East District Newsletter
The June Issue
photo of Help Build Hope service project, Lansdale Christ and Bethel Hill UMC
 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
Psalms 62:7

Rev. Dr. Andrew L. Foster, III

Mailing address:
East District
Eastern PA Conference UMC
PO Box 820
Valley Forge, PA 19482-0820

East District Telephone Number:

Please note that summer hours start the week of June 6th.
Office hours are Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:45 PM
East District 2022 Appointments

VK Macwana to Hulmeville: Neshamony UMC
VK was born & raised in India but moved to the United States in 1999. As a young adult, VK helped organize gospel camps, discipleship training camps, various retreats, mission trips, and conducted Bible studies. He currently works as an IT Computer Executive but has a passion for serving others and following Jesus’ footsteps. He serves as a Christ Servant Minister and Lay Leader at Morrisville United Methodist Church. He is also an active participant at the Laity Academy and attends all classes and conferences Laity Academy. He is among those leaders who easily combine local spiritual enlightenment and the quest for human flourishing. He is passionate about kingdom growth and the transformation that can take place in individuals and organizations. This past decade, he became more involved in evangelism to many different multi-language cross-culture churches. He served as a guest speaker and works in different committees at different leadership levels.

Nancy Haigh Ross to Penns Park UMC
As a teenager, Nancy felt the call to ministry, but, as a Baptist woman, knew that was not an option. Her children introduced her to the UMC. Immediately she felt at “home.” Going back to school at age 54 was not easy, but they were some of the best years of her life. The activities of being a pastor (preaching, serving communion, visitation, community work) keep the joy of serving in her heart. 
Nancy has served as a supply pastor since retirement at Drexel Hill UMC, St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Mansion at Rosemont, Beverly Hill Presbyterian Church, and others. She will also spend one day per week as a supply chaplain at Rosewood from June 1 – September 30, 2022

Important Clergy Interview and Charge Conference Information
The Ministries Financial Portal is now LIVE for Clergy Profile Reporting. Your login, as clergy, will take you directly to the Clergy Profile under Church Reports.

Please view this recording for an introduction. https://youtu.be/vjPtg9zyIbQ 

By August 1st, we will have a page on our website with instructions and links to the forms, their due dates, as well as the East District’s Charge Conference schedule.

Please plan ahead – while the forms will not all be available until Aug. 1st, they will all be due on September 15th 2022!

The Charge Conference Reporting Team would like to thank you in advance for setting aside the time to complete this report. The cabinet and conference office use this information regularly and ensuring that the information is accurate greatly helps to further the mission of the church.

Project Restoration
Project Restoration is currently working with survivors from Hurricane Ida and Isaias. We are identifying those with unmet needs in Chester County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia. Disasters don’t only hit far away. There are still families unable to live in their homes due to flood water damaged they sustained in September of 2021. Even worse some are living in those homes and are in desperate need of help to complete the repairs. Our goal is to repair 55 homes for families in need. In order to do this, we need you to be the hands and feet of the Lord and join us with our rebuild projects. Volunteer today. Projects will be available for one day or full week. We will work with individuals or groups.

A registration form is available at our website https://www.epaumc.org/connectional-ministries/mission-outreach/disaster-response/ or you can email us directly at projectrestoration@epaumc.org.

Morton to manage Leadership Development in EPA
May 27, 2022 | By John W. Coleman
The Rev. Steve Morton, North District Superintendent, will become the Eastern PA Conference’s new Leadership Development Manager July 1. Morton, who has led the North District since 2018, will now help plan and coordinate a leadership development program to equip clergy and lay members to become transformational leaders.

The new position is a key part of the conference’s mission goals to foster vital congregations actively and creatively involved in discipleship development, mission-focused stewardship and intentional community engagement. Morton will design training programs to develop leaders who can guide others in pursuit of those goals, along with EPA’s mission to help end the sin of racism. That work may include creating a Leadership Academy to nurture clergy and lay excellence in ministry.
United Women in Faith
Dear Friends,
The Eastern PA Conference United Women in Faith is excited to announce an exciting opportunity to join a virtual classroom (on Zoom) for Mission u 2022.
Attached you will find a registration form, which can be filled out electronically by the attached link OR printed out and sent in by traditional postal mail. Although we will all be studying the same book, "Who Can We Be Together?", we are offering 4 different class times throughout the month of July. Classes will be limited to 24 students per class, so register early to be enrolled in the class of your choice!
We are pleased to introduce our Study Leaders-    
Rev. Neal Christie - (Baltimore-Washington Conf.)- Weekend Class
Fri., July 22(6:30pm-8:30 pm) & Sat., July 23 (10am-12noon, 1pm-3pm,& 3:30pm-5:30pm) attend all 4 class sessions                    
Rev. Dr. Frank Moore - (Camphor UMC)- Morning Class
Mon., July 18-Thurs., July 21- 4 consecutive days, 9:30am-11:30am
Ms. Judy Kennedy - (Susquehanna Conf.)- Evening Class
Thursday NIGHTS- once a week for 4 weeks7pm-9pm, July 7,14,21 & 28
Ms. Praveena Balasundaram - (National Office, United Women in Faith)- Afternoon Class
Mon., July 11- Thurs., July 14- 4 consecutive days, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Looking forward to our "Zoom" time together!
Rhonda Rea
Dean of Mission u-EPA Conference United Women in Faith

