1. EY: CEOs, boards, investors align on need for corporate social responsibilityFull story
2.Philadelphia hospital scales back services ahead of closureFull story
3. 10 cities most stressed about health and safety, ranked by WalletHubFull story
4. Hear lessons learned on healthcare ERP adoption at Bronson Health during this upcoming webinar
5. Thrilled to welcome 85 hospital and health system CEO speakers, plus keynotes Nikki Haley, Peyton Manning and George W. Bush, to Becker's 8th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable, November 11-13, 2019. Register here. For exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, e-mail Jessica Cole at jcole@beckershealthcare.com
6. Biden unveils healthcare plan: 8 key takeawaysFull story
7. 27 recent hospital, health system executive movesFull story
8. What does a successful CDI program look like? Click here to find out
9. McKinsey: How hospitals can become more recession-proofFull story
10. Covenant Health positioned for turnaround after $60M loss, new CEO saysFull story
11. How hospitals are using real-time data to reduce readmissions from SNFs by 50% or more. Click here to download the white paper
12. 13 recent hospital, health system CNO and CMO movesFull story
13. Q&A with Intermountain Healthcare's Dr. Shannon Connor Phillips on creating extraordinary careFull story