February 18, 2024

First Sunday in Lent

At 10 o’clock worship:

“Who Is He Then?”

Rev. Ben Robbins

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Last Sunday's Service

Deuteronomy 15:11

 “ For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore, I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your  and.”

 Bill and Mary Lou English have listened and acted on hat command. They have led Northmont’s effort in providing warm meals for the homeless men at the Pleasent Valley Shelter monthly, approaching 30 years. Bill and Mary Lou traditionally served the meal in December, but are now unable to do so. Deacons are looking for a family or group to serve this December. I am sure you have plenty of questions, so contact me, Ken Yoest, at missionstuff@comcast.net or text/call 412-855-1459. I am sure Bill and Mary Lou would not mind discussing this with you as well.

Lazarus Fund Special Offering

The Lazarus Fund was started in 1984 by the Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh to help families in distress. The Fund’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing financial assistance to Allegheny County families and individuals in need. One-time grants of up to $200 may be offered to successful candidates, with the grants being paid directly to the service provider. We'll be collecting the Lazarus Fund throughout the month of February. To contribute, please use your Lazarus Fund pledge envelope or a pew envelope marked for the Lazarus Fund.

International Partnership Visitor Coming to Northmont

From May 9 to 21, 23 International Partnership guests will be in Pittsburgh. One of these visitors is a woman, Miriam Gondwe, from our partner church in Mangochi. The Mission Committee is organizing a small group from both the committee and the congregation to help plan the time that Miriam will be spending with us. We need one or two additional people from the congregation for that planning team. If you can spare a little bit of time and help contribute to this effort, please let me know.

One family from the congregation has volunteered to fill one of the two four- or five-day hosting periods. We still need to fill the second hosting period. If you think you might like to take advantage of that opportunity to host a guest from Malawi for a few days, please let me know. 

Your participation with either hosting or planning would be very much appreciated. - Ted Mills (412-742-0556, millsfam78@gmail.com)

Hiland Book Discussion 

Hiland Presbyterian Church is hosting a book discussion of The Color of Life: A Journey toward Love and Racial Justice by Cara Meredith over a simple lunch of soup and bread

Date: Saturday March 16, 2024

Time: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. 

Location: Hiland Presbyterian Church

845 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 15229

The event is free of charge.

RSVP by March 8th to Carolyn at gibbses5@verizon.net 

or Barb in the church office at 412-364-9000.

Website: https://hilandchurch.org/

Clef Notes

By: Stephen Schall, Music Director

On Wednesday we began the 40-day penitential season of Lent. To highlight the nature of the season, we will have two constant penitential musical bits throughout the season, the introit and the Kyrie. 

Each week as the introit, the choir will sing a different stanza of the ancient Lenten prose, Attende Domine. For more information on it, see here

To emphasize the time of confession, the choir will sing a choral setting of the Kyrie. Its text, “Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.” meaning “Lord, have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord, have mercy.” is in Greek, reminding us of the ancient nature of our liturgy. The Kyrie along with the Trisagion, which is prescribed for use on Good Friday, are the only parts of the church’s liturgy that remained in Greek, the first language used in the church, throughout the millennia. 

This week we hear about covenant, baptism, and rebirth. The choir will sing Herbert Howells poignant setting of Psalm 42, Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, which text describes the yearning for God in the midst of despair and desolation.

A New Thing I’m Up To:

From January to March, I will be taking an online course with the goal of receiving an Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising. This program, offered through an organization called the Lake Institute, will give me tools and resources to better equip myself and the church to do some outreach-focused fundraising. 


I am now through five of the eight weeks. This week has been all about putting a vision together and making a plan in your church’s context. Stay tuned for some more info on that soon. 😁

AMOS nights are our way of creating an atmosphere of fellowship and hospitality for families and all members of our church. We will be sharing a meal together and then breaking off for a time of learning. AMOS nights will take place once a month at 6pm.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming AMOS nights:

February 28

April 24

May 22

Mark your calendars for the following events.

Confirmation Gathers: 2/25, 3/24, 4/21, 5/19

Any questions? Contact Ben

Ligonier Retreat Recap

Some of Northmont’s youth spent time last weekend on a retreat in Ligonier. They did mission work for the camp by helping to clear brush and chop wood. They were also about to spend time singing, rock climbing, and enjoying the grounds since it was in the 60s when they were there. 

What’s on the Calendar?

Sunday Feb 18

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

Monday Feb 19

Boy Scouts 6 pm

Tuesday Feb 20

NBC 9 am

Wednesday Feb 21

Knit Wits 9:30 am

Boy Scouts 7:30

Thursday Feb 22

Handbell Choir 5 pm

Chancel Choir 6:30 pm

Boy Scouts 7:30

Friday Feb 23

Saturday Feb 24

Boy Scouts - Stained Glass 8 am

Sunday Feb 25

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

Confirmation Class, 1 pm

View the full Church Calendar Here

Book Group

The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters on Saturday, March 16 , 9:30

Pickleball Group

 To play, 

contact Lindsey Cunko at l.cunko76@gmail.com

Dining-Out Group

Dive Bar & Grille on Babcock Boulevard, Ross Twp. on Monday February 19th at 6:30

Traveling God’s World Group“Holy Land” by Frank Caputo Sunday March 17, 2024 at 7 pm

If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.

Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at ben@northmontchurch.org

Pastor's Corner

First Look

This video series is your first opportunity to take a look and start prayerfully pondering the scripture I’ll be preaching on that Sunday. This YouTube series is posted early each week, so look for it in your email.

Get Connected

Koehler and Phelps Class

Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room

Women’s Bible Study begins on September 12th.  The lessons are from the Horizon series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts!  We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Berean Room.  All women are invited to join us.  If you are interested, please contact Sarah Jane Beorn, sarahjanebeorn@icloud.com, or Melody Hannegan, viatoretis@comcast.net.



has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.

Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements. 

Phone: 412-366-1713

Email: wenglish14@verizon.net

Outreach Opportunities

See our latest update!

Specialized Ministry

Click the picture to learn more about each ministry.

The Reverend Ben Robbins



 (cell) 412-715-3892

(office) 412-348-0004

Email Ben

Stephen Schall

Director of Music


(cell) 412-215-297

Email Stephen

Jen Settelmaier

Administrative Assistant churchoffice@northmontchurch.org

(office) 412-364-0105

Email Jen

Bob Addleman

Financial Secretary


(cell) 412-937-1436

(office) 412-364-3539

Email Bob