Here is today's summary of economic development news, a free service of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, representing Alabama's private sector investment in economic development.  If you enjoy NewsFlash, thank an EDPA Partner.


In this issue:


Director of Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama Retiring

June 11, 2018     

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - The director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in  Alabamais retiring.

Marshall officials say Todd May announced his retirement to employees at the Huntsville facility on Monday. It takes effect July 27.

A statement from Rep. Mo Brooks of Huntsville says May is being replaced on an acting basis by Marshall's deputy director, Joan A. "Jody" Singer.


[ USNews]

Baldrige Criteria Training Offered at UAB June 26 -28

The Alabama Performance Excellence Program (ALPEx), the State's Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award system representative, is offering training in the Baldrige Performance Excellence Criteria at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions on June 26-28. 

Participants are eligible to become members of the Alabama Performance Excellence Award Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners is comprised of business leaders and quality professionals who are committed to process improvement in Alabama organizations, including their own. Examiners must take part in the three-day preparation course covering the Award's criteria, the scoring system and the examination process.

The Alabama Performance Excellence Program provides support to Alabama organizations seeking to achieve unprecedented levels of quality and performance. A means of this support is through the award program modeled after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

 Using the Baldrige Excellence Framework Criteria, a team of volunteer Examiners evaluate organizations and provide them with detailed feedback that can be used to improve their organization's processes and results.   These criteria provide a systems perspective for improving an organization's performance. They reflect validated, leading edge management best practices against which an organization can benchmark.

With their acceptance nationally and internationally as the model for performance excellence, the Baldrige Excellence Framework Criteria represent a common language for sharing best practices among organizations and will serve to enhance the competitiveness of Alabama businesses. As organizations grow and improve, their communities benefit from increased revenue and job opportunities as well as improved health care, education, manufacturing, small businesses, non-profits, and government products and services.

Please click here for details of the program.   Additional information can be obtained by contacting Linda Vincent, ALPEx Executive Director, at [email protected] .

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