We had a wonderful CST Retreat this year!
Charise presented on Lymphatics. Gina presented on the influence vibration has on the body, and brought her Tibetan "singing" bowls. It is a beautiful dimension to sessions in which there is a need for quieting and settling of energy as with kids, ADHD, PTSD, chronic pain and chronic stress. Gary offered new and interesting insights into the application of CST with Orthopedics as well as a way of measuring the effect a CST session has on the autonomic nervous system. Look for new information in the coming year.
So we are joyfully moving the work forward. We have half of our
2019 schedule
up on the website with more to come. Look for new and interesting series of essays in CST to be published soon on the website under "Don's Circle." Each essay offers a perspective on teaching and CST work that can motivate each of us to think about how, when and why we put our hands on the body in an effort to facilitate healing.
And finally, look for our annual Christmas card email from the CST Alliance soon. Being sort of "old school" my first choice would be to send each of you a real card by snail mail, but I guess we will stay up with the times and send our holiday message out via email and Facebook. We have a beautiful one selected for this year that we trust you will enjoy and find inspiring.