Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| July 27, 2022
Message to the Conference
Members and friends of Penn Central Conference,
Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you with me.” Rev. 3:20
Our lives are filled with the doors that open and close, as we invite God into the center of our hearts, as God beckons us to travel through the door onto new paths of our lifelong journey. 

Revelation 3:20 is probably the most well-known scripture about the door that God enters in and oftentimes invites us to walk through. It is attributed to the risen Christ who in chapter 20 is assessing the folks in different churches and how they are faring in their spiritual journey. One thing is made clear in that periscope: for each of us, Christ knocks at the door hoping to enter, but we choose whether or not to open it to bid God in and feed us and nurture us. We experience that fellowship in deep prayer, in holy conversation, in sharing the Lord’s supper. And each time, we wait to see if God invites us to walk through that door perhaps to a new journey, a new path, a variation on the path we are already on…

This scripture holds deep meaning for me as God has led me through my vocational journey. Raised Roman Catholic, I quickly fell away from the church after I was confirmed. By the time I was in graduate school in music I heard God knocking and God invited me through the door of beginning a journey that would begin with teaching students at a small Christian College who entrusted me with their deepest wounds, that led me to a helping profession as a practicing psychologist all the while serving as lay leader/teacher/preacher in the church, and then brought me on the path to ordained ministry that beautifully married spiritual and emotional healing. Each time God knocked, each time God invited me through that door, it was challenging, and at times I felt unsure. All I knew was that even though I stood uncertain of my future, I knew who held, and continues to hold, every path of my future.

Beloved, consider your own spiritual and vocational journeys. Consider that it is Christ who has knocked on the door of your heart and has come in at your invitation to nurture you, feed you, and deeply bless you. Consider that on any path of your spiritual and vocational journey, God has led you through the door, walked with you, nurtured, and guided you.

As we each look to the unknown future, let us be very sure that God holds our future. And as we read through the prophet Jeremiah in the 29th chapter, verses 11-14, we find and know that future through deep and abiding fellowship with our God:
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord.”

Deep and abiding blessings to each and all,


The Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola
Associate Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference
Scheduling notes:
July 1 - October 1 - Rev. Dr. Nora Foust on sabbatical
August 7 - Peace UCC, Berrysburg/St. Peters UCC Lykens - Rev. Rick Liciotti preaching
August 7 - Wisdom's Table at St. Peter's UCC, Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
August 14 - St. Paul's UCC, Sacramento - Rev. Rick Luciotti preaching
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

St. Peter's UCC, New Columbia
New Covenant UCC, Williamsport
Willow Street UCC, Willow Street
St. John's (Dry Valley) UCC, Winfield
Outdoor Ministries
  • SUMMER CAMP programs from June-August To learn more about and to register for youth camp summer programs, visit here.
  • To learn more about and to register for family camp summer programs, visit here.

  • To learn more about and to register for elder camp, visit here.
HC Spirit Week - What's in a Name?
"Naming and Claiming Who God Made Us to Be"
Saturday, August 6
through Friday, August 12
Camp Mt. Luther

See the full brochure here for all the details!

Register online here or mail your registration form to the PCC offices.
Clergy Events
PCC has launched a new monthly email just for clergy, with news, events and clergy transitions. If you did not get this month's email on Tuesday, please let Paul know.

We will be including some items in the eNews (see below), but please check out the full email here for more events and news!
Shaping Generations: Queer Justice and Love in the UCC
2022 National ONA Gathering
Join us Aug. 5-7 for our first National ONA Gathering since 2019! Our virtual event will celebrate the 50th anniversaries of the ONA Coalition and Bill Johnson’s ordination as the first openly gay man authorized to serve an historic Christian church as a minister of word and sacrament.
Leaders include the Rev. Rhina Ramos (worship leader), Bishop Yvette Flunder (closing address and charge), the Rev. Bill Johnson and the Rev. Anne Holmes, and the Rev. Andy Lang (State of the ONA Movement).
To register, click here.
UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

2022 Grant informational Meeting - August 3, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Faithful Abortion Access: Then And Now - August 4, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Building an Endowment - August 10, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

"Making All Things New"
General Synod 2023
Making All Things New” will be the theme of the 34th biennial General Synod of the United Church of Christ, scheduled for June 30–July 4, 2023, in Indianapolis.
The General Synod of the United Church of Christ will get back to business a year from now. And it will do so in person.
After an all-virtual experience in 2021, the UCC’s biennial national meeting will require all voting delegates to be in Indianapolis in 2023. That’s according to the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, the associate general minister who serves as Synod administrator.
Delegates and visitors will meet June 30 through July 4 at the Indianapolis Convention Center.
For the full press release, click here.
The Space Between: The Emerging Church in a Post-Pandemic World
September 19, 2022 – September 21, 2022

