Confirmation Sunday with Bishop Chris - January 26 2025

Welcome Bishop Chris!

This Sunday we will be welcoming Bishop Chris to Epiphany for his yearly visit. Bishop Chris will preach at both the 8 and 10:15am services. During the 10:15am service he will confirm, receive and also pray for those who are reaffirming their Christian faith. This is a special time for all of us not only to hear from our Bishop but also to support members of our church who are publicly taking these steps of faith.

If you are new to the Anglican Church, or just haven't thought a lot about it before, you may wonder what a bishop is and why we need them. After all, many Christian churches do not have bishops. Here are a few things to know as our bishop visits us:

Bishops are Biblical: Bishops are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1.7, 1 Peter 2.25). But, depending on your English translation, they may be hiding in plain sight. For instance, 1st Timothy chapter 3 describes qualifications for being a bishop, but in our ESV translations calls them "overseers." That is a literal translation of the word "episkopos," or "bishop."

Bishops are Practical: Bishops provide two things every church needs. First they give a consistent outside perspective on the operations and ministry of individuals churches. This works to encourage us and also direct us where we need to grow. Second, bishops serve as pastors to the pastors of individual churches. Bishop Chris is a pastor to me, Mtr. Pamela, and Dcn. Sally, just as we serve as your pastors. Pastors need pastors too!

Bishops are Foundational: Along with overseeing individual churches and pastoring clergy, the job description of a bishop is to guard the faith. That is to preserve the Gospel as it was handed down to them, and also hand it on to the next generation. While any individual bishop can succeed or fail at this task, as a whole, bishops have a very good track record of fulfilling this essential part of their mission in the church over the last 2,000 years.

I am excited that we are able to welcome our bishop this Sunday.

God Bless,

Anglican Relief for LA Fires

Anglican Relief and Development is reaching out to California communities to see how they are and to learn the current needs. Our prayers are with churches especially in the Diocese of C4SO as they have been directly affected. Other churches in the Diocese of Western Anglicans are also facing evacuation notices and power outages.  You can give to help with wildfire relief through ARDF here

Hearing God - A Sermon by 

the Rev. Kathleen Christopher

Quiet Day on February 1

 "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest," Jesus says to his people. Join us for quiet here at the church, Saturday February 1. If you want to join us for Morning Prayer, come at 9:00. Stay as long as you like but arrive before noon. Direct questions to Mother Pamela Sign up using our Church Center app.

Lovely Tidbits and Tapas for Couples

Why is Virginia for lovers? Who receives the most Valentines? If you would like to know the answers and so much more … join the Marriage Ministry for a Couples Social on Saturday, February 1, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM. Start celebrating Valentine’s Day with food, fun, and time with your spouse in community with other couples. Grab your sweetie, invite friends, sign up, and mark your calendars. Sign up in the Church Center App or the Fellowship Hall by Jan. 26. Childcare available if you sign up by Sunday January 26. Sign up online here. For more info, contact Janice or Jim Wolfe.

Pilgrimage to Turkey Interest Meeting Feb. 2

The Meeks will host another interest meeting for those who could not make the first one on Sunday, February 2 after the second service in the library. Even if you are vaguely interested, come hear the details and be ready to ask your questions. The deposit is due March 3, not far from now!

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Jan 24- Feb 02

Friday, Jan 24

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Jan 25

9:00am Band of Brothers

3:00pm Confirmands meet with Bishop

Sunday, Jan 26

Bishop Chris visiting

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion with Bishop Chris

10:15am Confirmation with Bishop Chris (Youtube livestream)

Bishop Chris Reception

1:15pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

Monday, Jan 27

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study

Tuesday, Jan 28

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, Jan 29

10:30am Staff Meeting

12:00pm Simple Eucharist

6:30pm CrossOver Rehearsal

Thursday, Jan - 30

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, Jan 31

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Feb 1

9:00am Quiet Day

9:00am Band of Brothers

4:00pm Marriage Ministry Tidbits & Tapas

Sunday, Feb 2

8:00pm Worship with Holy Communion

10:00am Worship (Youtube livestream)

11:30am Interest Meeting for Turkey

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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