DSRPC Election Update

The DSRPC E-Board is elected to serve a 2-year term.
In odd-numbered years the offices of the President, Secretary, Chief Instructor, and Executive Range Officer are elected.
In even numbered years the offices of Vice-President, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms are elected.

Nominations are made at the March General Meeting. Any E-Board position with more than 1 nominee enters into an election process. That process is ballots are mailed to all members in early May. Ballots are tallied at the June annual meeting.

Please note two important things 1) If your address isn’t correct with membership services you won’t receive a ballot. Be sure to update membership services if you have moved since joining. 2) All ballots containing votes must be returned to DRSPC by mail. No ballots will be accepted on DSRPC property.

2019 Elections
At the March 2019 member meeting the offices of Chief Instructor and Executive Range Officer were won by acclamation by Rush Harkelroad and Pat De Benon respectively.

We have two E-Board positions with multiple candidates requiring a vote of the membership.

Incumbent Howard Bloom and Ken Champagne

Incumbent Ray Lehman and Vickie Maline

Each has prepared a campaign statement which is listed below.

Please watch your mail in early May for the ballot. Make your selections and mail your ballots back ASAP. 
Candidates For DSRPC President
To The Desert Sportsman's Rifle and Pistol Club
My name is Howard Bloom I am running for again for President. I am a former Marine and have been shooting in competition for 45 years. I have been president and captain of two Rifle and Pistol teams and have shot with my club (Leadslingers) and with the Illinois State Rifle Association Teams at the Nationals at Camp Perry. I have also been a manager for a fortune 500 company. I have been DSRPC Sergeant At Arms it was be my duty to keep order at the meeting and be on the By Laws committee. I ask for your vote. I have had the privilege to be the President for the 11/2 years. My agenda is one thing…to do best I can for DSRPC.  

The club has seen tremendous and positive change during my tenure as President. It is my desire to continue that growth in the form of training, range upgrades, expansion of our long distance ranges, bringing electricity to the property and many other improvements.  

With your vote for me the vision and improvements will continue. In advance I thank you for your vote.  
To DSRPC Members;
I'm Ken Champagne and I'm running for President of DSRPC. I came to Las Vegas in 1973 with the Air Force. I am the owner and President of US Plumbing.

Desert Sportsman's could be a gem. Our range has the potential to be developed into the premier shooting facility in all of Nevada. To accomplish this our club needs a vision and the proper leadership and experience in organizing developing and constructing such a facility. I have the qualifications and experience with over 20 years of building a successful business in Las Vegas.

Qualifications/Leadership: 23 years as President of US Plumbing, 20 years as President of an HOA and specific knowledge of DSRPC having recently served as the Executive Range Officer.

Serving as DSRPC Executive Range Officer I developed a Master Plan for DSRPC. I performed the recent renovations and construction of Ranges 4, 7 and 9. As a volunteer member I performed much of the work to expand and build these ranges.

I know the task, I have the qualifications and I am committed to take Desert Sportsman's into the future.

Thank you for your consideration.
Kenneth Champagne

editor comment: No photo of Ken was submitted
Candidates for DSRPC Secretary
Ray Lehman Candidate for DSRPC Secretary
Hello, my name is Ray Lehman and I am the current Secretary of DSRPC. I took office as the result of an E-Board member resigning before the end of their term. If I recall correctly the duties of the Secretary had to be divided among the Vice-President and the Treasurer.

Desert Sportsman’s Rifle and Pistol Club is a premier club on the western part of the United States. I intend to keep it that way by keeping members informed of the activities, important dates, events, and anything that threatens the Second Amendment.

In the year+ I have been Secretary, I have grown the newsletter to be an important tool for keeping up. A few months ago I added a “Member Comment” section to the newsletter and will be adding one to the website giving all members a voice. I have helped modify the website to make it much more user-friendly. I brought the well-received hand wash stations to the club. I appreciate very much your vote for me.

I look forward to DSRPC’s bright future under the current E-Board especially our President Howard Bloom.

·        I am proud to be a candidate for office in the best rifle / pistol range in the southwest. Thank you for the nomination and I thank you now for the opportunity to serve you as your next secretary. Belonging to and serving our club should be fun while professional.
·        Experienced in dispute resolution
·        One year DSRPC Correspondence Secretary with Kevin Swope as Secretary
·        CCW permit holder
·        RSO Security for last two DSRPC swap meets
·        National Rifle Association, Range Safety Officer (RSO)
·        Volunteer experience as security RSO at the range gate
·        Ten year owner of 1-2-3 Automotive
·        Owner, Secretary and Broker Salesperson with 1-2-3 Realty
·        30+ years of escrow and title as an escrow officer.
·        Very skilled at writing and negotiating contracts
·        Skilled at preparing documents for recording
·        Corporate documents preparation
·        Construction team member for a new Church of Christ in 1998
·        Forms designer for National Title
·        Secretary for the Commercial Marketing Group
·        Member of Quality Control Committee, MLS
·        Loan officer and bank teller
Max Speed on all DSRPC property is 10 MPH
No Ground Targets allowed at anytime on DSRPC Property.

Please show your drivers license and DSRPC ID at the guard shack.
Saturday April 6 is Work Party day!!!
Joe puts together a list of projects requiring a team effort to accomplish. We start at 6:30 AM with coffee and sweet rolls. Generally finishing by 10 AM and then dive into some hot dogs, beverages and great conversations. Remember when you assist at 2 work parties your next annual dues are reduced. Coffee, pastries, dogs, beverages, camaraderie and reduction of your next annual dues of $50 for regular members and $25 for Senior members after you help at 2 work parties........DUDE IT'S A PARTY!!!

April 6, 2019 6:00 AM - Come on out and meet your fellow members.
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Desert Sportsman’s Rifle & Pistol Club
12201 W. Charleston Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89135
Connect with us (connect social media below)