Featured Events:
Leadership Institute 2022
Sept. 28-30, 2022 | Leawood, KS
Who attends?
  • Pastors & Church Staff
  • Ministry Leaders
  • Lay Leaders & Volunteers
What do you walk away with?
  • Practical tips, tools, & resources
  • Increased leadership development & growth
  • Inspiration to bring your vision to reality

Clergy Corner

  • Please send us the name and contact information for your SPRC chair. This is vital in ensuring your leadership is able to fulfil there 2022 reporting requirements.

  • Fund Balances and 2022 Church Budgets are due. If you have not already done so please email them to lromano@epaumc.church
Transition Workshops

Cross Racial/Cross Cultural Transitional Workshop
For newly appointed pastors and laity leadership
June 4th - 9:30am-12:30pm on Zoom

UMC Clergy CEU Webinars
Continue Education for Church Leaders

June 16 2022 Walter Cross: Preaching In The African American Experience


DS Chats with Clergy

June 20th 9:00 AM

Good afternoon Excellent Focused Pastors,
Please do your best to be present for the June 20th DS chat at 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. This is the last chat until September. Information regarding our new timeline for church conference report submission will be shared and helpful tips to navigate the necessary changes.


Useful Resources

Is outsourcing right for your church?

East District EPAUMC Calendar
JUNE 2022
JUNE 4 Annual Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Workshop for new & returning CR/CC clergy & SPRC teams. 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM via Zoom.
JUNE 7-28 Conference UMW’s 2022 "Mission u" virtual event.

AUGUST 5-6 2022 Laity Academy – Part 1. In-Person at Cedarville UMC.

SEPTEMBER 30 – OCTOBER 1 2022 Laity Academy – Part 2, Virtual.

OCTOBER 15 Conference UMW’s Annual Celebration. 9 AM - 12 PM via zoom. Learn more. OCTOBER 28-30 Dismantling Racism – Level I. Virtual, via Zoom.

Basic Sexual Ethics
Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 10 am – 1 pm. Via Zoom
Where do I Draw the Line: Maintaining Boundaries in Life and in Ministry
Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary. The goal of this training is to increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in life and in ministry. This training will cover topics such as theology and boundaries, transference and touch, personal needs and self-care, dual relationships, as well as emerging issues in maintaining healthy boundaries such as technology and social media. This workshop will explore clergy sexual misconduct (CSM), but also move beyond CSM to discuss the more mundane boundary challenges and the ordinary and vexing dilemmas that rob clergy of the experience of life-giving ministry.
Further information and registration!
Ongoing Events
Conference-wide Weekly Prayer Meetings

The Eastern PA Conference can celebrate a special anniversary in April. Meets weekly, half-hour prayer meetings the conference offers every Tuesday at noon by video-chat on Zoom .
Here is the Zoom access information:
Meeting ID: 591 129 374
Or Call in: +1 646 558 8656
Excellent Classifieds
Christ UMC, Fairless Hill
In order to help oversee the work of outreach from our congregation into the community, and to help members create and build new ministry efforts for the purpose of outreach, Christ UMC in Fairless Hills is creating a new part-time staff position: Outreach Director. Applicants should have a desire to see new people enter into relationship with Christ, grow as His faithful disciples, and be equipped to share His love with others. Knowledge about computer technology, social media, and evangelism would be needed. Certification as a Christ Servant Minister would also be helpful. For more information, contact Rev. Lloyd Speer at lfspeer3@comcast.net

Arch St. UMC seeks 3 summer interns
Food Justice Summer Organizer
Housing Justice Summer Organizer
Ministry Associate

Arch St. UMC: The Grace Cafe
Development Coordinator

Fairless Hill: First
Seeking Guitarist or Pianist with Vocals for Church Services 
Seeking a part-time guitarist or pianist with vocals to lead congregation in contemporary worship service. Sundays 10AM, 6 songs per week
First UMC
840 Trenton Rd.
Fairless Hills, PA 19030

St. Paul's UMC in Warrington is looking for a part time Church Organist/Choir Director.
Interested parties should email: stpaulsumcwarrington@aol.com
East District Resource Center
DCOM Chair - Rev. Don Keller, drkeller56@hotmail.com
District Lay Leader - Carol Gibson, CLM gibson.carol1@gmail.com
CONAM Chair - Sherry Wack shefish222@yahoo.com

2022 East District Pulpit Supply List: Link to List

Online Worship & Music Resources for Livestreaming
Link to Article and resources

Funding For MinistryHigher Education Scholarships & Grants and Conference Loan Fund pages. (All pages are updated regularly and are accessible from our Conference Finance webpage.)

Create a Clean, Healthy Environment
For Everyone In Your Church
East District Office - www.epaumc.org/districts/east