Join us to reflect on what we've moved through as church experiencing pandemic, to recognize the innovative ways we have survived and in some ways thrived: What did we learn when faced with the need to pivot quickly and still be effectively present as church? Where do we need to stretch ourselves? What and how do we need to build capacity to resource how we're evolving as church? What might we each offer to help us become? These and other questions will be contemplated as we lean in to lessons learned about adapting with agility, and unpack potential possibility. Learn more and register here.
From our friends and partners
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM)
Upcoming Classes:

Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development, Aug 23–Sept 27, Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm. Instructor Jessica Young Brown. A Ministerial Institute class. An in-depth look at ethics in ministry, including confidentiality, fiduciary duty, healthy boundaries, and self-care. 2.5 CEUs. $325.
Church Finances, Oct 11–Nov 15. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm. Instructor, Lovett Weems. Practical skills for creating and presenting budgets grounded in the church’s mission, expanding means of giving and sources of income, presenting accurate tracking and reporting of giving, proper financial administration of funds, and exploring new options for funding ministry. For pastors and lay leaders. 2.5 CEUs. $125.
Eden Theological Seminary

August 15th - Oct 7th – UCC History and Polity Course
Eden is offering UCC History and Polity as an asynchronous 8-week intensive course for the Fall 2022 semester. All the material from a full-semester course will be covered, and all coursework will be completed in an asynchronous online forum. This class is appropriate for Members In Discernment and those on an alternative path to authorized ministry. It is also open to those seeking Dual Standing or Privilege of Call in the UCC, if your Committee on Ministry requires you to take a full-semester course.
If you've been looking for a UCC History and Polity class to fit around your schedule, you've found it. Class meets Aug. 15 - Oct. 7, 2022. Contact the Eden Admissions Office to register: [email protected], 314-918-2642.
2022 Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness Conference
September 22, 2022

This workshop is designed to improve the knowledge in the business continuity planning areas related to an armed intruder incident. It is intended for professionals from the public and private sectors as well as faith-based organizations responsible for business continuity planning and emergency planning. This workshop is free of charge courtesy of the South Central PA Task Force, Millersville University and grants from US DHS! Seating is limited so register soon.
Employment Opportunities
Director of Social Services: Sarah A. Todd Memorial Home is seeking a Director of Social Services for a full time-exempt position. Bachelor's Degree in Social Work or related human services field and one year in long-term care experience is required. Excellent wages and benefits including retirement plan. Subject to reasonable accommodation for religious or medical reasons, proof of vaccination against the COVID-19 virus is a condition of employment for this position.  Interested persons should please mail, fax or email resume and letter of interest to Sarah A. Todd Memorial Home, Attn: Erin Jayman, 1000 West South Street, Carlisle, PA 17013; (717) 245-9733 FAX; or to [email protected]. EEOE.
UCC National Positions:

Gender & Sexuality Ministry
Close Date: July 22, 2022

Global Ministries
Close Date: August 19, 2022

Close Date: August 29, 2022
Shiloh UCC, York
Family and Children Ministry Coordinator

Part-time Position Summary: Nurture and develop a caring Christian community where children and youth have a meaningful and fun relationship with other youth and adults; have an opportunity to grow in God’s grace; develop the spiritual and personal resources necessary for life’s journey and develop a loving relationship with God, themselves and others. Learn more here.
Accompanist Position Available
We are searching for an Accompanist to bring their gifts to our church where we appreciate a blend of contemporary and traditional music.

General Responsibilities:
In support of the vision of the church, this year-round, part time, salaried position will provide music for worship and other events in a manner that enhances the spirit of worship and enriches the congregation's appreciation of music.

The current music ministry of HPUCC consists of one volunteer choir, as well as instrumental and vocal soloists.

For more information, please call the church at 717-397-9791 or email: [email protected]. If interested, please mail or email resume to: Hamilton Park United Church of Christ, Attn: Search, 1210 Maple Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603
Audio/Visual System Operators Needed
Church of the Apostles, United Church of Christ in Wayne Heights is looking for two people to operate our Audio/Visual system during Sunday morning worship services at 10:45 am (summer worship at 10 am, beginning the first Sunday in June and ending with Labor Day weekend). Other services would include weddings, funerals, Lenten services and Christmas Eve. These are part-time, independent contractor positions; paid per service. Responsible teenagers will be considered. Training will be provided. Read the full description here.
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3196

Rev. Dr. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-433-2587

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3564

Rev. Rick Luciotti
Coordinator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
Phone: 717-433-6306
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: [email protected] | phone: 717-652-1560