'Biz Corner' NBA's Electronic Newsletter - June 15, 2013

In Partnership with the Self-Employed and Small Business Community...

Mobile Search: How New Customers Find You.
Credit: Leanne Kennis, Constant Contact
From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment our heads hit the pillow, we are posting, "Liking," purchasing, and searching from our mobile devices.

Take for example the following statistic: 75 percent of Americans bring their phones to the bathroom. (Source: Digiday, 2013).  And there you have it.


We are hopelessly attached to our phones. So much so, that we can't even make a disconnected trip to the loo without FOMO (Fear of Missing Out.) Mobile is the preferred method for search and a way of life. Small business owners need to take notice.
What does this mean for your small business? People are searching for new businesses every day on their phones. The question is whether or not your business will be one that they find and interact with. Enhancing your visibility through mobile searches will help new customers find you.


As part of National Small Business Week, SBA will host a series of Google+ Hangouts on topics like Getting Started with Social Media, Managing Your Business's Online Reputation, How a Mentor Can Help Your Business and How to Get a Business Loan


Panelists from the following organizations will be hanging out: Twitter, Constant Contact, W20 Group ,Google, Yelp, LinkedIn, OpenSky, Dun and Bradstreet Credibility Corp., Manta, America's Small Business Development Centers, Women's Business Centers, AARP, SCORE and Ninkasi Brewing Company 


Hangouts begin on Monday and end on Thursday. All hangouts start at 4pm EDT. You can watch them at www.sba.gov/smallbusinessweek. 


> Read More




Member Spotlight - Please join us in welcoming our Featured Member: Troy Chrane - Winner of 2013 NBA Scholarship Award


The National Business Association is proud to announce its prestigious 2013 NBA Scholarship award to Troy Chrane from Abilene, Texas.   Please join the NBA, Troy's mother, Cindy Chrane, their family and friends in congratulating Troy and wishing him the best as he pursues his degree at Texas A & M University.


As you know, the philosophy of the NBA Scholarship Program differs from traditional scholarship programs in that NBA Scholarships are awarded to students who possess academic credentials in the average to above-average range. In general, average and above-average academic credentials are, for high school seniors, those that rank a student in the top third of the senior class but not in the top 10 percent. Standardized test scores should range, for the ACT Composite, from 18 to 26, or, for the SAT, combined Verbal and Math, from 850 to 1170. Students enrolled in college should present college GPAs that range from 2.50 to 3.50 on a 4.00 scale, in addition to the proper high school credentials.

Your Featured Member Benefit - Association of Small Business Development Centers - (ASBDC)

The Association of Small Business Development Centers (ASBDC) is a partnership program uniting private enterprise, government, higher education and local nonprofit economic development organizations. Founded in 1979, the ASBDC provides a vehicle for continuous improvement of the Small Business Development Center program, exchange of information among members regarding objectives, methods and results in business management and technical assistance and advocacy of America's small business community.


The SBDCs assist clients who wish to start businesses as well as those clients who have established their businesses and need additional help in their operations. Over 500,000 businesses are assisted by ASBDC member programs on an annual basis. A sizable number of them are in the dynamic start-up mode, while a majority is existing businesses searching for stability of planning for growth.

National Business Association
In This Issue
Mobile Search: How New Customers Find You
Expert Panelists Join National Small Business Week

National Small Business Week, 2013


Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America's entrepreneurs and small business owners.


More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.


As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others from all 50 states and U.S. territories.  Every day, they're working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America's global competitiveness



Presidential Proclamation:


In America, we believe that anyone willing to work hard and take risks can get their good idea off the ground and into the marketplace.  It is a notion that has made our Nation bold and bright, and the best place to do business for generations -- from small-town storefronts to pioneering startups that keep our country on the cutting edge.  This week, we celebrate America's entrepreneurial spirit, and we recommit to helping our small businesses get ahead.


     My Administration has been a proud partner in that important work from day one.  We have cut taxes for small businesses 18 times, broadened their access to capital, and provided billions in loans so they can grow and hire.  We have helped companies break into new markets abroad and export their products all over the world.  Every step of the way, we have focused on making Government work better for business through initiatives like Startup America and BusinessUSA -- groundbreaking programs that connect entrepreneurs to resources that can spur their success...read more

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