February 19, 2023

10 am Worship

Transfiguration Sunday

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The Lazarus Fund Offering, one of the six Presbytery special offerings we collect at Northmont each year, is received during the month of February. The fund, a Pittsburgh Presbytery initiative, started during the economic struggles of 1984, but the need continues today. It makes grants of direct aid available to families in crisis, who are struggling to pay for basic survival needs. 70% of the undesignated funds provide emergency assistance to session sponsored families and the remaining 30% provide economic and employment development assistance. Designated funding supports the Caring Program for Children. The fund has no overhead and is administered through a special committee of the Presbytery. Please consider helping families in need by contributing to the Lazarus Fund. Checks can be made out to Northmont UP church, marked for the Lazarus

Fund. Thank you.

Next Youth Group Nights

March 8, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Check out the all the events by clicking on the banner.

*March 10-12, youth retreat at Ligonier 319*

K-5 Night

March 1, 5:00 to 6:30 pm

To see all of the events going on in Children's Ministry click the banner.

Northmont United Presbyterian Church

By: Stephen Schall This week we mark the end of the season after the Epiphany with the celebration of the Transfiguration. Thus, we end the season as it began by pondering Christ as the manifestation of light. We sing of this event is in Sunday's congregational hymns.

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Meet a choir member

Amber Rigot, volunteer alto

Hi! I’m Amber and I’m very happy to be at Northmont Presbyterian and back with the director who started my career in music. I grew up being in choirs all across Pittsburgh and graduated from Duquesne University with a degree in music education. Through my degree program I was fortunate to perform alongside the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. After college I taught middle school band and guitar in Las Vegas for a few years then decided it was time to return to my hometown. Now I specialize in helping young professionals and families create financial plans that will benefit them for a lifetime. 

When I’m not making music I’m playing with my cats, watching Forensic Files, sleeping, or thinking about where I’m going to travel to next

Plea for help: Adult Handbells practice on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30. We are desperately in need of more ringers if we are to continue ringing. If you would like to join us, please contact me at [email protected]. We usually ring once a month. A strong commitment and an ability to read music are needed. We will teach you how to ring if you haven’t. Handbells have been a vital part of Northmont’s music ministry over the years. It would be a shame to see this legacy end. Please consider joining us if you can. 

If you are interested in knowing more about singing in the choir, please contact me at [email protected]. Chancel Choir practices 6:30 - 8:30 most Thursdays and sings for worship throughout the school year. Requirements are a pleasing voice, the ability to read music, and a good sense of humor. 

This Week at Northmont

Sunday February 19

Worship 10 am Sanctuary

Fellowship Time After service in Fellowship Hall

Traveling God’s World Group 7 pm Sanctuary

Monday February 20

BSA 6 pm FH and Mangochi Room

Dine- Out Group 6:30 pm Firebirds restaurant

Tuesday February 21

NBC 8:30 am Fellowship Hall

BSA 6 pm Fellowship Hall

Wednesday February 22

Knit Wits 9:30 am Mangochi Room

Stephen Minister Meeting 10 am Berean Room

Thursday February 23

Handbells Rehearsal 4:30 pm Choir Room

Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm Choir Room

Sunday February 26

Worship 10 am Sanctuary

Fellowship Time After service in Fellowship Hall

View the full Church Calendar Here

The next Women’s Bible Study reminder will be sent out soon. Melody Hannegan will be leading us in Horizons’ Celebrating Sabbath. All women are welcome to attend.

Please contact Jan Baty at 412-427-8476 or at [email protected] with any questions.


Book Group Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng Saturday February 18 at 9:30 am

Pickleball Group — To play, 

contact Lindsey Cunko at [email protected]

Dining-Out Group —Firebirds Monday February 20 at 6:30 pm

Traveling God’s World Group — "Viking River Cruise: Amsterdam to Budapest" Monday February 19 at 7 pm

If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.

Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at [email protected]

Get Connected

First Look

Koehler and Phelps Class

Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room

Coffee with Ben

Thursdays at 10 am via Zoom.

No agenda just catch up with friends.

Invitation sent via email. Interested in joining? Email Rev Ben at [email protected] to be added to the list.



has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.

Please contact Linda Richard to sign up and make arrangements. 

Phone: 412-369-9329

Email: [email protected]

Outreach Opportunities


Specialized Ministry

Click the picture to learn more about each ministry.