - Much larger group now in front of Taylor Bay. They have gone to Devils Head and back.
Joan Ahre
(photo below)
Photo by Joan Ahre, May 1, 2017 |
(Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research looked through all of Chris Hamilton's photos (some included below) here are her ID notes: "I am thinking it was at least the T100s, T124Ds, T86As, and the T101s. Maybe some T124As are in there too but I am not sure yet." )
Taken from southern end of Dana Passage as the whales were still heading southbound. Shortly after this, they turned around and headed northbound through Dana Passage again. Report by Kim Merriam, Photo by Chris Hamilton, May 1, 2017 |
Photo by Chris Hamilton, May 1, 2017 |
Photo by Chris Hamilton, May 1, 2017 |
T86A3 with notch and others... Photo by Chris Hamilton, May 1, 2017
T100C (born 2002) Photo by Chris Hamilton, May 1, 2017 |
1:43 - at least 8. Maybe 10. Just turned around and headed north again, entering Dana Passage with Harstine Island on their left/west. Long dives. Just traveling.
12:30 p.m. - Approx. 5 adults and a few juvenile orcas passing in front of Henderson Inlet, heading south into Dana Passage and toward Boston Harbor/Budd inlet.
Kim Merriman
11:53 a.m. - Watching 6 heading northbound past Johnson Pt., Olympia. We are on the east side of the point.
Joan Ahre
Approx 11:45 a.m. - I was out on a boat there were about 30 heading south on the east side of Anderson island... they were everywhere it was amazing.
It looked they split into a couple groups right after Anderson island
(pin drop shows split at south end Harstine) I was shocked to see how many there were it was beautiful. They had
at least 2 babies in their pod...I'm pretty positive I saw jigsaw super long jagged dorsal fin
(probably T86A3) ...
When they split the group that went left had a baby, two HUGE males, and a couple females all close together. The other group also had a baby maybe two, and more females than males. They started gravitating closer to shore by Anderson island. I didn't see which way the one that looked like jigsaw went. They were moving pretty quickly.
Jami Cantrell
9:49 a.m. - Orca off Steilacoom, heading southwest towards Anderson. I saw 2, not swimming close to each other.
JJ Davern
10:30 a.m - - AI FB page reported that they were still headed south and folks who saw them from the Riviera Marina on Anderson Island counted
about 10 in all.
9:40 a.m. - - they just passed the Anderson Island ferry and are headed south around the east side of Anderson Island.
2 groups - 3 and 2 (5 total) - update 6...there is one straggler still north of Ketron.
9:30 a.m. - Bob Wagner from Fox Island reported to the Anderson Island (AI) FB page that they just left Steilacoom ferry dock and are headed toward Ketron right now
Belen Biligc Schneider
9:17 a.m - Just spotted them at Chambers Bay heading south.
Jamie Taylor
8:35 a.m. -
(photo below)
Southbound towards Chambers Bay from West shore of Day Island. Larger pod towards Fox Island Bridge moving swiftly Southbound along North shore of Fox Island.
Karen Caldwell
T101's big boys: T102, T101A & T101B south of Day Island, south of Tacoma Narrows. Photo by Karen Caldwell, May 1, 2017 |
Video of the T101 boys. Video by Karen Caldwell, May 1, 2017 |
8:45 a.m. -
7+ including adult male, southbound seen from Titlow Beach...then out of sight.
8:24 am - 4+ heading southbound, mid channel still north of Tacoma Narrows bridge. And a spyhop!
Jill Clogston
Pod in the Tacoma Narrows. Photo by Jill Clogston, May 1, 2017 |
Photo by Jill Clogston, May 1, 2017. |
We just saw the orca pod of at least eight maybe up to 10 orcas midchannel southbound through the Narrows. We saw them 1/2 mile north of the Narrows Bridge at 8:15 AM. The whale at the head of the pod was huge, assuming a male but any other detail was impossible to see from my house. They were making good time. There was a nice variety in size and this time, no harassing boaters!
Susan Dynes
8:13 a.m. - They are just north of Narrows bridge. Southbound. There was at least 10, two large males in the lead. An adorable calf in the pod as well
8:00 a.m. Orca's north of Salmon Bay, heading south towards Narrows Bridge.
