Crozet News
Tuesday, February 4th, 2020
Share your Crozet expertise and vision with your friendly neighborhood planners!

We will create small group conversations based on where you reside, so please indicate that when you RSVP .
Workshop Agenda
During this workshop, we'll work with you to consider updates to the Master Plan's residential land use designations and housing recommendations.
  1. Welcome & Meeting Overview (5 min)
  2. Presentation: Housing, Affordability, and Land Use (15 min)
  3. Small Group Discussions (45 min)
  4. Report Back, Closing, and Next Steps (15 min)

Big Questions/Themes
  • What are the appropriate future land uses for neighborhoods and other residential areas in Crozet?
  • Are there areas where greater density or a wider variety of housing types may be appropriate to address affordable housing concerns?
  • What are the most important elements of housing and site design for certain neighborhoods or parts of Crozet?

All are welcome and invited to participate in this important community conversation.  

If you are unable to attend this workshop, we will have an online opportunity for you to provide feedback. We will send out an email and a facebook notice when that is available.
We've summarized what we heard at the January 13th Character & Land Use Workshop and the from your responses to our Public Input questionnaire.
What’s Next In Phase 2?
Phase 2 of the Master Plan Update (Focus Areas & Design Strategies) will run through June with a number of opportunities to get involved. The goals for this phase include workshopping focus areas and specific topics, identifying an implementation framework and strategies, and designing the Master Plan’s policies and projects with the community.
Upcoming Community Workshops
  • Wednesday, April 22nd -- Connectivity Workshop (6:30-8:00 pm at Western Albemarle H.S.)
  • Wednesday, May 27th -- Conservation Workshop (6:30-8:00 pm at Western Albemarle H.S.)
  • Wednesday, June 24th -- Implementation and Summary Recommendations Workshop (6:30-8:00 pm at Western Albemarle H.S.)
Upcoming Focused Conversations
  • Friday, February 21st -- Housing Focused Conversation (11 am - 12 pm at The Meadows Community Center)
  • March -- Architecture & Historic Preservation Focused Conversation (TBD)
  • April -- Downtown Crozet Focused Conversation #2 (TBD)