Vol. 4: No. 49 | December 16, 2022

rodgerslibrary.org • (603) 886-6030 • askus@rodgerslibrary.org

Is a special someone getting a new game system for the holidays? We have video games you can check out!

Mystery Lovers Book Club: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

Monday, December 19th @ 1:00pm

You know you love it - murder, mystery and mayhem all in one place. We also laugh....a lot!

Afternoon Movie and Book Discussion: "Dashing Through the Snow"

Tuesday, December 20th @ 12pm

Join us for a potluck lunch at 12:00 PM during a screening of the movie Dashing Through the Snow, based on the book by Debbie Macomber, which will be followed by a discussion of the book and film. Feel free to join us even if you haven't read the book! 

Email Linda at lindapilla@rodgerslibrary.org to let her know the dish you will be sharing with the group or call the library at 603-886-6030

Register for Discussion

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, December 20th @ 1:00pm

If you are an eligible O, B - or A - donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component. 

Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: RODGERS to schedule an appointment.

Hanukkah Storytime

Tuesday, December 20th @ 4:30pm

Join Ms.Tanya for Hanukkah songs, stories, bubbles, and dancing. Fun for everyone, even if you don't celebrate Hanukkah!

Register for Storytime

Dino the Therapy Dog

Wednesday, December 21st @ 2:00pm

Come meet Dino, the therapy dog. Dino is a St. Bernard who loves to be petted and will be here for a half hour.. 

Adult Holiday Craft: Glitter Christmas Ornaments

Wednesday, December 21st @ 7:00pm

Register for Ornaments

Stitchers Group

Friday, December 23rd @ 9:30am

Bring a stiching project, Share ideas, Learn new skills. Register to reserve a space. Space is limited. Walkins welcome if space is available.

Register for Stitchers
Hours & Holidays

Normal Library Hours

Monday & Friday: 
9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 
9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: CLOSED
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