Lisa Durbin Charbonneau
Orca photo with zoom from my deck at Salmon Beach this morning looking south. Around 8:10am today. Tacoma Narrows bridge above. So much surface activity. I suspect they might've been feeding. Photo by Zeno Martin, May 1, 2017 |
About 7:45 this morning about ½ way between Owen Beach (Pt. Defiance, Tacoma) and Vashon. Five or 6, headed west-southwest
(toward the Narrows).
Stuart Bancroft
7:30 a.m. Just saw a pod of 4 orcas swimming north out of Commencement bay off of Brown's Point. (
possibly the T101s who appeaerd behind larger group in the Narrows- ALB)
Hannah Gottschall
Orca on the 6:45am Point Defiance/ Tahlequah ferry. Captain said they were out west towards Gig Harbor. A frantic seal was out there too. I didn't see the whales- stealth mode for breakfast? Transients? No idea of direction of travel.
Vanessa VanGilder
May 1 - Juan de Fuca
It was a long haul but in the end it paid off with a humpback whale and the T46Bs south of Sheringham. It's been a couple years since I'd seen this family and the kids had all grown quite a bit since then! The rolling swells way out west made for some interesting shots, including this one of T46B2. Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, May 1, 2017 |
April 30 - Saanich
1:00 a.m. - 5-7 orcas in Patricia Bay (west side of Saanich Peninsula, north of Victoria BC) early this afternoon. Appeared to be hunting/feeding. Also noticed heads fully out of water and tail slapping. Whole group approached boat. Photo by Bradley Fisher, April 30, 2017 (Looks like the T46Bs. - Melisa Pinnow, CWR) |
April 30 - Incoming Admiralty to Puget Sound
First saw orcas come into Elliot bay around 7:45. Started with a miles away teeny spyhop.
The group was coming SE at a normal pace, then did some showy business and started milling. They got to a point that is "go time" for me to get back behind lighthouse. As we approached the car I saw two very close to shore on the Alki side. So, naturally I got distracted and went to look. Then I had a feeling that those two were going down and sneaking over to lighthouse. That, is exactly what they did.
We raced backed over there, just as the giant bulls surfaced. I missed the shot. I am quite sure someone got one. There were many folks out there.
There were at least a dozen seals and sealions. It was as still as night and eerily quiet. As the bulls porpoised at a painfully slow rate we all thought we were going to see a horror show. They were liquid in their sound. It was almost dark, the sun was setting. None of the seals or lions moved or seemed to care. The sealions were even thermoregulating. It was bizarre. But they clan moved on, into the sunset and darkness.
Kersti Muul
Pod makes Alki in the waning light. Photo by Kerstin Muul, April 30, 2017 |
Photo by Kersti Muul, April 30, 2017 |
7:50 p.m. - Looks like they may be heading past Alki. Looks to be spread out. 2+ near eastern side of channel and 3+ on western side of channel heading south.
Melissa Mitchell
7:30 p.m.- They were slowly heading south/ west mid channel. They crossed the ferry channel & Bainbridge ferry probably got a nice view. I also saw a couple harbor porpoise near Magnolia shore.
Suzanna Joor
7:00 p.m. - pod of 5+ Incl. adult male now out from Shilshole probably. I think I saw another male approx a mile ahead and further west. All southbound. I need to leave, good luck.
6:44 p.m. - just pulled up to Carkeek they are south of me approaching Golden Gardens next. Steady pace east of mid channel, loosely grouped
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
6:40 p.m. - watching from Sunset Hill park, mid channel still heading south, passing Shilshole Bay Marina
Danielle Carter
6:00 p.m. - mid channel off Jefferson Head. Seem to be milling, potentially feeding. Lots of splashing and a full breach.
5:48 p.m. - Currently off President Point.
Mikail Kiva
5:57 p.m. - See fins and water spray...south of Kingston ferry.
Ryan Sheridan
They were in the middle of the navigation lanes at 5:15 pm, so west of mid-channel. ~3 miles due west of Edmonds at 5:15 pm.
Sherman Page
5:26 p.m. - mid-channel. At the ferry lane now. They are a bit spread out.
5:10 p.m. - Still southbound, approaching the Kingston/Edmonds ferry lane. Steady progress. 6-8 plus a large male in the rear.
