Volume XIII, Issue XXXVI September 16, 2024


Your Weekly Catechetical News from the

Office of Christian Formation

 Dear Erin,            

Annual Faith Formation Statistical Reports due by October 7

Please find below two ways to submit the annual Faith Formation Statistical Reports: via jotform and via a fill in the blank pdf that you should save and print/scan to the office.

Note some updates:

Submit both your remote preparation (grade level curriculum) calendar and your sacramental calendars via email after you submit the stats.

Please ascertain the actual years of service for your catechists. At your recommendation, we will begin to honor catechists this year in 5-year increments: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.

Jotform version

PDF Version (save, then print)

Refresher, Reminder #12 Candidates

N.S. = National Statutes


Candidates Those who have already been baptized in another Church or ecclesial community are not to be treated as catechumens or called catechumens. Their doctrinal and spiritual preparation for reception into full communion should be determined according to their individual case, that is, it should depend on the extent to which the baptized person has led a Christian life within a community of faith and been appropriately catechized to deepen his or her inner adherence to the Church (NS, 30). 

Validity of prior baptism Should be determined prior to the start of an OCIA process. A baptismal certificate or sworn affidavit of an eyewitness to the baptism must be obtained. Please consult with the Validity of Baptism document for clarity and if there is still a question, contact the office.

Baptism Validity 

Baptism Affidavit (English)

Baptism Affidavit (Spanish)


Those baptized in a non-Catholic ecclesial community are not to be conditionally baptized unless, after an examination of the matter and form of the words used in the conferral of baptism and after a consideration of the intention of an adult baptized person and of the minister of baptism, a serious reason for doubting the validity of the baptism is present. See norms below:

Norms for Conditional Baptism


If conditional baptism is necessary, this must be celebrated privately rather than at a public liturgical assembly. Reception into full communion and confirmation should take place later at the Sunday Eucharist of the community, or at the Easter Vigil. When the priest baptizes conditionally, he is to also receive the person into the full communion of the Catholic Church and be the minister of Confirmation.


Marriage of candidates When a candidate marries a Catholic prior to reception into full communion, permission must be obtained from the Bishop or his delegate.


Sacrament of Penance for Candidates The expectation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be the same as for all Catholics. Candidates should celebrate the Sacrament prior to the rite of reception into full communion if they are conscious of serious sin (RCIA, 482). Candidates should receive a thorough catechesis on the Sacrament and be encouraged in the frequent celebration of the Sacrament (NS, 27, 36).

Confirmation of Candidates The diocesan bishop is the proper minister of the sacraments of initiation for adults. However, that is nearly impossible to enact. Any priest who receives someone into the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church, by law, has the responsibility and obligation to confirm this person (Canons 883, 885). These persons are to be confirmed at the time of their profession of faith and reception. Their confirmation is not to be deterred. (NS 35)



Candidates being received into full communion who have been confirmed in the Church of their baptism.   The Roman Catholic Church accepts as valid only the confirmation of the Orthodox church and the Old Catholic Church. All others need to be confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. Again, see validity document above.


Confirmation of baptized but uncatechized Catholics

A priest who wishes to confirm a baptized, but previously uncatechized, Catholic must explicitly request this faculty from the diocesan bishop (canon 884.1).  There is a form letter for this available from the OCF. Also, there are 2 cases where this delegation is not necessary, but those 2 cases are rare, and it is best to request.


New resources:

Initial interview Guiding Questions English

Initial interview Guiding Questions Spanish

Data Form: Initial Data Form English

Date Form Initial Data form Spanish

Annulment cheat sheet Simple Annulment cheat sheet

Save the date for the Neophyte Mass which will be held at Corpus Christi Parish on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 22, 2024.

Sample Syllabus for an OCIA Process

Coming soon to a deanery near you: team training on the changes found in the new OCIA: December 14, 15, January 4, 5. So, 4 chances to "be in the know before Lent. If you are interested in hosting and have space for a couple of hundred, please email Erin Erin's Email

NCCL’s Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation Project is focused on exploring how to strengthen family religious and spiritual transmission in the first two decades of life and create parish communities that intentionally accompany and support parents and the whole family. Ten of our parishes are participating in this grant over the next 3 years.

Data studied at the Family Summit in August, 2024 Recordings of talks will be available soon. The data I discussed at the catechetical leader gathering last Tuesday is posted, but not the recording of the talk.

Circle of Grace Safe Environment Programming

Over 2 years ago, the Diocese of St. Augustine adopted the Circle of Grace Program as the vehicle it will use for helping children and youth understand the sacredness of their body and to be more aware of things that might be harmful to them. These lessons were designed by the archdiocese of Omaha and are mandated to be a part of every religion class, faith formation class, and youth program.

In the Diocese of St. Augustine, these religion lessons are to be done prior to December 15 in all locations, preferably during the beginning sessions. An extension may be granted by either the School Office, the Youth Office, or the Formation Office.

To assist these groups in having leaders prepared to lead their teams in how to use these lessons, the OCF has again scheduled two trainings for leaders, which will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Omaha via Zoom:

Friday, September 20 at 10:00 Zoom link below

Erin McGeever, St. Augustine Diocesan Director is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Circle of Grace Leadership Training #1

Time: Sep 20, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 846 2932 9691

Passcode: d4WXcV

Meeting ID: 846 2932 9691

Passcode: 354651

Friday, September 27 at 3:00 pm

Created for Greatness/Theology of the Body

Since 2015, the Diocese of St. Augustine has been providing St. John Paul II's teaching on the Theology of the Body for middle school students through an adaptation called Created for Greatness. A course of Theology of the Body is also offered in the Catholic High Schools.

The OCF worked with Notre Dame's McGrath Institute to create a training 6-week training course for those who instruct in the program. This year, this course will run from October 7 - November 4. It is particular to our diocese, so it does not appear in their regular catalog.

