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September, 2024

September brings a season of change, changing colors in the foliage, cooler temperatures and the emergence of new opportunities to explore with renewed energies from the summer break. We invite you to embrace this change of seasons with us by sharing insights, resources, and stories that continue to celebrate community partnerships and resilience as together we work to help safeguard and support older adults.

This month we recognize significant milestones and important dates that bring focus to issues affecting the lives of older adults: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, National Grandparents’ Day, World Alzheimer's Day, and the upcoming National Seniors Day on October 1st, a day dedicated to honoring the contributions seniors continue to make to the wellbeing of society and a reminder to Advocate for their human rights.

Within this e-Newsletter, you will find a number of engaging articles, new resources and an overview of community events, which showcased that lifted older adults' voices and perspectives, to garner a better understanding of issues impacting our lives and to foster a more inclusive society.

We encourage you to explore these resources, learn more about our events, and share your thoughts with us as together, we continue to build a supportive and connected community.

Marta Hajek


EAPO Seeking Board Members

Are you looking for a new opportunity to get engaged and effect meaningful change in the lives of older adults?

Join EAPO's Board of Directors today! Calls for expressions of interest by community members and influencers is currently being sought.

Read full details and application process.

Deadline for applications is October 11th, 2024.

Upcoming Awareness Days

National Seniors Day is October 1

Every year on October 1, Canadians pay tribute to all seniors who have helped make our country what it is today and who continue to enrich our lives every day.  This is an occasion for all Canadians to join in celebrating older adults across Canada—whether a parent, a co-worker, a neighbour or a friend.

National Seniors Day is an opportunity to recognize the important role seniors play in our society. It’s also a great way to connect with the community, network with contacts and raise awareness of issues that matter to seniors.

The Government of Canada is proud to acknowledge the contributions older adults in Canada have made and continue to make to our families, communities and society.

There are many ways to celebrate seniors, to get some simple ideas to celebrate read the New National Seniors Day Guidebook developed by the Government of Canada.

Learn more

Ageism Awareness Day

The International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) has been celebrated on October 1st since it was officially adopted by the UN in December of 1990. The day is a global opportunity to officially recognize the contributions older persons continue to make in society and to promote the movement for an age-inclusive world.

To correspond with IDOP, Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (CCAA) has crafted a 9-day campaign, with various social media graphics , offered in both official languages, to help promote Ageism Awareness.

Learn more

EAPO Partnership Spotlight

Seniors Anti-bullying Implementation and Evaluation Project (2022-2025) – Investigation Two

People of all ages can be bullied. Sheridan Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences member Dr. Kirsten Madsen is working with the Centre for Elder Research, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and the Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf to better understand senior to senior bullying in Ontario, and support the development of best practices and strategies for this diverse population.


This work is funded by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada College and Community Social Innovation Fund.  


The Centre for Elder Research, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf

Learn more

EAPO Upcoming Events

Advancing the Human Rights of Older Persons: UN Convention-Status Update

October 3, 2024 

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM ET 

Speaker Panel:

Amal Abou RafehChief of the Programme on Ageing Section, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York

Frances Zainoeddin, Vice-Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing, New York

Ellen GrahamCoordinator of the Secretariat , Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)

Margaret Gillis, Founding President, The International Longevity Centre Canada and EAPO Ambassador

Marta C. Hajek, CEO, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario


SIGNAL FOR HELP RESPONDERS : Supporting Someone who is Experiencing Abuse

October 9, 2024 | 1 PM - 2 PM ET   


Hélène Bigras-Dutrisac, Community Activation Manager, Signal for Help with support from Miranda Shepherd, Communications Coordinator


Byte-sized AI: An introduction to artificial intelligence 

November 13, 2024 | 1 PM - 2 PM ET   

EAPO is excited to partner with ABC Life Literacy Canadato offer an educational event to cover the foundations of AI (artificial intelligence) technology.


Ellie Tamura, Programs Specialist,

ABC Life Literacy Canada


New EAPO Podcast

AGING VIBRANTLY: Conversations to Empower Seniors

EAPO is excited to announce our newest initiative - a Podcast Series being launched this fall!

This podcast will help amplify seniors' voices, by sharing their insights, research on aging and developing innovative approaches that expand the awareness of elder abuse, the rights of older adults, challenge ageism and inspire community members to promote positive aging and respect for the fastest growing demographic and how together we can prevent elder abuse.

Amplifing Older Adult's Voices

In preparation for the launch of our podcasts, we would like to hear from older adults about specific topics and issues of interest or if you have expertise in a particular subject area related to elder abuse prevention and would like to share with community members.

If you are an older adult, please share your thoughts and ideas with us, click the button below:

Feedback Here

New EAPO Resources

🌟 New Quiz: Protecting the Golden Years: A Quiz on GBV Awareness 📢

🟠 Did you know? Gender-based violence affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

🟢 Test your knowledge and learn more about this critical issue by taking our new quiz today!

Take the Quiz

🟠 September 30th 🟠 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

🌟 Quiz: What do you know about National Day for Truth and Reconciliation?

Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process. Test your knowledge and learn more about National Day for Truth and Reconciliation!

Take the Quiz

Read EAPO's Blog

September is World Alzheimer’s Month 2024

Each September, people unite from all corners of the world to raise awareness and to challenge the stigma that persists around Alzheimer’s disease and all types of dementia.

   Read Blog  

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities.

