'Biz Corner' NBA's Electronic Newsletter - May 15, 2013

In Partnership with the Self-Employed and Small Business Community...

3 Essential Forms of Follow-up in the Internet Age.
Credit: Joy Gendusa, PostcardMania.com
If you could talk to successful salespeople from all ages throughout history, I guarantee you they would all rank "follow-up" as one of the most important strategies in their sales arsenal.
There are certainly other factors that are important, like clearly outlining benefits, cultivating desire, and so on. But for all of the skill and knowledge that can be gained when it comes to selling, there is a certain aspect of the process that is a numbers game. The more opportunities you give prospects to respond, the more likely you are to get a response.


Let me give you this example. When new prospects call into PostcardMania, about 6% of them buy on that first phone call. Of course, we are always trying to figure out ways to improve this number, but I'm pretty happy with it...


Job descriptions are an essential part of hiring and managing your employees. These written summaries ensure your applicants and employees understand their roles and what they need to do to be held accountable.


Job descriptions also:

  • Help attract the right job candidates
  • Describe the major areas of an employee's job or position
  • Serve as a major basis for outlining performance expectations, job training, job evaluation and career advancement
  • Provide a reference point for compensation decisions and unfair hiring practices


Member Spotlight - Please join us in welcoming our Featured Member:  Deeks Group


Deeks Group works with Businesses small and large helping to launch and optimize successful web based marketing programs.  Our mission is building your business a program designed to attain your goals and training you and your staff to manage the program independently.
Deeks Group was founded by John DiCola.  John has spent the last 15 years working in advertising and marketing and the past 10 helping businesses find online marketing success.  Visit them on-line at http://deeksgroup.snappages.com/home.htm to learn more.
Your Featured Member Benefit - 4Imprint - (4imprint)

Promote your business for less!


4imprint, a leading promotional products supplier, offers a selection of over 11,000 items. Over 800 of these items can be produced and shipped with your logo within 24 hours!


We are very excited to offer you an exclusive 10% discount off already guaranteed lowest prices, even Close-out items, thanks to our partnership with the National Business Association.

National Business Association
In This Issue
3 Essential Forms of Follow-up in the Internet Age
Writing Effective Job Descriptions

SBA Office of Advocacy



Created by Congress in 1976, the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent voice for small business within the federal government.


Appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate, the Chief Counsel for Advocacy directs the office.


The Chief Counsel advances the views, concerns, and interests of small business before Congress, the White House, federal agencies, federal courts, and state policy makers.


Economic research, policy analyses, and small business outreach help identify issues of concern. Regional Advocates and an office in Washington, DC, support the Chief Counsel's efforts.


As the federal office responsible for examining the contributions and challenges of small businesses in the U.S. economy, we are constantly looking for answers to small business questions-those that intrigue researchers, challenge business organizations, enlighten policymakers, and vex small business owners.


Reference materials published annually include small business profiles for each of the 50 states and U.S. territories, quarterly small business indicators, and The Small Business Economy report.




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