Urgent Member Alert!- Tell Gov. Newsom That Printing Is Essential Business!
While we celebrate our national win, our state effort continues, coordinated by RJ Cervantes, our state-wide Government Affairs lobbyist.
And now we need your help. It is essential that Governor Newsom understands that our industry is essential to meet the demands of this challenging time. Without this designation, our industry and your business run the risk of NOT fully protecting ourselves from costly regulatory measures, higher workers' compensation costs, and other headaches that are burdensome.
We simply do not know what the full extent this crisis will bring about in the legislative and regulatory arena, and we need your voice NOW to protect our industry. Please take a few moments to contact Governor Newsom and urge him to help our industry! You, your management partners, and your employees can all easily contact the Governor.
Please help our industry by following this email process: