The City of Rosenberg has scheduled two informational Town Hall meetings to talk with residents about the upcoming Facilities Bond Election and Special Election for Charter Amendments, which will appear on the Nov. 7 ballot.
The first meeting is on Thursday, Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. at Rosenberg Civic Center (3825 Highway 36 S, Rosenberg, TX 77471). The second meeting is set for Thursday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. at Friends of North Rosenberg (1908 Ave E, Rosenberg, TX 77471).
These informative meetings are designed to provide Rosenberg residents with an educational presentation regarding the proposed bonds and charter amendments, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.
The bond election will include two propositions for facilities.
Proposition A includes $18,500,000 for an Emergency Services Complex for emergency services-related infrastructure, including Fire Station No. 4, an emergency operations center, and Fire Department administration offices.
Proposition B includes $33,000,000 for a Public Services Complex to consolidate Public Services departments, provide proper office space, adequately shelter large equipment, and centralize city services, including vehicle fleet maintenance and fueling station. This consolidated public services complex will include:
• Public Works
• Utilities
• Parks
• Fleet Maintenance
• Building Maintenance
• Engineering
• Capital Projects
• Fleet Fueling Station
The special election for charter amendments includes 51 propositions on the ballot to amend the charter. The City's Charter defines Rosenberg City government's organization, powers and functions. This is the first major comprehensive review since the charter's adoption in November 1956. Although the City Charter has been amended a number of times for specific changes, many sections are outdated or have been superseded by state law which garnered the Charter Review Committee's recommendations.
For more information, please visit the website at, call Citizen's Relations at 832-595-3301 or email us at