Nevada Water Resources Research Institute
FY2020 State Water Research Institute Program
Under the Water Resources Research Act, Section 104 research grant program, which is administered by the US Department of the Interior through the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, the Division of Hydrologic Sciences (DHS) of the Desert Research Institute (DRI) is soliciting proposals for funding.
It is anticipated that approximately $85,000 of Federal funding will be available for new sponsored research projects in FY 2020. Proposals should be for research and information transfer projects 12 months in duration. Applicants are required to match each Federal dollar requested with at least two non-federal dollars.
Application Requirements
- The period of performance will begin from the date of award (March 1, 2020). Awards will be for a maximum of 12 months duration, and have an end date not later than February 28, 2021. Note-the projects can only be on year in duration and cannot extend past the end date (2/28/2021) as the sponsor is not allowing extensions.
- Projects must have a reportable element to be included in the FY 2020 program report.
- All proposals must include a 2-1 non-federal match. The applicant shall have all matching funds committed at the time of application submittal. Also, only direct cost budget categories will be funded from the Federal share of each award. Since no indirect costs are awarded under this competition, forgiven indirect costs may be used as part of the non-federal match.