
Moms for Liberty-Sarasota County is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating, and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.

Moms for Liberty - Sarasota County




Chair Bridget Ziegler, Vice Chair Karen Rose, Tim Enos, and Robyn Marinelli, 

I am writing to ask you to make a motion to reconsider your vote on the "Mental Health Allocation Plan". Please vote NO on the additional funding and the "Mental Health Plan" for the district. I have included a few brief video links explaining why it is in the best interest of the community for you to reverse course and vote against this detrimental plan to bring even more Social Emotional Learning into our school under the guise of “Mental Health”.


Contrary to what Mrs. Rose asserted during the July 30, 2023 meeting, these programs are not designed to “help more students read”. These programs are designed to indoctrinate students with the use of Social Emotional Learning and infringe on our community's parental rights to conduct the upbringing of our own children. 

A few other questions:

  • How can you, in good faith, vote on a “fluid plan” for something as consequential as Mental Health?
  • Is it not a dereliction of duty to consistently vote on items that you have not personally taken the time to understand?
  • Why does our Board Chair continue to add the former Board’s Strategic Plan to the agenda? 
  • Why do you continue to rely on the district administration, which has a history of implementing programs behind the scenes and misleading parents and the community, to inform your voting decisions?
  • How can you vote to approve minutes that are incomplete (do not include the voting record on each of the items listed on the Minutes to be approved)?
  • Why is our budget increasing when we have decreasing student enrollment?
  • Why haven’t you done a workshop on the Budget and provided a budget with line-item detail? Where is all this money going?
  • what happened to transparency?
  • Teachers are reporting that none of this money is going to the teachers, students, and classrooms.
  • Why are teachers being told to create an Amazon wish list for school supplies when we have a $1.6 billion budget?
  • Why are we entertaining a $5,000 “travel" budget (Vote NO) for Tom Edwards to push a political agenda in Tallahassee when teachers and parents are being asked to buy classroom supplies? Are your priorities a bit out of line?


  1. Move to reconsider the Mental Health Allocation & Plan
  2. Vote NO on the Mental Health Allocation & Plan
  3. Move the Budget to New Business.
  4. Conduct a thorough workshop for the Budget that includes line item detail
  5. Cease all new program spending until our Board has thoroughly reviewed the Strategic Plan and its impact through the Progress Monitoring Tool that the Board has refused to release to the public, which would trace all monies spent to programs and student outcomes as well as all inter-agency agreements

Special Meeting Recap Video

Has anything really changed in the Sarasota County School Board Leadership?

It appears that the leftist agenda has not skipped a beat as the permanent administrative state (who outlast any figurehead change on the Board) marches on unobstructed by our “new Board” with their continued sexualization and alienation of children from families.

This agenda is aided by the Florida State Legislature, Governor Ron DeSantis, and First Lady Casy DeSantis's “Resiliency Toolkit.”

Ziegler's School Board continues to turn a willfully blind eye while they use the same administration that intentionally violated parental rights behind the scenes to inform their voting decisions and the public about their programs. These are the same people who concealed what they were doing from the public for years. This is why Our School Board members, including our School Board Chair (who is responsible for what is on the agenda), need to stop passing off all their duties to these unelected political activists working in our schools. Ignorance is not an excuse, especially when Bridget Ziegler and Karen Rose (along with the others) were informed about what these administrators were doing (along with Allison Foster, who also participated). Why hasn’t our Board removed these people?


A Warning From The Future...

This parent escaped here from the insanity of the west coast. Her story describes where all the seemingly helpful mental health being pushed in Sarasota County schools is headed if parents don’t wake up and tell our School Board to take some responsibility and stop playing the (I relied on the admin to tell me how to vote) game.

Social Emotional Learning

What is it and why does it matter?

Next Sarasota County School Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 1st | 5:15 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.


**Item #2** on the 5:15 Agenda:

It looks like Tom Edwards would like us to give him a $5,000 budget for travel.

5:15 PM Millage Meeting | View Agenda
6:00 p.m. School Board Meeting | View Agenda

Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before the meeting to complete a speaker's card.



Landings Administrative Complex

1980 Landings Blvd.

Watch Work Session & Meeting Live Stream

To Contact Our School Board Members:

School Board

Phone: (941) 927-9000 ext. 31147

To email all School Board members: 

[email protected]

Bridget Ziegler, Chair

[email protected]

Karen Rose, Vice-Chair

[email protected]

Thomas Edwards

[email protected]

Timothy Enos

[email protected]

Robyn Marinelli 

[email protected] 

Biden Targeting Schools Removing Explicit Books - Should Prioritize Literacy Instead.

Over 60% of America’s 4th-graders cannot read, yet Biden Admin makes keeping sexually explicit books in schools their top priority- threatens to withhold federal funds from schools that remove explicit books.

Conservatives are alleging the Biden administration is targeting schools that have pulled sexually explicit books from their shelves. The administration is appointing a new coordinator to address “book bans” in schools across the United States. The White House’s recent efforts suggest the federal government could revoke funding from schools that do this.

Alexis Spiegelman, a chapter chair for Moms for Liberty, speaks to NTD. She questions the administration’s priorities in light of this new coordinator, given that about 60 percent of American 4th graders are not reading at grade level.

Gender ideology is NOT covered under Title IX.

You would think if the Biden administration genuinely cared about those protected under Title IX, they wouldn't withhold money (our own tax dollars) predominately designated for funding programs helping underprivileged children and children who ARE legitimately protected under Title IX.

Thankfully, we have leaders like the Attorney General in Texas (HB900 - Bill in Texas that Banned 'sexually explicit books' in schools) who are willing to go to bat in order to protect #parentalrights against the federal overreach by the Biden administration, which is intentionally misinterpreting federal law. (Texas Launches Lawsuit Against Biden's Unlaw­ful Title IX Guid­ance Forc­ing ​“Trans­gen­der” Poli­cies in Schools by Threat­en­ing Edu­ca­tion Funds)

Let this serve as a warning as to why we need to keep an eye on those ESSER dollars to ensure our school districts are not creating new programs with them instead of using them for their intended one-time purpose, thereby creating a dependency on future federal funding. We don't want the federal government infringing on our right to direct our local education. Schools are meant to be governed LOCALLY. Let's make sure we keep it that way!

Why This Fight Matters For The Future Of All Americans...and the World.

One of the best overviews of the underlying danger in the current state of affairs in public education we have seen. This video is well worth the watch!

We look forward to working with you to restore our blessing of liberty for future generations.

In Liberty,

Alexis Spiegelman

Moms for Liberty-Sarasota, Chapter Chair

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: (941) 806:9288

“The God who gave us life gave us Liberty at the same time.” - Thomas Jefferson

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