"CST In Touch"
News from the CST Alliance
Volume 7, Issue 2 - February 8, 2019
Photo from beautiful Star Island, location of the "CADD" class Aug. 27-30, 2019 (Don Ash photo 2017)
This is it, we have started our 2019 teaching schedule. We are all well rested by the winter and ready to move the work forward. We have released the second "Circle" article "Patient as Teacher" which I hope you will find interesting and you can link to below. I've also included a few class highlights and a quick reminder below about the CST Alliance teaching philosophy. Our f
aculty members are highly skilled practitioners and all of us share the same commitment to improving the quality of craniosacral therapy provided in the world through quality education for students. Please take a moment to read about our commitment to the future of craniosacral therapy education.
Many of you receiving our
CST In Touch
newsletter have already begun your journey in CST. Do you know colleagues thinking about CST? As we start 2019 with beginning classes, this is the time to invite them to check us out. The world needs CST therapists now more than ever.
Happy Day,
Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
New York City
For any New York area people who may have attended the "CST Exploration Day" with Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP at the Swedish Institute in New York City last weekend, Gina follows that class up with our CST Basic Elements 1 "BE1" class on March 15-17 also at the Swedish Institute. (18 CEUs, $498.)
Learn More
Canadian Registrations Are Way Up!
We are happy to be welcoming many new students this year from Canada. Gary Keeling,
kicks off his teaching year with a "BE1" at ACTM in Fredericton, New Brunswick on February 15-17. Hours are Friday: 2pm-8pm, Saturday and Sunday: 9am-5pm.
members save $50 off regular $498 registration fee.
Learn More
Jupiter, Florida CLI Class
On March 1-3 I will be traveling south to Jupiter, Florida to teach our new "Craniosacral-Lymphatic Integration" CLI class. It promises to be as fun and exciting as it is groundbreaking and will be sponsored by Lisa Upledger. Attendees will learn lymphatic anatomy, location structure and function and learn how to integrate lymphatic facilitation in a CST session as well as other topics. Pre-requisite is CSTA BE2 or CST1 or equivalent training. Registration is $498 and 18 CEUs are provided.
Learn More
April May Be the Beginning of a Great Education Year for You!
For those of you who are new to CST and are curious about this "CST thing" we hope you will consider taking a class this year. AMTA members can attend my
CST Exploration Day
on Saturday, April 6, 10am-5pm at the New Hampshire AMTA Chapter Annual Meeting and Education Weekend being held in Manchester, NH. Attendees will learn the basics of CST: anatomy; physiology of the craniosacral system; how to listen to the rhythm, clinical applications; and more while earning 6 CEUs.
Registration is directly with AMTA-NH: Early bird: first 25 AMTA members $90; $105 after the first 25 seats sold. Non-Members $120.
Register Online Here
If you enjoy this class and want to continue, I am teaching the CST Basic Elements 1 three-day class April 26-28 in Dover, NH at the Comfort Inn. Attendees of this class will be able to immediately begin integrating basic CST into their practice to
facilitate therapeutic change in the fascia of the body and the peripheral nervous system.
New: Cranial Circle #56 "Patient as Teacher" Part 2 of 3
Recently we published the second of three "Circle" articles focused on teaching. Watch for Part III in a few weeks.
Excerpt: "
The Inner Wisdom of our patients is what teaches us. It teaches us that when the rhythm stops, what happens next is truth."
Committed to Our Students
We have a renewed commitment to be there in support of all of our students, including new students and students transferring in from other programs. Here at the CST Alliance we offer three day classes that fit into busy schedules, are reasonably priced, and are offered in several locations all with world-class teachers. We keep classes small for the best student-teacher support and interaction. Our classes use the original work in Don Ash's world-recognized publications including: "The CST Handbook," "Lessons From the Sessions," "Body of Water, Ocean of Mind," as well as beautifully clear and simply illustrated study guides provided at each class. Our work celebrates the founders of body/mind integration from Emmanuel Swedenborg, A.T. Still, W.G. Sutherland and J. Upledger, as well as new updated techniques and process celebrating new research in the work.
Beyond the classroom, phone and email support is available to our students between classes as they practice and process what they have learned in class. Students can also interact with us via the "Don's Circle" essays, our Facebook page, and they can see videos on our YouTube page. V
isit our website to see our complete curriculum -- learn more about our teaching philosophy and see feedback from current students.
We are dedicated to moving the work forward!
Upcoming February and March Classes
February 15-17 - CST Basic Elements 1
"Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1)
- ACTM, Fredericton, New Brunswick,
- Instructor: Gary Keeling, BPE, BSc (PT), CSTA-CP
March 1-3 - CS-Lymphatic Integration (CLI Class)
Jupiter, Florida
- Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
March 15-17 - CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1)
- Swedish Institute,
New York City, NY
- Instructor: Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP. Class is 10am - 5pm. Registration is directly through the Swedish Institute. You can call them to register at (212) 924-5900 x146.
March 22-24 - CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) - Reading, Pennsylvania
- Instructor: Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP, MLDT
March 22-24 - CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) -
Northumberland College, 1888 Brunswick St.,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Instructor: Gary Keeling, BPE, BSc (PT), CSTA-CP (hours are Friday: 2pm-8pm, Saturday and Sunday: 9am-5pm)
New! March 31 - CST Exploration Day (6-hour workshop)
- Inspire Mind Body Spirit, 106 North Broadway, Suite 1,
Irvington, NY
10533 - Instructor: Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP. Class is 10am - 5pm.
Learn more at our website:
The Craniosacral Therapy Alliance (CST Alliance) is a continuing education provider with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
and awards CEUs for all CST Alliance Curriculum classes. New York State Approved. Many of our classes are approved for continuing education units by Canadian associations. See individual class descriptions at our website for more info.
Craniosacral Therapy Alliance | Ph: 603-948-2820 |
All Rochester, NH classes are held at:
c/o Alliance Physical Therapy, 249 Rochester Hill Rd., Rochester, NH 03867
Copyright 2019