Increasing Productivity with To-Do Lists
Many people don’t realize that there are different types of lists that can be used to enhance your productivity. By breaking down actionable tasks, you will enhance your productivity, keep your to-do list cleaner, be a long-term thinker, and take control of your day rather than let your day control you.
Consider this structure of lists to arrange your productivity, rather than the typical 'daily list' approach that most people use a:
Master Goal List as a long-term list of 90-180 days to plan out what you want to accomplish in this time frame.
Weekly Project List as a breakdown of the items on your Master Goal list.
Daily To-Do List to break down your Weekly Project List into small tasks that you can accomplish in just a couple of hours each.
The result is your to-do list goes from being just a daily dumping ground of everything you must do, to being a key driver of productivity and success.