March 2023 Newsletter

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic

Dear Neighbor,

On January 26th, the City Commission met at the L.A. Lee YMCA/Mizell Community Center for the Annual Goal Setting Workshop. An outstanding discussion ensued as we formulated our Top Priorities for FY 2024 (beginning October 1st, 2023), projects of interest, and district needs.

One of the six top priorities for FY 2024, and quite possibly one of the most concerning to our neighbors, is Traffic & Transportation. As our city continues to become a more popular world-wide destination, with an increase in residents and visitors, along with events taking place on the beach have increased the amount of traffic that our residents are experiencing. I want to thank all neighbors who have reached out to my office this past year, and in particular, the past several weeks expressing your thoughts and frustrations regarding the traffic challenges that we have been faced with. The Commission will continue to find ways to promote the increase of traffic mitigation efforts and multi-modal options to alleviate congestion in high-traffic areas around the City. At the March 8th Commission meeting, I echoed the sentiments of the District 2 residents regarding traffic congestion, special events, and noise on the barrier island. After a discussion with the city manager and my colleagues, it was agreed to schedule this issue for the April 4th conference meeting.

To help provide temporary relief of these traffic issues, especially during Spring Break, FLPD has implemented multiple tactics to help with traffic congestion on the beach. During the month of March, FLPD allocated the Motor Unit to the beach area during Spring Break. They are educating and enforcing traffic statutes. They are also focusing on the Uber/Lyft drop-offs in the middle of the roadway. These type of middle of the road drop-offs stop traffic and prevent the natural flow of traffic and exacerbate congestion even more. Because of this, FLPD have issued multiple warnings and citations.


A1A is lined from East Las Olas Boulevard to Beach Place with barricades. This allows us to provide a safer environment along the sidewalks. This also forces pedestrians to utilize the open crosswalks and prevents Uber/Lyft passengers from exiting the vehicle anywhere on A1A.  


FLPD staffs those designated open crosswalks on busy days with city personnel to facilitate controlled crossings and minimize traffic stops. This prevents traffic from constantly stopping; it keeps traffic flowing. This also allows police to focus on pedestrian safety by controlling where people cross and having traffic-certified city employees stopping traffic periodically to get pedestrians across safely. 


We have made a concerted effort to push out information on any road closures, special events or traffic changes during this time and throughout the year via the City’s event calendar, social media and the District 2 newsletter in an attempt to educate guests and residents by finding alternate routes.


On a city-wide front, Fort Lauderdale continues to work with its partners at the county, regional and state transportation agencies to find ways to ease congestion. The proposed commuter rail service currently being planned between Fort Lauderdale and Miami along with FDOT’s improvements being made to Sunrise Boulevard designed to improve traffic flow are just a few of the strategies being employed to enhance mobility throughout the city. As part of the expansion of the convention center, the county has promised to construct a bypass road through the port to relieve traffic on 17th Street. And, downtown, the city is studying a one-way loop using Andrews and 3rd Avenue that could create a rapid-transit lane. One issue that still needs to be addressed by the County is the synchronization and signalization of traffic lights on our roads. The city supported the 1 cent sales tax increase to assist in this process. It is time to make good on that promise and implement the latest technology that exists now to help alleviate the traffic we are experiencing on major arteries. In addition to these upcoming projects, below is a summary of additional initiatives that are currently underway.


In July 2022, the City Commission approved an agreement for a six-month pilot project with Circuit that provides visitors and neighbors with eight all-electric, zero-carbon producing shuttles, operating on-demand in the downtown area and fixed-loop service on the beach. In less than two months of operation, ridership surged to more than 11,000 passengers using the service in October. As a result of the increase in demand, the micro transit pilot created 53 jobs within the City. We have received rave reviews about the pilot program and are investigating the feasibility of long-term options. 


Circuit’s February 2023 numbers indicate that continued demand in the first quarter of 2023 has been steadily booming in our city. I asked the Circuit team for some specific data to break down ridership and give detail to who is utilizing this service, what times, etc. The data indicated that our 64 and older community has really embraced Circuit and ridership is up month after month during the 5 pm rush hour times, which can only help alleviate traffic issues.


Specifically, to reduce overall traffic, leading to and on the beach area, during the St. Patrick’s Day parade and festival, the Transportation and Mobility Department partnered with LauderGO! Micromover (Circuit) and the Water Taxi in providing an alternative means of transportation between the downtown and the beach. Event attendees were encouraged to park at the Riverwalk Center Garage downtown at a reduced parking rate and to use the LauderGO! Micromover to get to and from the garage and the Water Taxi stop at Laura Ward Plaza from where Water Taxi service was provided to the beach. The Transportation and Mobility Department will be pursuing similar efforts for future major events.


FY24 Community Shuttle Program applications with Broward County

The Broward County Transportation Surtax program provides funding for the operation of the local Community Shuttle service (i.e. LauderGO!). Each year, the County allows for new applications to be submitted and considered as part of the new funding cycle, with no match required by the City. The City’s FY24 application, which was submitted on March 17, 2023, seeks improvements of the existing Community Shuttle service by expanding service days to 7 days a week operation and expanding service hours to cover morning and evening commuter peak for all five (5) existing routes. If approved, the proposed enhancements should improve quality of the overall service for transit dependent riders. As a result, we expect an increase in ridership and reduction in number of single-passenger vehicles along the roadways. 


