A quarterly publication highlighting newsmakers in the Ag Innovation district

Black Scientists and Their Impact
To celebrate Black History Month, we’d like to share this article about prominent Black scientists who made huge impacts on our everyday lives. May we celebrate their achievements and promote and support others following in their footsteps.
BioGenerator and STL Partnership Helix Collaboration
The STL Partnership and BioGenerator have teamed up to create more space for agtech startups in the Helix Center‘s core lab. 
Entrepreneur Magazine Names St. Louis #1 City for Innovation
The gateway to the west has spent the last decade building innovation infrastructure, including three gems in Cortex Innovation Community, BIOSTL in Midtown and the coming National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on the city’s northside. 
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Becomes 41st Mosaic Ambassador Company

Mosaic is pleased to announce The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center as the 41st Mosaic Ambassador Company at the Gold Level. Mosaic Ambassador Companies engage in action items that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. At the Gold Level, companies agree to spread awareness of the St. Louis Mosaic Project, encourage associates to become Mosaic Ambassadors, and participate in volunteer opportunities that support international communities. Additionally, Gold Companies sponsor at least one employee toward an H1-B visa or similar visa sponsorship. 
Connections, Inventions Fuel Startups At Danforth

Some key relationships among companies sharing space at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center are made in the lunchroom.

“That’s the coolest benefit,” said Matt Helms of NewLeaf Symbiotics. “This woman with a PhD literally connected with a professor with the dirt lab in the cafeteria. It’s a networking campus.”

The companies occupying the center’s BRDG Park innovation incubator not only share laboratory and greenhouse space. They also share their brains.