
East District Newsletter

The September Issue

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East District Pathways Breakfast
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
~Joseph Campbell

Rev. Dr. Andrew L. Foster, III


Mailing address:

East District

Eastern PA Conference UMC

PO Box 820

Valley Forge, PA 19482-0820

East District Telephone Number:


Christmas Cards for People in Prison

EPA Christmas Cards for People in Prison program, through which we can help incarcerated persons experience God’s love, returns this year from Sept 9 to Nov. 2. Learn more. 

Judge approves BSA bankruptcy plan

Dear U.S. Residential Bishops,


The Judge approved the BSA to emerge from bankruptcy today. We will keep you informed of the next steps, but this is a very positive development. Our settlement was approved as proposed. You can read the announcement here. https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/boy-scouts-path-exit-bankruptcy-following-sex-abuse-settlement-approval-2022-09-08/


You are welcome to share this with your BSA teams.


Keep the faith!




Bishop John Schol

The United Methodists of

Greater New Jersey & Eastern Pennsylvania


BishopJohnSchol@epaumc.church | 484-474-0939

BishopJohnSchol@gnjumc.org | 732-359-1010


Equipping transformational leaders for 

New Disciples | Vital Congregations | Transformed World

Welcome to Spotlight, offering online video courses

EPA introduces Spotlight, our new online learning management system (LMS), offering valuable teaching and training courses via recorded video to spotlight various topics that are important to discipleship and leadership development. Through a partnership with the West Virginia Conference and its UM Foundation, we are excited to provide a growing list of valuable e-Learning opportunities more efficiently. You’ll even be able to track your online learning progress and receive continuing education certificates through Spotlight. Learn more and register to get started. 

Featured Events:

Courageous Dialogues emerged out of the Annual Conference 2022 session. The dialogues are designed to create sacred space where clergy and laity can share their stories with one another. Dialogues will be offered for districts, but if you cannot attend on your district date, you are welcome to attend a different session. Weekend dates will be provided in the Spring, after fall charge conference season.

Our Core Values for the Courageous Dialogues:

·      Centered in Jesus’ calling to love others and see in every face the face of Christ

·      Courageous/safe conversations

·      Authenticity & Respect

·      Attentive Listeners – not trying to “fix” people

·      Framework: Maturing and growing in God’s love together (sanctification); guided by the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (scripture; tradition; reason & experience)

·      Hear each other’s heart/share the journey

·      Stop the “flight or fight” response and provide space for connection

·      We hope to provide a model for the local church & individuals

·      Open-mindedness & outward mindset (seeing the other as fully human)

·      Appreciation for diversity in complex perspectives

Date/Location Information:

All events will be from 9 AM – 1 PM, with lunch included.

·      Innabah (South & East Combined): October 24

·      Pocono Plateau (North): Nov 14

·      Gretna Glen (West): January 30, 2023

Registration Cost Information:

·      $20.00 to cover meal costs

·      Full scholarships available

·      Young adults (under 30) free

If you would like to stay at the camp from Sunday night through Monday morning, please contact the camp directly and arrangements will be made for Sunday night lodging.


Christian Education ZOOM training - October 3 


Leadership in the Wesleyan Tradition

Methodism has a rich tradition, grounded in scripture and embodied by entrepreneurial leaders, of imagining fresh ways for churches to bear witness to the reign of God. Sponsored by Duke Divinity School, an upcoming four-part series spread across the next year allows pastors – ideally in small group cohorts – to view videos from various Duke scholars and then to hold conversations together based on provided resources. Our EPA Leadership Development office will sponsor a team of up to a dozen colleagues (12) to work together through this series (initial program: October 11). This offering is FREE, other than commitment for the four day-long presentations (final video is in the late spring of ’23) and the small group conversations. Part of Duke’s Rediscovering the Heart of Methodism series, this four-part “Nurturing Entrepreneurial Mindsets” series is a perfect continuing education opportunity for our pastors, immediately aligned with our EPA commitment to develop leaders for the transformation of the world. 