Broward County Transit - Micro Transit Pilot Program

Broward County will be implementing a County-funded 3-year microtransit pilot program in different areas of the County. City staff worked closely with Broward County staff to discuss and propose areas in the City of Fort Lauderdale where the program would be beneficial. The City formally requested to be included as part of the phase 1 of the aforementioned pilot program. The pilot program is anticipated to commence by October 1, 2023. More details of this service will be provided in the future.


Galt Mile On-Demand Micro Transit Service

City staff is currently developing scope and cost estimates for expanding the existing on-demand Circuit service to the Galt Mile area through the end of FY23. Once estimates for the costs become available, Staff will bring to the Commission an item for consideration and approval.


Galt Mile Community Shuttle Service Update

While funding for the Galt Mile community shuttle service was approved by Broward County as part of the FY21 application cycle, service did not commence yet as the approved service plan required construction of eight (8) new transit stops most within the private rights-of-way. City staff performed field reviews, identified readily available/existing bus stops and requested that Broward County approve the use of these alternative stops. Broward County is currently reviewing the City’s proposal. If approved by the County, City staff will work with our current shuttle operator to finalize operational logistics and any required contract amendments.


District 3 On-Demand Micro Transit Service

On March 13, 2023, Circuit service was expanded to include most of the Dorsey Riverbend neighborhood through City funding. Additionally, City staff was able to secure funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) which will be used for further expansion of on-demand transit service in District 3 as part of the State-funded pilot program. City staff is working through FDOT funding requirements and defining the service area and operating hours.


I want to personally thank everyone, especially the District 2 neighbors, for your feedback and most importantly, your patience during these last few weeks. Although we experience traffic congestion in all parts of our District, it is no surprise that the beach sees an elevated volume during the months of March and April. Please know that your feedback is heard. Together, we have made a lot of progress, but there is so much more to do. We must continue to work with all our partners in providing mobility options and ways to ease traffic congestion. What exists now is not acceptable. Working on solutions with our partners at the county, regional and state transportation agencies continues to be a top priority of mine and the entire Commission.

Transit options continue to be a priority as we deal with increased traffic in our City.

US1 & Gateway Project Development & Environment Public Meetings.

Virtual: Tuesday, March 28th, 5:30 PM - Tomorrow Night

In-Person: Thursday, March 30th, 5:30 PM

On behalf of the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), District Four, you are invited to a Public Kick-Off Meeting for the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for the above referenced project. A PD&E Study is FDOT's process to evaluate the social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with a planned transportation improvement project. The purpose of this project is to improve intersection capacity and address future traffic demand. The project will also improve safety and enhance modal interrelationships with bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by FOOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and FOOT.

The Public Kick-Off Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 2023 (Virtual), and Thursday, March 30, 2023 (In-Person). The same information will be presented at both the virtual and in-person Public Kick-Off Meeting, so attending both is not necessary.

There are two ways to participate in the meeting:

•            Virtual: Persons who do not wish to attend the Public Kick-Off Meeting in person can join the meeting virtually at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Participants are requested to register in advance for the virtual Public Kick-Off Meeting by visiting the project website at .To join the meeting, please use the following link . To join by phone, please dial 1 (562) 247-8422, Access Code, 414-796-090. If using a mobile device, the free "GoToWebinar" Application is required to attend. Please allow adequate log- in time to view the presentation in its entirety.

•            In-Person: The Public Kick-Off Meeting will be held at ArtServe located at 1350 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, on Thursday, March 30, 2023. The latest social distancing guidelines will be followed. The Public Kick-Off Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. as an open house format.

All exhibits presented at the Public Kick-Off Meeting can be viewed electronically on the project website.

100 year-old Floridian Speaks Out on Education

It takes a 100-year old Floridian who has lived through some of our history’s darkest times to remind us of the slippery slope we are on.

Call for Teenage Artwork Submissions

March 27 – April 7


Opening Reception at NSU Art Museum

May 4, from 5 – 7 pm

A Missing Generation is an exhibition of art work in all media including performance-based and spoken word by Broward County teens curated by student members of NSU Art Museum’s Teen Art Council, which highlights the unique perspectives and experiences of teens across Broward County. Teens are invited to exhibit their art work with their peers in NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale and engage with the greater community of Broward County.  

More Information

City Commission Discusses Legislative Issues

At the City Commission Conference Meeting on Thursday, March 23, 2023, I facilitated a conversation on state legislative issues. There are many bills in the 2023 legislative session that are of concern to us as a City and to our individual citizens. I categorized the bills into five buckets.