   Read Blog   

October 1 – National Seniors Day

Every year on October 1, Canadians pay tribute to all seniors who have helped shape our country and who continue to enrich our lives every day.

   Read Blog   

Funding Opportunities

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

The Ontario Government has launched Ontario's Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence with a Call for Proposals (CFP) for evidence-based projects to prevent and address gender-based violence in communities. The CFP funding is $100 million over three years (2024-25 to 2026-27). 

This CFP seeks to fund projects to reduce gender-based violence through innovative, evidence-based projects that meet local and community-based needs in four priority areas: education and awarenessearly intervention and prevention, community planning and service integration, and economic security and financial independence.

The Call for Proposals are open until October 11, 2024. Please follow the link to learn more. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is hosting information sessions for potential applicants:

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 11am to 12pm – English & French session: Click here to join the session

Read Grant Details

NEW Reports and Resources

World Alzheimer Report 2024 (ADI)

Global changes in attitudes to dementia. The 2024 World Alzheimer Report explores attitudes toward dementia, examining how the condition is perceived and understood by society and the stigma that still surrounds the condition, underpinned by a global survey of more than 40,000 individuals across 166 countries and territories, and 24 expert essays.

Read here

Understanding Behaviours in Dementia

A New Brochure on Understanding Behviours in Dementia produced by Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health, provide an overview of dementia, factors that influence behavours and how to support someone with behavours in dementia. 

Read here

Mental health and well-being in long-term care (LTC) and assisted living (AL) settings, Canadian Standards Association

The new National Standard of Canada, aims to enhance, strengthen, and expand the support for the mental health and well-being of residents living in LTC and AL settings, including those without mental health symptoms or conditions and those with or at risk of developing them.

Read here

Caring in Canada: Survey insights from caregivers and care providers across Canada

This report, dives into the impacts of care on working caregivers, the financial cost of caring, experiences of underserved communities, including racialized caregivers, Indigenous caregivers, LGBTQ+, young caregivers and siblings, and the experiences of paid care providers. 

Read here

Ontario Caregivers Organization

Momentum Impact Report 2023-24

OCO’s announced its 2023-24 Impact Report highlighting key milestones, including completing its 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. Over this period, OCO has demonstrated unwavering commitment and determination in its efforts to enhance the lives of approximately four million caregivers across Ontario

Read here

2SLGBTQI+ Advocacy Communications Toolkit (EGALE)

With the ongoing rise in anti-2SLGBTQI+ hate, it is more important than ever to ensure that advocacy efforts are strategic. This step-by-step guide was created to support advocates and organizations in planning and implementing successful communications campaigns. 

Read here

Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults (CCSMH)

New Social Isolation & Loneliness Clinical Guidelines Pocket Card from Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health can help you untangle loneliness for your patients/clients.

Read here

WHO Unveils Database to Battle Elder Abuse 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released an interactive database of 89 interventions that show promise to prevent and respond to the abuse of older people, also known as elder abuse. 

Read here

Age Friendly News

Controversial law designed to free up hospital beds to be tested in Ontario court. Advocacy organizations says Bill 7 is 'coercive,' province argues it is a 'deterrent' (CBC)

Coercive control bill should tackle familial elder abuse Heather Campbell Pope (Law Now, Sep. 3, 2024 ) 

B.C. judge orders $1.2 million home returned to victim in shocking case of elder abuse (Vancouver Sun, Sept. 24)

Financial abuse against seniors is on the rise. How to spot it and protect the ones you love (Toronto Star)

Winnipeg retiree who lost close to $650K in fraud scheme sues credit union and bank (CBC News, Sept 16)

Celebrate Seniors Day October 3 (NTV)

'The one thing they can do': local seniors call for climate action (Bradford Today)

Upcoming Webinars & Conferences

Sep. 30, Oct. 3 : Active Aging Week at Kerby Centre | Unison for Generations 50+

Oct. 1: Spotlight on Ageism | BC CRNs -- Webinar

Oct. 1: Conférence sur la compréhension, la détection et la prévention de la fraude |  RPMAFO  -- Webinar

Oct. 2 : Life Without Driving | Seniors Healthy & Wellness Institute

Oct. 7 : Creating and Presenting Activities Adapted for the Cognitively Impaired |

Montessori Dementia Center

Oct 9 :  Culturally-Safe Dementia Risk Reduction for Immigrant Women| brain Xchange in partnership with the CIHR and Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Network. -- Webinar Oct. 15 : La maltraitance des personnes aînées | RPMAFO - Webinar Oct.16 : Social Isolation and Loneliness in Later Life: A Clinical Approach | IPA - Webinar

Oct. 16 : Embracing Diversity Across Generations: Exploring Ageism in the Workplace | Ontario Age-Friendly Communities (AFC) Outreach Program -- Webinar

Oct. 23-24 : Annual Conference - Shared Visions, Shared Futures: Transforming Aging Together | AGE-WELL

Oct. 24-26 : CAG2024 Conference: Agents of Change: Unraveling Complexity and Advancing Transformation | Canadian Association of Gerontology

Oct. 25-27 : OLTCA Conference: Celebrating Excellence in LTC | OLTCA

Oct. 28 : Too Old, Too Young: A Conversation On Ageism And Human Rights | Canadian Museum of Human Rights -Virtual Dialogue

Nov. 14 : Caregiver-Centered Care: Empowering Change | Family Caregivers AB - Virtual Workshop

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | 

416-916-6728 | Toll-Free: 1-833-916-6728

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