The CIUT Newsletter
The Sound of Your City
November 2022
Station News
We are about to embark on our Fall Fundraiser!

We have a goal of $100,000.00 to help keep this incredible station on the air and to continue to grow. We continue to celebrate our 35th anniversary and the height of radio! 

We have worked hard to make donating easier than ever before with a quicker more responsive donation form. This year each show will have its own peer-to-peer fundraising page. We have brought back the phone room and introduced Text-to-Donate. Also this year we can take donations by cash, cheque, stocks, and cryptocurrency!

Go to CIUT.FM/DONATE to find out more. 

CIUT-FM over the past 35 years has trained thousands of broadcasters. We want to give the next generation the skills and experience to also become great broadcasters and podcasters.

We can do that with your help. We hope you will join us and support the Sound of Your City!
Check out our updated spaces!
We are finally settling into our clean, open office and studio spaces after a long-awaited overhaul.

I'm sure you can only imagine what we have collected (and hoarded) over the past 30 years. String instruments, analog equipment, broadcast reels - you name it, we had it.

We even discovered a large printed schematic of our transmitter! We have plans to frame and display.

All of the decluttering, hauling, and building were all worth it.

A place for everything...
Yes, we STILL have our CD collection. Now it is nicely organized and categorized in cabinets. Again, many thanks to all of you who contributed to the sale of our 50k+ collection. Our current collection houses CANCON, primarily.
The vinyl collection has been dusted off and alphabetized.
We have comfy seating to welcome volunteers and guests to share in these spaces. Our mini library has archived editions of music magazines and books spanning world history.
Don't miss Craig Pady (What is Hip) perform with The Soul Jazz Express Band
November 10th, 7:00 pm
Smoke Show BBQ
744 Mt Pleasant Road

Craig is also an accomplished artist! You can view his works at several Galleries and Venues in November and through February 2023.

  • The Taren White Gallery in Paris Ontario: Nuages and Gonna Fly now have been selected for the 12 x 12 show.

  • LAUFT Don Mills - will be showing - Mambo Diablo and Lluvia Con Nieve through to Feb 28.
  • LAUFT Vaughan - will be showing US and THEM and My Groove your Move through to Feb 28.
  • LAUFT Burlington - will be showing All Blues and Lady Magnolia through Feb 28.

Congrats, Craig!

Tune in to What is Hip every Sunday from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Around the Town: Events
Viola Desmond Day: Art Activations by Black Artists' Networks in Dialogue (BAND) and Vintage Black Canada

To commemorate the 76th anniversary of Viola Desmond’s historic stand against racial segregation on November 8, 1946, TIFF proudly presents free public artist activations programmed in partnership with Black Artists’ Networks in Dialogue (BAND) and Vintage Black Canada.

Before the screening of Kelly Fyffe-Marshall’s debut feature When Morning Comes, audiences are invited to a celebration of Black Toronto-based artists and creators at 6:00 PM in the TIFF Bell Lightbox Atrium.

November 8th - 27th
During regular box office hours
350 King St. W.

BAND presents artwork by Black emerging artists whose practices engage themes of immigration, identity, and community. Vintage Black Canada presents a photo activation that spotlights the everyday stories, sacrifices, and hopes of Black families. Rooted in creativity and togetherness, both projects celebrate Black life in Canada and the stories of vulnerability and strength that make up our communities.

More information about this program HERE
BELLY BELLY​​​​ returns for one of our favorite intimate sessions...

Far-out sounds from Far off places
Strictly vinyl recordings played loud!

November 5th, 10:00 pm
1265 Dundas Street (Basement)

(please try to arrive early as this fills up fast)
TURNING POINT 20th Anniversary Session

November 19th, 11:00 pm
165 Geary Avenue 2nd Floor
CIUT-FM is Supermarket's proud media sponsor

Please visit for more details & the full lineup.
THU NOV 3RD - Guitar Magic - James Bryan & Jeff Gunn @ 7:30 pm
FRI NOV 18TH - Atay & Jax Live @ 8:00 pm
SAT NOV 5TH - Encore w/ Techno Westerns & Three Pant Leg @ 6:30 pm
Upcoming Film Festivals
November 5th - 10th, various times

Filmmakers from all over the Toronto area will compete to see who can make the best short film in only 48 hours. The film is then screened at The Revue in front of an audience of filmmakers, friends, and families.

November 9th - 20th,
various times

Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is a unique showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from Asia and the Asian diaspora. Works include films and videos by artists in Canada, the U.S., Asia, and all over the world.

As Canada’s largest Asian film festival, Reel Asian provides a public forum for Asian media artists and their work, and fuels the growing appreciation for Asian cinema in Canada.

For more screening information and to purchase tickets, visit
November 11th - 13th,
various times

The Pomegranate Film Festival, like its fruity namesake, the pomegranate, is fresh, dynamic, and prolific!
Rich with culture, it depicts topics relevant Armenian culture through the medium of films submitted from around the world.

In doing so, it creates a platform for burgeoning Armenian talent and the community to intermingle.

For more screening information and to purchase tickets, visit
Massey Hall and Toronto Blues Society present...
The Women's Blues Revue returns to the newly renovated Massey Hall to celebrate its 35th year. Bringing blues lovers together for an evening honouring the contributions to the genre with some of Canada’s finest musicians.

November 25th, 8:00 pm
Massey Hall
178 Victoria Street, Toronto

The first announcements of vocalists performing at this year’s show include Garnetta Cromwell, Miss Emily, Ann Vriend, and Angelique Francis, who will also be hosting this year’s event. All vocalists will be backed by the all-star Women's Blues Revue Band.

This year’s Women’s Blues Revue Band includes:
Rebecca Hennessy (Trumpet & Bandleader)
Suzie Vinnick (Guitar)
Emily Burgess (Guitar)
Carrie Chesnutt (Sax)
Elena Kapeleris (Sax)
Colleen Allen (Sax)
Dale Anne Brendon (Drums)
Lily Sazz (Keys)
Carlie Howell (Bass)
You can purchase tickets HERE.
One of A Kind 2022 Winter Show
November 24th - December 4th,
Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place
Weekdays & Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 6pm 
Late Night Hours: December 1, 10 AM-11 PM

Looking for something special? Look no further than the One Of A Kind Winter Show. Our extensive selection of gifts are beautifully made by 600+ artisans from across the country. Because every piece is made with love and care, not only will you find the perfect gift for everyone on your list, you can also be sure that your gifts will be cherished forever!

For more artisan information and to purchase tickets, visit
Save the Date: Coming up in December...
Saturday, December 10, 10am-1pm
400 Roncesvalles Avenue

3-Hours of Christmas + Winter holiday-themed retro cartoons, commercials, and PSAs...
and all the cereal you can eat!

Jessica couldn't help herself :)

More information about this program HERE
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