  • AP Courses/African-American Studies
  • DEI Education Bill - HB 999/SB 266
  • Universal Vouchers
  • Book Banning - HB 1069

Women's Reproductive Rights and Abortion:

  • Limits the abortion period to 6 weeks - HB 7/SB 300


  • Historic Preservation HB 317/SB 346
  • Limits Historic Landmarks HB 859/SB 1018
  • Dangerous Vacation Rental Bills

Public Safety:

  • Permitless Carry of Firearms - HB 543/SB 150

Property Insurance:

  • Monitor any bills related to insurance as they are all passing in favor of insurance companies and not the property owner.

LGBTQ+ Bills:

  • Don't Say Gay Bill Expansion & Banning Pronouns - HB 1223/SB 1320
  • Anti Drag Shows - HB 1423/SB 1438
  • Preventing Flags - HB 1011/SB 668
  • Denying Transgender Children and Adults Healthcare and basic human rights.

I did my best to encourage my colleagues to take a stand against these harmful bills. You can watch our discussion starting at 1:34 in the conference meeting video. (Click here to watch). Please feel free to contact your state representatives to voice your concerns.

Celebrating the Completion of Hendricks Isles Seawalls

Click on the image below to view the Channel 6 news segment.

Introducing FTL Connect!

The City's new magazine is intended to keep YOU connected & involved in what's going on in Fort Lauderdale. You can see the digital version now by clicking the image above.

Click on the image below to take the City's

communication survey

City of Fort Lauderdale to Chlorinate Water System -

Preventive Maintenance Scheduled for

April 18 - May 9, 2023

The City of Fort Lauderdale will temporarily switch to using free chlorine in its drinking water system beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 through 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.


Free chlorination is a common preventative maintenance procedure for water systems using chloramines for disinfection. The City expects the chlorination period to be transparent to our neighbors; however, some may notice a slight change in the taste or smell of their tap water. In addition, neighbors may see water flowing from fire hydrants in their neighborhood, which is part of the normal maintenance process.


The City of Fort Lauderdale maintains the highest standards to ensure that clean, high quality drinking water is delivered to our neighbors. The City’s water meets federal, state, and local primary drinking water standards.


For more information, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service Center at 954-828-8000 or via LauderServ.

Click on the image below to view the CRA Annual Report. Many great accomplishments that have directly impacted District 2.

Neighbor Leadership Academy

Looking to learn more about Fort Lauderdale and become involved in your community? Registration for Class 12 of the Neighbor Leadership Academy (NLA) is now open! Please complete and submit the application form below by Monday, April 3rd, 2023.

Class 12 is in session starting:

Weds 4/19 George English Park

More info: [email protected] | 954-828-4012 |

Lots of fun at Las Olas Oceanside Park (LOOP)!

If you have yet to play the interactive and Instagramable mini-golf experience, PIXAR PUTT, now is your time to book your date with destiny, as the limited run at Las Olas Oceanside Park will soon travel to its next destination.

View ticket information, plus private rental and group packages at

Enter Promo Code: HOWDY10 when making your date selection, for a special ticket discount

March local elections in other Broward and Palm Beach municipalities demonstrated that many voters did not vote by mail in their usual numbers. Please note that if you typically vote-by-mail, then you must renew your request for all elections through December 2024.

Renew your Vote by Mail Service

Due to new Florida election laws, voters need to renew their Vote-by-Mail requests now as these have all expired.

You can request a Vote-by-Mail ballot for a specific election or for all elections through December 2024. After the 2024 General Election, you will need to make the request annually.

If you are presently registered to vote in Broward County, you may request a Vote-by-Mail ballot online. You may also request by email, fax, phone, or mail, a vote-by-mail ballot.

Voters who wish to receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot for 2023 through 2024 elections are required to complete a new Vote-by-Mail ballot request.

Article: To vote by mail time to reapply

 Bonnet House 14th Annual International Orchid & Garden Festival April 1 - April 2 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Click here for more information

3rd Annual Spring Fling EGGstravaganza - April 2nd

Annual Street Art Regatta 

April 7th

Fort Lauderdale, FL. The Fort Lauderdale Intracoastal Waterway is set to come alive on April 7, 2023, with the Street Art Regatta, or StAR, a celebration of original artworks by local and national artists painted on sail canvas and presented by the award-winning youth sailing team of the Lauderdale Yacht Club Sailing Foundation.

Click here for more information


‘End is near’ for $28 million makeover of U.S. 1 tunnel in downtown Fort Lauderdale
Millions at risk of losing Medicaid benefits soon
Antisemitic Acts in Florida: ‘More bold, more egregious and more attention-grabbing.’

We have the following Board Vacancies below. Please email Erica Franceschi [email protected] if you are interested in serving on a Fort Lauderdale City Board.  

Board of Adjustment

Cemetery System Board of Trustees

Code Enforcement Board

Community Appearance Board

Community Services Board 

Education Advisory Board

Insurance Advisory Board

Nuisance Abatement Board

Sustainability Advisory Board

Boards and Committees Information

The greatness of our community starts with passionate citizens like you. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our Outreach Coordinator, Ashley Cacicedo, with any questions, comments or thoughtful suggestions [email protected] or 954-828-5923.

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Steve Glassman
Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner, District 2 
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