Results of the 2022 Council elections
From July 12 to July 19, kinesiologists in Districts 1 and 7 participated in Council elections. The College is pleased to announce that Heather Westaway was elected to Council in District 1 and Leanne Smith was elected in District 7. Both Heather and Leanne will each serve a three-year term that begins in September.
After the close of the nomination period in May, Ben Matthie was re-elected to Council by acclamation for a three-year term in District 5. Ben will also begin serving his next term in September.
The first nomination period in District 4 did not produce any candidates and the subsequent by-election had the same results. The College is reviewing its options for filling this Council seat.
Congratulations to Heather, Leanne and Ben! They are joining a Council composed of elected kinesiologists and public members appointed by the Ontario government. Acting as the College’s board of directors, Council sets the College’s strategic and policy direction, while making decisions that protect and promote the public interest.
The College would also like to thank Candace Glowa, Tudor Chirila and William Gittings for putting their names forward for election. In addition, a special thank you is extended to Candace for her service to Council over the past two years.
We appreciate all those members who took part in the elections – whether as a candidate, a supporter or as a voter. Our success depends on kinesiologists who are engaged and committed to fulfilling the College’s public protection mandate.
Reminder: Renew your annual membership by August 31
All kinesiologists, whether registered in the General or Inactive Class, must renew their registration by August 31 of each year through the renewal portal.
The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario offers a practice advice program to provide appropriate guidance to kinesiologists and the public and other stakeholders.
This month, the top questions the College received focused on the following areas.
Scope of practice
One of the most frequent questions that the College receives from members is about scope of practice. Members have had many questions about specific types of treatments and whether they are permitted to use certain interventions without need of delegations. Most of the guidance offered is based on the College’s Practice Standard – Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts and Delegation .
Fees and billing
The College often receives questions from kinesiologists who want to make sure that their fees, invoices and other billing practices meet the College’s standards. The College’s responses are based on the Practice Standard – Fees and Billing and Practice Guideline – Fees and Billing, although the College may refer a kinesiologist to another source of information (such as the Canada Revenue Agency) when needed.
COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges to kinesiologists and other regulated health care professionals. The College continues to respond to questions regarding these COVID-19 issues and encourages kinesiologists to review the College’s Practice Standard – Infection Control and the College’s COVID-19 webpage for updates.
Join a committee!
The College’s success depends on kinesiologists who are engaged and committed to fulfilling the College’s mandate of public protection. The College is always looking for kinesiologists eager to get involved in the College’s work. Share your knowledge and experience, and learn more about how your profession is regulated in the process!
Wondering how you can become involved? Become a committee member!
The College is seeking applications from R.Kins interested in joining a committee for a one-year term as non-Council committee members. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the College, learn about the profession, and help set direction. Opportunities are available for the following committees:
- Registration
- Quality Assurance
- Patient Relations
- Inquiries, Complaints and Reports
- Discipline
Case of the month: discharging a patient/client
A kinesiologist who works in a clinical setting reported challenges with a particular patient/client. The kinesiologist reported that the patient/client’s treatment of clinic staff can often be inappropriate when their requests for treatment on short notice cannot be accommodated. Staff and the kinesiologist have also refused ongoing requests from the patient/client to submit invoices for treatment based on third-party payor coverage rather than the actual treatment that was provided (e.g., billing kinesiology care as physiotherapy).
The kinesiologist is considering discharging the patient/client. What should they think about first?
Discharge planning is an expected and necessary part of the relationship between the patient/client and the kinesiologist. The planning should start as early as possible and should involve the patient/client.
Check out the College’s Practice Standard – Discharging a Client to learn more about effective and appropriate discharge planning, especially when the discharge is earlier than expected. In all cases, care should be taken to make sure that continuity of care is maintained.
Updates to registration policies
The College has been reviewing its policies, standards and guidelines to ensure all resources are current. The following registration policies were recently reviewed and updated following an open consultation. All four policies were approved by Council at their meeting on June 27.
Continued improvements to our registration policies and processes helps to ensure our public protection mandate. If you have any questions, please contact Registration.
September entry-to-practice exam
The College’s fall sitting for the entry-to-practice exam is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022. The exam will be offered online and remotely proctored.
Applicants need to have a good understanding of the competencies outlined in the Kinesiologist Core Competency Profile and should also review all Practice Standards and Guidelines. There is a free practice test complete with additional resources that can be reviewed at practice test and other study resources.
We encourage applicants to visit our website for details on testing accommodations, deadlines, deferrals, withdrawals, and much more. Watch for the College’s webinar that shares information about the exam, including what to expect and how to prepare. If you have questions, please contact us at
Why you should think twice before hitting "Unscubscribe"
Kai is a kinesiologist in Ontario. They have enjoyed a stable practice for years and have recently transitioned to a non-clinical administrative role. While they value their registration with the College, they don’t always read the College’s emails, including the newsletter and other member updates. Also, they are uncertain whether College communications apply to kinesiologists who are not practising in clinical settings.
Currently, Kai is trying to decide whether to unsubscribe from the College’s mailing list. Here are some opportunities that Kai might miss if they unsubscribe:
- Consultations regarding College policies, standards, and guidelines
- Call for nominations to run for Council or to join a College committee
- Voting for Council members
- College communications that require a reply or some other action, which could result in a finding of professional misconduct for failing to reply.
These are just a few examples of why it’s important to remain on the College’s mailing list. Please do not unsubscribe if you are registered with the College. If you do unsubscribe, you will be contacted by staff to re-subscribe as the College primarily communicates to registrants by email. We strive to keep communications relevant. Information regarding registration matters (e.g., annual renewal deadline, quality assurance requirements) and important news and updates are sent by email. The College works on the assumption that all registrants receive and read all our emails.
Keep your information current
Remember to let us know if there are any changes to your employment information, address or contact details including changes to your primary email address – within 30 days of the change.
To check the information we have on file for you, go to the Public Register
Please do not unsubscribe if you are registered with the College. If you do unsubscribe, you will be contacted by staff to re-subscribe as the College primarily communicates to registrants via email. We strive to keep communications relevant and to a minimum. Information regarding registration matters (annual renewal deadline, quality assurance requirements, etc.), and important news and updates are sent via email. The College works on the assumption that all registrants receive all of our emails.