Perceiving and Responding
7 September 2021
Dear Friends and Members of Shadow Rock:

Again, our Covenant to be the sensitive ones who perceive and respond to God's newest thrust in the midst of history is calling us to action.

We received a request to sponsor an Afghan family living in a foreign country with the threat of being deported back to Afghanistan because of the government's friendly ties to the Taliban. The mother in this family was an Afghan diplomat under the previous Afghan government and faces serious retaliation. They need our help. Because of the sensitive nature of this situation we were asked to keep our communication to a minimum and advised to still hold back the family's name and current country. So we are now informing you, sharing the information we can, and asking for your help.

First, let us pray for this family and for just treatment of people in Afghanistan. Second, we want to form a WELCOME TEAM and are looking for volunteers. The task for the WELCOME TEAM is to set up a new home for our family. As a member of the team, you will have the honor of creating one of the first experiences of hospitality and welcome that our family will encounter when they first arrive in the United States. We have adapted a manual from Church World Service and support from local refugee resettlement organizations to help us. This is a very big project that requires securing housing, setting up a household for a family with a four year old boy and one year old girl. and everything that entails. I ask you to you network far and wide in helping us find a landlord or property management company that will work with us to provide housing. We are prepared to offer more than the usual deposit given the unusual circumstances. The work will be difficult and joyful, therefore rewarding and beautiful. If you have questions or feel a calling toward the WELCOME TEAM, please contact Pastor Ken. Thank you for your help!

In peace and solidarity,

Pastor Ken