Link to course Our code is "augustine"

Bishop Pohlmeier has just issued the new curriculum for Pre-K - 8 and so we will also be updating during this coming year, our offerings for Created for Greatness. Stay tuned. Plese see below the basic overall of what we hope to achieve with this program.

Created for Greatness PPT

40th Annual Faith Formation Day

Our Identity as Members of the Body of Christ

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bishop John J. Snyder High School.

Registration is now open for this special formation event. There is truly something for everyone in the workshops that will be presented.

Fr. Jhon Guarnizo will be presenting a workshop on basic Christology, one offering will be in English and the other will be in Spanish.

Fr. Jhon Guarnizo | Do you Know Who I Am?

Do we truly know who Jesus is? Are we able to articulate that to others? In this workshop, we will explore some key basics of Christology. If we truly understand who Jesus Christ is for us, we will be better able to share this with others and help them come to want to know Jesus as well.

Fr. Jhon Guarnizo | ¿Sabes quién soy?

¿Sabemos realmente quién es Jesús? ¿Somos capaces de expresar este conocimiento a los demás? En este taller, exploraremos algunos conceptos básicos de la Cristología. Si verdaderamente entendemos quién es Jesucristo para nosotros, seremos más capaces de compartir esto con otros y también ayudarlos a querer conocer a Jesús. 

Flyer with full workshop Descriptions

Jotform for Individual Registration

Jotform for Groups of 4 from same location (bargain hunters click here)

Red Bird Ministries is hosting a weekend retreat for grieving couples of child loss: miscarriage, stillbirth, infant, child adolescent, or adult child. Red Bird Ministries and the Diocese of St. Augustine designed this retreat. Bishop Pohlmeier will be our first speaker on Friday evening. Red Bird Ministries is not only walking with parents of child loss but it also is trying to save marriages. The divorce rate is 70% in marriages affected by child loss and divorce can happen up to ten years following the death of the child. 


We know that 1 out of 4 families is suffering the loss of a child and unfortunately there is an epidemic of suicide and drug overdose in the teen and young adult age group.

Would you please share this with your families?

While pain and suffering are an unwelcome part of our lives, for Christians, these realities are seen as redemptive. In other words, experiences of pain and suffering can become opportunities for encountering grace. In this webinar, explore how to accompany people in pain. We’ll look at pain caused by aging, grief, addiction, and anxiety, and our panelists will explain how entering into people’s pain is the first step toward encountering the healing grace of Jesus Christ.

Our panelists are:

  • Maureen Lyons Andrews
  • Jean Heaton
  • Barbara Lee
  • Anne Kertz Kernion

Accompanying People in Pain Webinar

Sponsored by Loyola Press

September 25, 2024

2:00–3:00 p.m. central (Check your time).

Link to Webinar

Hope does not Disappoint (Rom 5:5)

On Ascension Thursday of this year, Pope Francis proclaimed the upcoming Jubilee 2025 calling the Bull of Indiction---Spes non confundit. “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5). In the spirit of hope, the Apostle Paul addressed these words of encouragement to the Christian community of Rome.

A Jubilee Year is proclaimed by the Pope every twenty-five years. The concept of jubilee or holy year has a long history first prescribed by Moses. Here is a not so brief history of jubilee Years in the Catholic Tradition:

History of Jubilee Years

Papal Bull declaring Jubilee of Hope

The Paulists are providing a three-part series on the virtue of hope:

Basic Certification (Level I)

Upcoming locations and dates:

St. John the Baptist, Atlantic Beach

September 21 and 22

Jotform to register registration closes Wednesday at noon

St. Luke, Middleburg

November 9 and 10

November 23 and 24

Jotform to register

St. Matthew, Jacksonville

January 11 and 12

January 25 and 26

Jotform to register

Continuing Formation (Level III) Opportunities

“A New Vision for Catechesis

Live Webinar Wednesday, Sept. 18th

10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET

Presented by Great Catholic Parishes

We are being called to a renewal of lived, evangelizing catechesis. What does that mean? Why does this matter and what does it look like in the local parish? Join Julianne Stanz, Dr. Steven Serafin and John Poitevent for an inspiring discussion on a new vision for catechesis.

Link to Webinar

The Diocesan Liturgical Commission

is offering an opportunity for Formation, Dialogue, and Reflection with 

Dr. Steven Janco

Musician, Composer, Liturgist, National Speaker 

More about Dr. Janco

Dr. Janco will be offering two presentations in Gainesville and two in Jacksonville 

#1 First Presentation:

- For Music Ministers - 


"Beautiful Sounds of Music"

"Assembly's Singing at Mass and the

Quality of Our Music"


Saturday, September 28 (10am-noon)

Holy Faith Catholic Church - Gainesville, FL 

(inside the Church)

Monday, September 30 (6:30-8:30 pm)

Bishop Snyder High School - Jacksonville, Fl 


#2  Second Presentation:

- For All Other Liturgical Ministers & Assembly - 

"What Happens Now?"

The Real Presence After the Eucharistic Revival


Saturday, September 28 (1:00-3:00 pm)

Holy Faith Catholic Church - Gainesville, FL 

(inside the Church)


Tuesday, October 1 (6:30-8:30 pm)

Bishop Snyder High School - Jacksonville, Fl 


Faith Meets AI

Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP, Ph.D will be providing a 2 hour workshop on three occasions. This workshop will discuss the benefits as well as the challenges in he use of AI i a faith based environment.

Individual costs are $35 or groups can register for $30.

Here are the dates of times of the three opportunities (each offering is the same)

Saturday, September 21 Noon - 2:00 pm

Wednesday, October 9 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Faith Meets AI Registration

Visit our office website