For program information: divinityonline@duke.edu

To join this cohort group, email smorton@epaumc.church (Leadership Development office) 



          2022 Domestic Violence Workshop

Body and Soul: The Trauma of Domestic Violence

October 21-22 on Zoom

Friday, 7-9 PM | Saturday, 9 AM – 12:30 PM

View and download the flyer

View the Schedule & Presenter Bios



UMC Clergy CEU Webinars

Continue Education for Church Leaders





Full list of upcoming classes.


DS Chats with Clergy

DS Chat (9-10 A.M.)

November 14, 2022

January 9, 2023

March 13, 2023

May 8, 2023

DS Chat for Bi-vocational Pastors (6:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.)

January 9, 2023

March 13, 20

May 8, 2023 


East District EPAUMC Calendar

SEPT. 26: Project Restoration Youth Day of Service – South District | Register.

SEPT. 30 – 10/2:  Latino Commission Pastor’s Retreat | Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center | Learn More

OCT. 1 & 15: By Water & the Spirit: Theology & Practice of Baptism | 9 AM – 11:30 AM | Zoom | Register by Sept. 23.

OCT. 3: Advent Preparation Workshop for Children’s & Family Ministries. Via Zoom. Learn more.

OCT. 5 - 26: “Learning for Leaders” October Book Club: On Vanishing | Wednesdays at 11 AM | October 5, 12, 19, 26 | Zoom | Register

OCT. 15: Advanced Sexual Ethics Workshop: Congregational Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, 9 AM – 12 noon, via Zoom. Register.

OCT. 15: United Women in Faith 9th Annual Celebration. Montgomery Square UMC North Wales. Learn more.

OCT. 21-22: Body and Soul: The Trauma of Domestic Violence. Learn more. 

OCT. 24: Courageous Dialogues. Innabah Camp & Retreat Center (for South & East Districts combined). Register.

OCT. 24: Project Restoration Youth Day of Service. East District.  Register.

OCT. 28-30: Dismantling Racism – Level I, via Zoom. Learn more. 

Events Webpage

Ongoing Events

Conference-wide Weekly Prayer Meetings

The Eastern PA Conference can celebrate a special anniversary in April. Meets weekly, half-hour prayer meetings the conference offers every Tuesday at noon by video-chat on Zoom .
Here is the Zoom access information:
Meeting ID: 591 129 374
Or Call in: +1 646 558 8656

Excellent Classifieds

Christ UMC, Fairless Hill


In order to help oversee the work of outreach from our congregation into the community, and to help members create and build new ministry efforts for the purpose of outreach, Christ UMC in Fairless Hills is creating a new part-time staff position: Outreach Director. Applicants should have a desire to see new people enter into relationship with Christ, grow as His faithful disciples, and be equipped to share His love with others. Knowledge about computer technology, social media, and evangelism would be needed. Certification as a Christ Servant Minister would also be helpful. For more information, contact Rev. Lloyd Speer at lfspeer3@comcast.net

Fairless Hill: First

Seeking Guitarist or Pianist with Vocals for Church Services 

Seeking a part-time guitarist or pianist with vocals to lead congregation in contemporary worship service. Sundays 10AM, 6 songs per week


First UMC

840 Trenton Rd.

Fairless Hills, PA 19030



St. Paul's UMC in Warrington is looking for a part time Church Organist/Choir Director.

Job description attached

Interested parties should email: stpaulsumcwarrington@aol.com

East District Resource Center

DCOM Chair - Rev. Don Keller, drkeller56@hotmail.com

District Lay Leader - Carol Gibson, CLM gibson.carol1@gmail.com

CONAM Chair - Sherry Wack shefish222@yahoo.com

2022 East District Pulpit Supply List: Link to List

Link: 2021 Equalizing Lay Delegate List

Link: 2021 District Conference Slides

Link: Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation

Online Worship & Music Resources for Livestreaming

Link to Article and resources

Conference Funding for Ministry and Leadership Development

Funding For MinistryHigher Education Scholarships & Grants and Conference Loan Fund pages. (All pages are updated regularly and are accessible from our Conference Finance webpage.)

Create a Clean, Healthy Environment

For Everyone In Your Church

Learn More

East District Office - www.epaumc.org/districts/east