The CADD class returns to beautiful Star Island!
"Call to Adventure!"
Dear CST friend,

There is a precious place called Star Island in the Atlantic Ocean, seven miles out from Portsmouth Harbor in New Hampshire. There you'll find the 1890s Oceanic Hotel and a historic stone village including the Gosport Chapel built in 1800. Once a year the CST Alliance celebrates our world famous class "CST Around Death and Dying" there.

We travel by ferry to Star Island and spend five days exploring our own life's meaning and how to hold space for our patients to do the same when we get home. All of us are changed by this five-day island adventure. We rise with the sun, opening each day with meditation on the rocks with the waves and gulls and new dawn light. As the natural world around us teems with life, we have the deep personal adventure of exploring the meanings of life in our own time. We learn that the search for meaning in life includes birth, joy and happiness. And we learn -- as our patients present to us -- that our world also has in it pain, suffering, loss, and death.
This is a call to adventure from me to you. If you have been waiting to take the CADD class, this may be your moment. Come experience the adventure of island life and take a voyage on the ocean of life. Ride the rhythms of the waters of the Earth and your inner wisdom, listen deeply and learn. "Be Still and Know." The Thomas Laighton ferry leaves Portsmouth Harbor for Star Island on August 4th, class is August 5-8, and you return by ferry to the mainland August 9th.
Call Jill to register at 603-948-2820 if you would like to join us or you can register online at our website .

See a short video below from Star Island. You will see that it is a peaceful and beautiful location and is a perfect place for us to discuss and explore such an important topic that affects all of us. We hope you can join us in August!

Happy Day,
Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
"I have been blessed to have been able to teach this class in Ireland, Canada, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and many times in the United States."
-- Don Ash
Star Island video below from their website
Upcoming Classes:
August 5-8 -  Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying (CADD) - Star Island, New Hampshire - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP

September 7-9 -  CST Somato-Emotional Elements 1 "Listening to the Body" (SE1) - Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
New Date! September 7-9 -  CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) Reading-Wyomissing, Pennsylvania - Instructor: Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP
September 21-23 -  CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) - Rochester, New Hampshire - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
September 29-30 -  CSTA CP Certification Class - Rochester, NH - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP Six classes required: BE1 through CADD "Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying."
October 6 -  CST Exploration Day - 10am-5pm (Saturday) at the Swedish Institute, New York City, with instructor Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP. Registration is directly through the Swedish Institute. You can call them to register at (212) 924-5900 x146.
October 13-14 -  The 8th Annual CST Retreat in Dover, New Hampshire
Learn more at our website: