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Christmas Eve December 24th, 2022 &

Christmas Day, December 25th, 2022

Merry Christmas and Welcome to the Cathedral

Whether in person or on-line, we invite and encourage to come home to

St. Luke's for Christmas.

Come, bring your family and connect with your parish family, and with God. 

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to You!

With love,

Dean Shambaugh and the Cathedral Community.

Christmas Eve 5pm

Service Participants

Celebrant: The Right Rev. Thomas J. Brown, The Tenth Bishop of Maine 

Assisting: The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh, Dean of the Cathedral 

The Rev. Rebecca Grant, Deacon

The Rev. Suzanne Roberts, M.D. 

Music Leader: Christian M. Clough 

The Cast of the Christmas Pageant, names listed below

Ushers: Bob Parshley, Martha Parshley, Chester Bishop, & Susan McCuller

The Healing Team: Sara Schmaltz & Judd Hume

Advent Wreath Prayer Leader: Charles Hornor

Live Streaming: Jack Swanton and Sam Allen 

Acolytes and Vergers; The Flower Guild; The Altar Guild

The Pageant Cast – In General Order of Appearance

Narrators Louisa Radtke Rowe

Mary Lucy Pride

Gabriel CeCe Lavoie

Joseph Henry Cabot

Innkeeper 1 Kate Shambaugh

Innkeeper 2 Reverend Suzanne Roberts

Lead Shepherd Liam Coy

Shepherd 1/3 Johnnie Cabot

Sheep Georgie Chabot

Sheep Alex Palmer

Angel of the Lord Ella Kittridge

Angel Rose Lavoie

Angel Hila Palmer

Angel Charlotte Pride

Star of the East Bishop Brown

King Melchior Dean Shambaugh

King Gaspar Deacon Rebecca Grant

King Balthazar Misha Pride

Christmas Pageant: The Christmas pageant will serve as the Liturgy of the Word in our 5 pm Service. Many thanks to our Pageant Director, Sarah Dowling and Assistant Director, Kate Shambaugh; Pageant Assistants: Jessica Pride, Louisa Radte-Rowe, and Anna Foster; Musical Director, Christian Clough; and all the incredible Adults, Youth and Children who participated in this wonderful Pageant today!  


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Christmas Eve 10 pm

 Service Participants

The Right Rev. Thomas J. Brown, The Tenth Bishop of Maine, Celebrant

The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh, Dean, Preacher

The Rev. Rebecca Grant, Deacon, & The Rev. Suzanne Roberts, M.D., assisting

Peter Bingham, Melissa Coy, Susan McCuller, & Gail Swanton, Ushers

Susan McCuller, Lector

Peter Bingham, Prayers Leader

Shana Rose, Advent Wreath Prayer Leader

Sara Schmaltz & Judd Hume, The Healing Team

Jack Swanton & Sam Allen, Live-Streaming Producers

Acolytes and Vergers

Eleanor Roberts, Head Verger

David Savage, Bishop’s Verger

Heather Murdoch Curry, Verger

Alec Thorne & Michael Thorne, Crucifers

Maggie Gardner, Anna Foster, & Orion Williams, Torches

Will Armitage, Thurifer

Louisa Radtke, Banner

Joseph deKay, Eucharistic Minister

The Flower Guild

The Altar Guild

The Cathedral Choir

Christian M. Clough, conductor & organist

Randall Mullin, organist

Georgia Bancroft • Onnie Benoist • Phoebe Blume • Elise Johnson • Linda Carleton

Joseph Colquhoun • Ray Davis Murdoch Curry • Lynn Dalheim • Joanne deKay • Curtis Maurand

Mac McCabe • Jamie Moore • Suezan Moore • Parker Roberts • Shana Rose • William Salomon

Connie Schmalz • Dan Schmalz • Gay Tucker • Kathy Watt • Stacie Webb • Stephen White

Festival Brass 

Michelle Boggs & Matt Lagarde, trumpets 

Sophie Flood, French horn

Parker Kenyon, tenor trombone 

Tom Michaud, bass trombone 

Mark Fredericks, timpani


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Christmas Day 10am

Service Participants

Preacher & Celebrant: The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh, Dean of the Cathedral 

Assisting: The Rev. Rebecca Grant, Deacon

Music Leader: Christian M. Clough 

Ushers: Gus Goodwin, Chester Bishop, & Deb Marcoux

Lector: Sam Allen

Prayers Leader: Sam Allen

Live Streaming: Jack Swanton and Sam Allen 

Acolytes and Vergers; The Flower Guild; The Altar Guild


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The Flowers, Greens, Music, & General Support

The Christmas Greens and Flowers are given to

the glory of God & in thanksgiving for

Kristen Buteau and Craig Masse by Susan McCuller

Melissa, Michael, and Liam Coy by Susan McCuller

Our Grandchildren: Sam, Cooper, Lydia, and Georgia by Muffie and David Fernald

Our Family by Jack and Byrd Wood

Pierre and Elizabeth Gaudion by Alexandra and Corey Palmer

My Children by Elizabeth Griffin 

The birth of Henry William Watson by Nancy Brain and John Watson

Our St. Luke’s Family by Benjamin and Shari Shambaugh

For Family and Friends by Mary Doughty

Arthur Marcoux by Debra Marcoux

The Flowers at the State Street tower are offered in gratitude for the work of Pat and Fred Fowler  by Jim Theberge and Michael Thorne

The Flowers at the Park Street Entrance are offered in gratitude for the work of Martha and Bob Parshley  by Jim Theberge and Michael Thorne

For Flowers by Alexandra Gaudion

The Christmas Greens and Music are given to the

glory of God & in loving memory of

Arthur and Faith Jones by Susan McCuller

Michael ‘Mac’ McCuller by Susan McCuller

Don Northrop by Mary Jane Northrop

Jean, Bill, and Paul Linneman by Mary Linneman

Ann, Jim, and Sally Foster by Mary Linneman

Robert Waterhouse by Sara Schmalz and Bill Smith

Edward and Ellen Lansby by Richard and Ellen Farnsworth

Richard and Bessie Farnsworth by Richard and Ellen Farnsworth

Monica Ellis by long-term parishioners

The Rev. Sally Poland by The Rev. Ted Poland

Frank W. Smith by Helen Smith

Nancy Dunlap by Vicki Black

Jean-Michel Loubeau by Stacie and Toby Webb

Katharine Shambaugh, Martha Repp Shambaugh, Marietta Long by George and Roberta Shambaugh

Chuck Sawyer by David Savage

Christmas Offerings Given in Support of the Cathedral & Outreach Ministries

Thanksgiving in general support of the Cathedral by the Perry Quinn Families

For Haiti Outreach by Mary Jane Northrop

For Haiti Outreach by Robert Hanson

For the Food Pantry by the Murray Family Foundation

For the Food Pantry by James W. Perry

Christmas Offering by Richard Ellis and Jeremy Ellis

For St. Elizabeth’s in memory of Anne Schink by Anna Messmer

Thanksgiving in general support of the Cathedral by Priscilla B. Webster

Thanksgiving in general support of the Cathedral by Betsey Wilder Deleuse

General support of the Cathedral in memory of Ross Hugo Vida by The Halm-Perazone Family

General support of the Cathedral in memory of The Rev. Robert Appleyard Jr. by The Rev. Stephen White

General support of the Cathedral in memory of Margaret and Raymond Veroneau by Mary Veroneau

Thanksgiving in general support of the Cathedral by Jane Briggs

Thanksgiving  for Bishop Thomas J. Brown by The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen and Daniel J. Knudsen

General support of the Cathedral in memory of Joan and James Hayes by Joan Donner

General Support of the Cathedral by John Hurd

General Support of the Cathedral given in Thanksgiving for our family by the R.H. Hooper Family


Parish Sunday Announcements

Roots of Jesus Study Group

Sunday Mornings|8:45am-9:45am

Location: The Chapter Room

Contact: The Rev. Dr. Bob Hanson 

The paradoxes of the Advent season

  Advent announces, simultaneously, the joy of the coming of our anointed savior and king, Jesus of Nazareth, but also the end of God’s plan for our salvation in the suffering and death of that same savior. The Psalms written, sung and prayed by

King David in the ninth century, BCE, also remind us of historically of our single and corporate sins, but also of Yahveh’s understanding and forgiveness. The questions raised in our minds and hearts requires that we understand that the life lived in God is the life lived acknowledging and accepting the always existing polarities between the good against the not good, faith versus fear or doubt, love versus apathy, good will versus fatigue, understanding versus the easy acceptances of what’s current and available, and finally, complacency versus sorrow and suffering. Jesus knew and recited King David’s joys and sorrows(Ps. 22)  Jesus cited David when upon the cross he pled for God to hear him, but then accepted his suffering.  His faith, as with David’s before him, allowed Jesus to commit himself to God’s will (“not mine but thine be done”) The other side in this agonizing truth is from Psalms 2 and 110 which witness the victories of David over his adversaries, and Jesus over the fear of rejection and death. If we are to understand God’s love worked out in the Tanakh and the New Testament we must walk the path that Jesus walked. We walk that path affirming that God is always present regardless of the circumstances. We walk the path reconciling the sins we’ve committed with the suffering those same sins ignited. When we plead with God for a greater understanding of our behavior we also are pleading for a greater knowledge of all that we are, especially the not so good, and of that which we have yet to become. Such is the nature of our heartfelt confession, and the stimulus for our gratitude. - JRH

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134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

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P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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