Dear Friends,

Here is an update on the state of the Brisben Center in this health emergency.

Need Support for Staff Operations
If you are interested in providing support for operations staff, please contact Kim Lally or Dave Cooper by e-mailing: [email protected] or [email protected] .

Restricted Access to Shelter
Volunteer access to the building is now limited to nursing staff/interns and a handful of volunteers who provide support for operations staff.

Donation of Goods Limited
Donation of goods are limited to critical items posted at . For information, email Chris Payton at [email protected] .

Hundreds of meals, provided and served by volunteers in normal times, are also suspended. Fredericksburg City Schools dropping off prepared meals until the threat is past.

Valor of On-Site Staff
Shift Coordinators, Case Managers, and the Deputy Director are on the front lines of this health emergency, working tirelessly in a communal living environment to keep residents, themselves, and the community safe.

Working from Home
In accordance with health authorities, administrative staff are performing essential tasks from five home offices. 

Events Postponed
Our 2nd Annual Breakfast has been postponed, as has the Brisben Center Golf Tournament scheduled for April. We graciously thank all those who have contributed and will send details as soon as firm dates are set. The long-awaited completion of our solar power system and Grand Illumination celebration are also on hold until further notice.  

This greater Fredericksburg community comes together in times of crisis. We have seen an uptick in first-time donations and additional contributions by regular givers. Thank you! Still, we are feeling the pinch of cancelled events, foundations flooded with requests, and a down market. If you, too, are moved to help in this crisis, please consider a financial contribution to benefit the women, children, and men of this area who have no home.  

Thank You!
The Brisben Center is helping homeless individuals and families rebuild their lives - from surviving to thriving.
The Brisben Center | 540-899-9853 | [email protected] |