3 Sh'vat, 5785     

February 1, 2025 


Candle lighting: Friday, 4:53 pm

Shabbat ends: Saturday, 5:55 pm

Table of Contents
1) -Weekly Service Schedule 
2) - Rabbi's message
3) - Rabbi's class
4) -Activities & Donations
5) - Birthdays & Anniversaries
6) - Refuah shlema

1) - Weekly Service Schedule 

Hybrid Service: Zoom (online) and in-building

For our Zoom services, moderators may elect to mute individuals with disruptive noises in the background. Please make sure to keep your microphone muted.


All regularly scheduled Zoom services can now be reached through the same link:

Special services will have a separate link.

Men on Zoom, please have your heads covered for all services and wear a tallit for Saturday Services.


Please click this

link for all services.


Zoom Meeting ID: 897 8879 2248

passcode: 5785

To all of our service attendees.

 In order to keep our building secure for your safety our side door entrance will be set to EXIT ONLY after 10:15 AM. The door will be monitored, and you will be let in as quickly as possible

Thank you.

Friday -1/31 - 5:30 pm

Candle lighting 4:53 pm

On-line only

Shabbat- 2/1 - 9:30 am

Shabbat ends: 5:55 pm

On-line & in-building

Sunday- 2/2 - 8:00 pm

On-line only

Monday- 2/3 - 8:00 am

On-line only

Thursday - 2/6 - 8:00 am

On-line only


Valley Stream Link

Valley Stream Zoom link

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 804 063 1892

Passcode: 5785

322 N. Corona Ave

Siddur Sim Shalom


chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://images.shulcloud.com/14178/uploads/ShabbatMorning.pdf

Please visit our brand new website at: shaarayshalom.org

Please check out our events, high holiday schedule, convenient payment

options and more.

2) - Rabbi's Message

Last Shabbat, we observed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and our speaker was Bishop Phillip Elliott, Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Hempstead. Dr. Elliott wrote his thesis on Dr. King's philosophy, and he explained that Dr. King's approach of nonviolent civil disobedience was not passive. He also explained that Dr. King, as a person of faith, believed in outreach, in reach and unpreach for solving social problems. There is still much we can learn and apply today from Dr. King's teachings and deeds.

--Rabbi Art Vernon

3) - Class with the Rabbi

Rabbi's Class: Exploring Jewish Insight and Practice

Next class: Thursday, February 6th @ 3:30 pm


Meeting ID: 896 7735 2353

Passcode: 68421


4) - Activities & Donations 

Please click the buttons below for

upcoming events.

Ukraine Donation
Donate today ( unless it is Shabbat )

Please click the image below to enlarge.

Please click the image below to enlarge.


When you vote for the Conservative Movement’s

MERCAZ Party in elections for the

World Zionist Congress, you’re voting to:


· Make sure those hardest hit on October

 7th get resources they need to rebuild.

· Secure millions to help our communities stand up for Israel, fight antisemitism and educate the next generation.

· Protect democracy in Israel.

· Unite the Jewish people and make sure all streams of Judaism receive funding and fair treatment in Israel.

Sign up today to receive a reminder to vote when polls open online: Mercazusa.org/votemercaz2025

           You can sign up for a reminder to vote from your community’s MERCAZ captain. Make

Sure to enter your community code.   


Community Code: 308

For MERCAZ in 2025

My name is Lesley Harris. I am Currently a member of Valley Stream Jewish Center.

I represent the Valley Stream Jewish Center and Cong. Shaaray Shalom at MERCAZ USA.


MERCAZ USA is the United States branch of MERCAZ OLAMI, the Zionist organization of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement. MERCAZ represents Conservative Judaism within the World Zionist Organization and Congress, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Zionist Movement, and the Jewish National Fund. MERCAZ is the force that advocates for finding of pluralistic streams of Judaism in Israel through the World Zionist Organization (WZO) Congress, which is crucial to our movement’s growth in Israel and around the globe.

I am asking you to support MERCAZ USA by registering to vote for the election period between March 10,2025 to May 4, 2025.


Israel faces major challenges after October 7th, from rebuilding the south to healing a fractured society. However, allies of extremists like Ben Gvir and ultra-Orthodox extremists who helped drive Israelis apart and the country into the abyss in 2023, now want to redirect billions at the Zionist Congress’s disposal from urgent rebuilding projects to promoting their extreme political agenda, like money for Yeshivot that discourage army service and other controversial projects. Voting MERCAZ makes sure these funds are spent supporting those in Israel who need it most. Our representatives have already helped secure hundreds of millions through KKL/JNF to help Israelis rebuild with the WZO now responsible for managing the Israeli government’s official efforts to support our hostages and their families, MERCAZ’s representatives are working to make sure they receive the best possible care and support. 

   Looking forward to your support. Thank you.



5) - Birthdays 

Randi Drachtman


Sonny Doncheck,

6) - Refuah Shlema

Stewart Walden,

Ines Weinberg,

Ellen Sue Rothfeld,

Judy Schwarz,

Dr. Sol Goldman,

Dorothy Dorman


Bob Dorman

If you have the name of a person to mention, please contact Rabbi Vernon: 


or contact the office.

office call (516) 481-7448

711 Dogwood Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552


Organizations for contributions

at this time of crisis in Israel:

Swords of Iron helping the IDF https://swordsofiron.org.il/

Magen David Adom https://afmda.org/bloomberg-match

Jewish National Fund https://www.jnf.org/ways-to-help/support-israel

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces https://www.fidf.org/

Connect with us!
