Thursday, June 20, 2019
Dear Marine families,

My son is an Iraq War Veteran and my father is a Vietnam War Veteran. I've watched my father struggle for care in the VA system for many years after his retirement from the military. As the founder of this organization, I watched my son struggle to reintegrate to civilian life and for care at the VA. It has been heartbreaking at best to see our veterans struggle like this.

In early June this year, my father described to me some of the new services the VA would finally be helping him with and I'll tell you it made my heart sing with joy. My father turns 79 this year, and the VA is finally there for him. His "good news" is a direct result of the VA's Mission Act. And it's about time.

The VA's Mission Act is great news for veterans. The Mission Act brought about substantial changes to VA Care for our veterans. It's now more important than ever to get enrolled in the VA system; the changes benefit all the generations of our veterans. If you've not had a chance to peruse the details, take time to read and share this article on our website After The Corps, an outreach service of

Click here for the article . Please, wherever your Marine is in their stage of the Corps or as a veteran, take time to read how the Mission Act is improving care for our veterans and pass on the good news by forwarding this newsletter to those who will benefit.

God bless and Semper Fi!
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