Refresher, Reminder #12 Candidates
N.S. = National Statutes
Candidates Those who have already been baptized in another Church or ecclesial community are not to be treated as catechumens or called catechumens. Their doctrinal and spiritual preparation for reception into full communion should be determined according to their individual case, that is, it should depend on the extent to which the baptized person has led a Christian life within a community of faith and been appropriately catechized to deepen his or her inner adherence to the Church (NS, 30).
Validity of prior baptism Should be determined prior to the start of an OCIA process. A baptismal certificate or sworn affidavit of an eyewitness to the baptism must be obtained. Please consult with the Validity of Baptism document for clarity and if there is still a question, contact the office.
Baptism Validity
Baptism Affidavit (English)
Baptism Affidavit (Spanish)
Those baptized in a non-Catholic ecclesial community are not to be conditionally baptized unless, after an examination of the matter and form of the words used in the conferral of baptism and after a consideration of the intention of an adult baptized person and of the minister of baptism, a serious reason for doubting the validity of the baptism is present. See norms below:
Norms for Conditional Baptism
If conditional baptism is necessary, this must be celebrated privately rather than at a public liturgical assembly. Reception into full communion and confirmation should take place later at the Sunday Eucharist of the community, or at the Easter Vigil. When the priest baptizes conditionally, he is to also receive the person into the full communion of the Catholic Church and be the minister of Confirmation.
Marriage of candidates When a candidate marries a Catholic prior to reception into full communion, permission must be obtained from the Bishop or his delegate.
Sacrament of Penance for Candidates The expectation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be the same as for all Catholics. Candidates should celebrate the Sacrament prior to the rite of reception into full communion if they are conscious of serious sin (RCIA, 482). Candidates should receive a thorough catechesis on the Sacrament and be encouraged in the frequent celebration of the Sacrament (NS, 27, 36).
Confirmation of Candidates The diocesan bishop is the proper minister of the sacraments of initiation for adults. However, that is nearly impossible to enact. Any priest who receives someone into the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church, by law, has the responsibility and obligation to confirm this person (Canons 883, 885). These persons are to be confirmed at the time of their profession of faith and reception. Their confirmation is not to be deterred. (NS 35)
Candidates being received into full communion who have been confirmed in the Church of their baptism. The Roman Catholic Church accepts as valid only the confirmation of the Orthodox church and the Old Catholic Church. All others need to be confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. Again, see validity document above.
Confirmation of baptized but uncatechized Catholics
A priest who wishes to confirm a baptized, but previously uncatechized, Catholic must explicitly request this faculty from the diocesan bishop (canon 884.1). There is a form letter for this available from the OCF. Also, there are 2 cases where this delegation is not necessary, but those 2 cases are rare, and it is best to request.
New resources:
Initial interview Guiding Questions English
Initial interview Guiding Questions Spanish
Data Form: Initial Data Form English
Date Form Initial Data form Spanish
Annulment cheat sheet Simple Annulment cheat sheet
Save the date for the Neophyte Mass which will be held at Corpus Christi Parish on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 22, 2024.
Sample Syllabus for an OCIA Process
Coming soon to a deanery near you: team training on the changes found in the new OCIA: December 14, 15, January 4, 5. So, 4 chances to "be in the know before Lent. If you are interested in hosting and have space for a couple of hundred, please email Erin Erin's Email