During these long, dreary months, seasoned Vancouverites know to grab our running shoes and get into the sunshine as soon as it peeks out from behind the clouds. We have learned there will always be sunshine, even a few minutes each day. Our job is to catch that light and savour it, even in the midst of the darkest months.
What we focus on expands.
We have seen this principle played out over decades of working with people and their money and it’s not just about finding sunshine during the rainy season. Those who are grateful for what they have and can focus on what is good in their life, are the happiest. Their money grows the easiest and they have lives that reflect wealth in its broadest, deepest definition. Of course, there are financial principles that must be learned and followed. However, one of the most sacred foundational truths is that there is always a way — or a ray of light to bask in. No matter the circumstances, we can always find something that is good and right in our financial life to expand upon.
It is often too easy to succumb to fear and darkness. This weakens us. Appreciating the light makes us strong and powerful. We can help each other from this place. It is also much easier to grow our money and achieve our goals when we discipline our gaze to focus on the good that is always available to us. 
Kamal and Tracy