Dear Friends of YAP,

As we enter 2024, our pre-50th Anniversary year, I am heartened by the current momentum of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc.’s movement to transform youth/child services, justice, behavioral health, public safety, and other systems to become more effective and equitable. Founded in 1975, YAP is now in nearly 150 communities in 35 states and Washington, D.C., partnering with systems to deliver community-based services as an alternative to incarceration and residential care. We’re also helping to make neighborhoods safer. YAP teams are trained in our unique evidence-based YAPWrap™ model to connect individuals we serve and their parents, guardians, and other family members with individualized tools -- including basic needs resources – empowering them to see and nurture their strengths, put their lives on a positive course, and give back to their communities. YAP’s 2023 Annual Report, Empowering Individual, Family, Neighborhood and Systems Change, illustrates the guiding principles behind the unique model that enables our staff to deliver services that lead to positive outcomes. I look forward to another year of expanding our government systems partnerships and adding more corporate, philanthropic and community supporters to our network.

Gary Ivory

President and CEO

Read Our Annual Report Here

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