4:55 p.m. - See them still heading south. Line of sight is Apple Tree Point to southwest tip of Whidbey. I'm terrible at judging where they are in the channel but would say they are mid-channel.
Sarah Frey
4:20-4:45pm I spotted them from Eglon, hugging the Whidbey side and following a WW Boat. I saw one Bull + 4-5 others - they were so far I couldn't tell much else. Traveling south at medium speed, then long down times before I lost sight as they approached the tip of Whidbey, guessing they would continue south along Mukilteo/Edmonds shoreline. DIdn't have internet out there, sorry for late post! Here are the little orca specks
Donna Green VanRenselaar
3:44 p.m. - spotted east off Point No Point headed south.
Amy McCormick
3:40 p.m. - Marilyn called from Point No Point to report seeing about four orcas in mid-channel, still heading south just north of the yellow buoy marker.
3.15 p.m. - from Mutiny Sands. Whales still heading south to yellow marker.
Sandra Pollard
2:40 p.m. - At least six including three adult males southbound off Double Bluff. toward Point No Point.
2:25 p.m. - TWO adult male orcas, about 4 miles N of Pt. No Point, closer to Whidbey side heading south toward Point No Point.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
2:15 pm - we just received a call from Sarah McDougal, reporting one orca about 1 mile south of Bush Pt, west Whidbey Island, heading south in Admiralty Inlet.
April 30 - South Puget Sound
12:58 p.m. - They are headed west around south side of McNeil, there were at least 5...3 adults and two younger ones. (no males)
Renee Beitzel
12:30 p.m. - Found them, south side of McNeil island now, must've switched direction and hurried south.
Brian McGinn
10:15 a.m. - They're at Raft Island
9:47 a.m. - Orcas headed towards Purdy right now.
8:00 a.m. - Orca sighting Henderson bay - Penrose State Park- I watched a pod of 4-6 orcas swim off of Penrose Point on the key peninsula near Gig Harbor.
Chas Walters
April 30 - Juan de Fuca
The Alaskan Unknowns was seen on April 30th at Race Rocks by us SpringTide whale watching and some other boats. They traveled with the T068, T068A (both confirmed with pictures) and possible T068C's. Possible that they left the Salish Sea because they traveled west. Photo by Marcus Bergstrom, April 30, 3017 |
April 29 - Puget Sound
(first half of this day was included in our last Whale Sighting Report dated April 29)
8:35 p.m. - out there amongst a colorful sky, beneath the Olympic mountains, the
pod of 6+ swims steadily northbound east of mid channel, just south of Richmond Beach in Shoreline.
8:15 p.m. - pod is traveling medium pace steady northbound grouped up, east of mid channel sight line Carkeek and Faye Bainbridge. (from Carkeek)
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
6:57 p.m. - Just had a pod of 4-6 cross the Bainbridge to Seattle ferry heading north mid channel.
Jay Burkett
Matriarch T68 as she passed Alki Point Lighthouse northbound at a fast clip far west side of main channel. Photo by Kersti Muul, April 29, 2017 |
Female and calf northbound off Alki. Photo by Kersti Muul, April 29, 2017 |
6:04 p.m. - Orca pod of three should be near Alki Point with BULL leading...
6:00p.m. - Bull and two smaller Orca's mid channel east side of Blake Island , followed them exiting Colvos passage at 5:45... I did not see them go west of Blake Island.
Katie Bradly
(photo below)
T68A north of Vashon - taken from Southworth ferry terminal. Photo by Kathe Bradley, April 29, 2017 |
5:50 p.m. - Mike at WS Ferries relayed a report of 5 orcas heading north out of Colvos Pass toward Yukon Harbor, along the west side of Blake Isl. (others saw pod exit on east side of Blake, possible split around the island?)
5:40 p.m. - Orcas between Southworth ferry Dock and Blake island. Just saw them from the ferry 3-4 whales.
Trina Loehndorf
5:33 p.m. - We've just seen this group heading north in Colvos Passage, approximately 1/2 mi S of the Southworth ferry terminal.
Rob Mosely
5:22 p.m. - Two on their way, 3/4 mile south of the dock (Southworth) . Big male also.
