Education Equals Independence

This month we hosted our Annual Scholarship Event where we presented 20 survivors with educational scholarships. Recognizing that education and vocation lead to independence, self-sufficiency, and a life free of violence, MCWC offers scholarship opportunities to our clients. The funds for these scholarships come directly from our donors. Therefore, the number of clients we are able to help each year is dependent on the generosity of those donors.

Over 90% of the women housed in our shelter, and about 55-60% of nonresidential counseling clients, have incomes below the poverty level. For various reasons, many of these women have never received the education or training necessary to obtain adequate employment to support themselves and their children. Clients are encouraged to apply for assistance after they have passed through the crisis stage, and have a safe, stable living environment. Scholarships may be used to cover the cost of tuition, books/supplies, childcare, and transportation assistance.

Visit our Website For More Info

Exploring Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse

Pets are part of American families – a poll conducted in 2015 found that 95% of pet owners consider their pets to be family members. What is more, pets often serve as the only source of unconditional love for individuals living in abusive relationships. In fact, abusers often manipulate their victims via their bonds with pets. Consider the following scenario: a victim of abuse attempts to flee, but the abuser threatens the life or well-being of a cherished pet to coerce the victim into remaining in the dangerous relationship. In similarly troubling scenarios, abusers use threats to pets to prevent children from reporting physical and sexual abuse.

Research shows abusers often have a pattern of violence towards all members of the household – including children and pets. When domestic violence survivors seek to flee their abusers, many are faced with the challenge of finding shelter for themselves, their children, and their pets. Many shelters do not have the means to house companion animals. Sadly, many survivors stay in abusive homes for fear that the abuse of their animals will escalate if they’re left behind, or that threats to their animals will be used to compel them to go back.

Visit our Website For More Info


We can only accomplish our mission and operate our agency with the help of our dedicated community and volunteers. These caring individuals give from their hearts as they assist us with a myriad of activities. Please enjoy some of the highlights from this month.


Our Outreach Department shares a message of safety and hope within the community. Often thought of as a private issue, domestic violence (DV) is, in fact, a social, business, and health priority that impacts our entire community. Our Community Education program uses storytelling, lectures, and interactive lessons to change societal attitudes and beliefs, end the stigma associated with DV, and help communities learn to identify and support victims.


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