This year's retreat will focus on STRESS. The AMA has identified stress as the primary causative factor for primary care initial visits, (60-90 percent). They cite back pain, neck pain and other "diseases of civilization." None of the remedies for stress include medication or surgery.
Stress is the leading cause of angst (feeling of deep anxiety about the human condition or the state of the world in general), contributing to chronic pain, dysfunction, post-traumatic stress and illness.
As we treat people who suffer from chronic pain, dysfunction and post trauma, how can we hold space for understanding without being triggered ourselves?
We have found by staying neutral, impartial, non-judgmental and anti-political, we can find healing space within the moral ethical principles of: Respect, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence and Justice, where natural healing can occur, without ourselves being triggered by the stressors our clients identify.
We will be looking at the ethics of civilization in coping with universal triggers and finding ways to be present and of service for our communities, our clients, ourselves and this changing world of global warming, gun violence, racism and corruption. Together we need to find a way forward.
This may be the most important gathering of CST colleagues and discussions of our careers and our times. Hope you can be there. S
everal of our faculty members will be participating in the Retreat this year: Gina Flores, Gary Keeling, Charise Rogosky as well as my daughter, Sarah Ash. Attend for just one of the Friday workshops, just Saturday and Sunday, or all three days, Friday through Sunday, October 11-13. It is your chance to renew, review and refres
h yourself so you can help others in these stressful, troubled times. Mark your calenda
r for this important CEU learning opportunity. These three days and these classes are going to be EPIC.
Our dear friend Roy used to say
"There will always be good in the world."
Maybe we are the ones we have been waiting for. If not us, then who? Call now or
visit our website
for details and to save your seat. 603-948-2820