Fiona Hope
5:03 p.m. - Orca sighting. 5 (incl. 1 adult male) Heading north Colvos passage past Cove on Vashon Island. Traveling
Mark Timken
4:38 p.m. - Eyes on them from Lisabeulah Beach right now, closer to Southworth/Olalla side, headed northbound at a fast clip.
Marla Smith
4:00 p.m. - Moving up (northbound) Colvos Passage right now at a quick pace.
Bill Clogston
3:43 p.m. - Just reached Point Defiance Buoy
Michele riley Campbell
3:06 p.m. - Approaching Salmon Beach/ Point Defiance. Tacoma side steady North. At least 5, not sure exactly. Big male with them.
2:52 p.m. - They were passing under the bridge...just spotted a big dorsal not too far Past. Closer to Tacoma side. (northbound)
2:44 p.m. - they're moving fast now. Parallel to me at Narrows beach. Mid channel maybe closer to Tacoma side. We walked a ways down the beach so they haven't reached Narrows bridge yet but will soon
2:40 p.m. - they are north of Chambers Bay
2:32 p.m. - I can see them with binoculars from Narrows beach. Look to be off Chambers Bay - mid channel. Seeing dorsals & spouts. Seem to be milling around, maybe trending North. Chambers Bay or Fox Island pier would be good places to be right now. Maybe Narrows if they keep heading this way.
Heidi Armstrong
It was our day to see the orcas! We got up early, had breakfast then drove to the beach. After checking the e-mail, map and reports my husband looks at me to say;
"We may be here awhile. Hey, maybe we should go to Chambers Bay, have faith, Desiree!" He was completely right. When we got to the park our son just fell asleep, so the dog and I went to have a look. I saw lots of Harbor porpoise but no orcas.
After a long nap the boys found me and I kid you not, not even 10 mins later we saw six orcas with one beautiful baby! Now thats good timing!
Desiree Sauve
(photos below)
Spyhop off Chambers Bay. Photo by Desiree Sauve, April 29, 2017 |
Mama and little one. Photo by Desiree Sauve, April 29, 2017 |
2:11 p.m. - at least four orcas heading north in front of McNeil Island - saw from shore from DuPont.
1407 - Orcas Northbound East of McNeil Island mid channel off of Chambers Bay.
Tony Collins.
Approx. 1:20 p.m. - My boys and my mother in law saw them between Anderson and Ketron Islands about going south.
Marnie Benefiel Zumek
Taken Saturday morning at 9:30 in the Burley lagoon at Purdy. Photo by Matt Gordon, April 29, 2017 |
Today was really something. I watched Orca's swim in the Burley Lagoon, then swim under the Purdy Bridge back out into Henderson Bay. I grew up out there, playing on these shores, so seeing Orca's here is a check off my bucket list. ...Purdy Bridge!!! Traffic was stopped, both directions, as everyone was watching the Orcas. My zoom lens was too much, they were so close... T68A, the male in todays group.
Melissa Burke
Orcas at the Purdy Spit, WA Photo by Jack Devlin, A[ril 29, 2017 |
Oliver & Orcas
9:00 a.m. - Sighting in Carr Inlet. 4 orcas surfaced at 9am close to my rowing shell: 1 large and 3 smaller dorsal. There was 1 large dorsal fin... After surfacing very near my single rowing shell, they travelled north up into Henderson Bay.
Report by Oliver Kuhn-Wilken
Photo by Elizabeth Kuhn-Wilken, April 29, 2017
April 29 - 2nd Puget Sound group
(who showed up late afternoon, may have split off in the morning)
At about 5:30. Saw a pod of 4-5 orcas off Fox Island by spit. Looked like they were heading towards Olympia upon last breach I could see.
Kelsey Wasmund
5:00 pm. - A pod of orcas (at least 6) going westbound on the north side of Fox Island near the bridge. Traveling.
Gene Miller
Around 4:00 p.m. - this afternoon spotted three apparent juvenile orcas heading east through Hales passage and under the Fox Island bridge. Traveling.
Nick Hilger
April 29 - Active Pass
2:30 p.m. - on Mayne Island BC off Edith point road, Orca pod traveling from Active Pass toward Saturna Island.
Photo by Yves Tiberghien , Mayne island BC, April 29, 2017
("The kink in the bull's fin in the first pick makes me think it could be T102 but I can't confirm." - Dave Ellifrit, CWR)