Christian Education & Formation

July 2023 Issue

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National Job Listings


Horton Center Events

Go to the Summer Camp Schedule and see the many, fun, opportunities there are to experience Horton Center!

Fall Confirmation Retreat

September 29 - October 1, 2023 | Grades 7-12

What does the United Church of Christ have to do with my life and my church? Do my beliefs and dreams fit with the UCC? What does the phrase, “God is still speaking” mean anyway? Come join us for a 2-night retreat so that we can talk about questions like these! Youth from NH Confirmation classes will gather for worship, music, discussion, good food and games.

Don’t miss this awesome weekend! Have your Confirmation Leader contact Diane Tinkham at: [email protected] to register your local church’s confirmation class.

Ages: Grades 7-12    Price: $210 / $180 / $160

Regional Youth Event

July 28 - 31 | Silver Lake Camp & Retreat Center, Sharon, CT

Save the date for this exciting event offered to youth from UCC churches all over New England!


Speakers - Creation Justice Ministries

Our New Creation Care Speaker Kits

Are you looking for a speaker for an upcoming event or church service about creation care related issues? You can request Creation Justice Ministries’ staff to preach or speak about creation justice issues ranging from environmental justice to conservation to food justice to climate resilience. 

To learn more about the diverse range of topics our speakers specialize in, explore our speaker kits. These kits are available on our website and offer information about each speaker, their areas of expertise and ways to contact them. See how we can offer sermons, talks, and workshops at your congregation! Go to Creation Justice Ministries to learn more!

Craft Project for Peace

Many churches have held large origami crane folding events to create and collect a thousand “Paper Cranes for Peace”. Whether they are sent to Hiroshima, the President of the United States, the mayor of a small town, or a sick person recovering from an illness, the gift of a thousand paper cranes is a powerful gesture of caring, devotion, and love. Learn how to Fold Paper Cranes for Peace and how and why you might want to challenge your church to do make some cranes!

Vacation Bible School Ideas

Confirmation Resources

Planning ahead for your next Confirmation Class? The excellent staff from the Southern New England Conference has curated a thorough list of options. Find them all on the SNECUCC Confirmation Resources page on their website.


Annual Meeting 2023

Volunteers Needed!

Annual Meeting 2023 planning is well underway. As we approach our event on October 21st the planning committee has started the search for volunteers. We ask that you are 16 years of age or older. This would be a great opportunity for students to earn service hours for school.

Here is the list of volunteers needed:

Tech Stewards (10 hours of service)

  • 2 hours of training
  • 8 hours on the day of the event
  • Remote job, tech support for zoom participants
  • Must be comfortable with technology

Photographer (5 hours of service)

  • Camera not required
  • Must have some experience with a DSLR
  • Must be on location at the Concord Grappone Center
  • Food provided

Ushers (8 hours of service)

  • Help hand out badges and seat people
  • Help assist anyone in need
  • Food Provided

If you have any interest in volunteering your time please reach out to the CTE Specialist Thaddeus Sieverding at [email protected].

Youth Mission Day: Program Plan and Ideas

Goals of the Day:

  1. to get to know each other better, fellowship
  2. build bridges and network for future activities
  3. start a process to do something good for humanity-beyond bringing canned food to a food drive, create a plan of action
  4. realize that teens can make a difference in the world
  5. and finally to be reminded that as Christians we are   called to do good


Follow this link for a sample game plan provided by Global Ministries for a Global Ministries Youth Mission Day for your church.


Is this the End of the Christian Education Director?

Blog post link here.

Written by Debbie Gline Allen who serves as a Minister of Faith Formation on the SNECUCC’s Faith Formation Ministry Team. She also serves as the administrator of the SNEUCC Faith Formation Leadership Program.

Between Heaven and Mirth- Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life

by James Martin, SJ | Link Here

From one of America’s most beloved spiritual leaders and the New York Times bestselling author Father James Martin, SJ, comes a revolutionary look at how you can change your life and save your spirit through joy, humor, and laughter.

Martin shares how you can strike a healthy balance between spirituality and daily life and live as a joyful believer. In Between Heaven and Mirth, he uses scriptural passages, the lives of the saints, the spiritual teachings of other traditions, and his own personal reflections to show us why joy is the inevitable result of faith, because a healthy spirituality and a healthy sense of humor go hand-in-hand with God's great plan for humankind. (Amazon Review)


Listen to these UCCZ Church Songs in honor of the visit to NH from the UCC Zimbabwe delegation!

Faith Podcasts

Faith Forward Podcast: The Wonder-full World of Children's Literature with Natasha Crozier and rediscover the imaginative power of children’s books.

UCC Podcasts

Conference Center

Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Gordon Rankin

Conference Minister

Sara Marean

Associate Conference Minister

Cindy Bradley

Administrative Assistant

Diane Tinkham

Christian Formation Resource Specialist

Lydia Frasca

Finance Officer

Susanne McCarron

Search and Call

Tim Hughes

Horton Center Executive Director

Thaddeus Sieverding

CTE Specialist

Phone Number:


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These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.

Please contact Diane Tinkham at [email protected] with ideas and suggestions.

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