FSANA Heads to SUN 'n FUN this Month --
Visit Us in Hangar D, Booth 97!
This is the first year that you will have the opportunity to visit the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) at SUN 'n FUN where will be exhibiting for the first time. The upcoming event is being held in Lakeland, Florida, from April 21-26.
As FSANA grows and its programs become more widespread, we recognize the importance of this event as a way to make ourselves more visible to the public and our members. FSANA will be located in Hangar D, Booth 97. Be sure to visit and learn more about the association, talk about our activities, and enter a raffle for a chance to win a ride in a beautiful Stearman bi-plane operated by Tailwheels Etc Inc. based at the Lakeland-Linder Regional Airport.
FSANA Launches Aircraft Renters Insurance Program
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is pleased to announce that Starr Companies and Regal Aviation Insurance have joined the FSANA "Partners" program to collaborate on FSANA's new Aircraft Renters Insurance Program. FSANA "Partners" are firms and organizations that help support the FSANA mission. Jason Wissmiller, president, Regal Aviation Insurance stated, "Regal has been an early supporter of FSANA and their wonderful and diverse business platform which continues to exceed our expectations. The FSANA programs already launched, coupled with new ones on the drawing board, are indicative of the focus and determination that this relatively young association brings to the table."
"FSANA appreciates the forward vision, quality programs and high levels of customer service that both Starr and Regal deliver to the marketplace," said Bob Rockmaker, president & CEO of FSANA on behalf of the association.
FSANA looks forward to building for the future with a long-term partnership with Starr and Regal.
To learn more about the new FSANA Aircraft Renters Insurance Program, please contact the Regal team at:
Non-Owned (Renters) Insurance -- Why It Is Good for the Flight School
Jason and Rusty Wissmiller
We insure a number of flights schools ... and we have some flight schools that require their students to carry non-owned coverage and we have some flight schools that don't even like to bring up the subject. What makes sense for the flight school?
First of all, I think it is important to be clear with your renters regarding what coverage they may or may not have on your policy. This can be done via the rental agreement. If I were running a flight school I would require renter pilots to carry both non-owned hull and non-owned liability coverage. Here are a few reasons why.
- Non-owned coverage is good for the renter. It provides the renter with their own liability limit and the coverage follows the renter, regardless of where they are renting or whose aircraft they are borrowing.
- You, as the flight school, will not be sharing your limit of liability with the renter.
- Assuming the renter carries both non-owned hull and liability coverage, you may be able to recover your deductible, as well as loss of use and loss of value of the aircraft.
- Your primary insurance carrier may be able to recover damages paid under your insurance policy, thus reducing your overall claim expenses paid. That will make your claim experience look better.
The argument against requiring renters to carry non-owned coverage is often that the flight school does not want to lose the renter to the neighboring flight school. But you have to wonder if you really want a renter that is not willing to protect themselves for the relatively inexpensive cost of non-owned coverage. A renter pilot could purchase a reasonable limit of non-owned liability and hull coverage for close to $500 per year. And that covers the renter in a wide variety of aircraft; fixed wing, non-pressurized land (including sailplanes/gliders) having a single piston engine not exceeding 450 rated horsepower, and no more than seven total seats. Multi-engine and rotor wing non-owned coverage can be purchased for additional premium. I look at renter pilots carrying non-owned coverage as a win-win scenario. Good for the renter and good for the flight school. We have partnered with FSANA and Starr Aviation to make the non-owned buying process easier than ever. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the emails above.
FSANA Creates Member Benefits Hub
To assist FSANA members with the many benefits of membership, FSANA has created the Member Benefits Hub (MBH) which will be updated and delivered monthly in a special "members-only" emailing. The MBH will provide a systemic process so members can quickly read an overview of each benefit and access and utilize them. FSANA members can keep the latest MBH in their in-box and their benefits will always be right at their fingertips. This collection of exclusive benefits demonstrates FSANA's commitment to bringing added value to our members.
If you have questions about FSANA benefits or membership, please contact Debbie Sparks, FSANA Director of Business Development, at
561-767-6826 or
FSANA Promotes AeroCamp in USA Today and USA Today Online this Month
In a continued effort to promote the work of FSANA and its members, FSANA has engaged a national level media effort.
The advertisement to the right recently appeared twice in the USA Today newspaper. The readership for the two days was 6.4M. The USA Today Online segment has 44M unique visitors each month. The advertisement is also running as a banner advertisement for thirty days.
FSANA continues to work to bring awareness to the activities of the association, and most importantly, the members of the association. We believe if we can continue to expand the outreach of both, we can drive new customers (and future pilots) to member schools in their local areas.
Proper Logging of ATD Time
by Tracy Cook
Vice President, Marketing and Sales / Precision Flight Controls Inc.
One thing that generates more questions than anything else (besides FAA certification) is the proper way to log training time on an ATD. Here's a basic framework:
In the "N" number column, put the type/model of simulator. This lets an examiner know the simulator is a BATD or an AATD and is eligible for the time towards a certificate or rating. It's also a good idea to provide a current copy of the LOA to clients to show to the examiner. In the "Type" column, record the actual aircraft make/model flown in the simulator. This is required information as some examiners only allow multi-engine AATD time to count towards a commercial ticket if flying in a multi-engine aircraft. In the "To" and "From" columns, record the airports used during training.
The "SEL," "MEL," "Day/Night" and "Cross-Country" columns should remain blank. These columns are designated for actual aircraft flight only. Similarly, do not log landings (i.e. 90-day day/night landing currency cannot be performed in an AATD). In the "Approach" column, log the number of approaches performed in the simulator. The criteria for an approach is the same as in an aircraft, passing the FAF in IMC and breaking out at or above DA/MDA with a subsequent landing or executed missed approach. In actual IMC, no time is logged. In simulated IMC (hood or IMC in an ATD), log the actual time in IMC. For example, in a 1.8 hour session, it might be typical to log about 1.5 hours of simulated IMC. In the "FTD" or "Flight Simulator" column, log the total time in the ATD.
In the "PIC" and "Total Flight" columns, log all time as this shows the pilot experience time. An examiner can see the time under "SEL/MEL" for actual aircraft time and the time under "FTD" or "Flight Simulator" for simulator time. The combination of both of these is the pilot experience. In the "Dual" column, log the entire dual training time in the ATD.
Adhering to these guidelines should insure full credit for valid training hours in an ATD.
FSANA Accreditation Update
The FSANA Accreditation Committee continues their work on updates for the 2015 flight school accreditation standards and related supporting documents. The 2015 standards are being evolved so that they will meet or exceed the United States Department of Education requirements with respect to accreditation for institutional accreditation.
Once the 2015 standards are publicly posted, flight schools may begin the process of accreditation. Schools that have been previously accredited and are up for accreditation renewal will also be able to begin the renewal process.
Nonmembers of FSANA who are interested in becoming members of the Accreditation Committee can contact Debbie Sparks at 561-767-826 or
FSANA members can contact the FSANA office to be added to the committee.
Flight School Signs up for Early Delivery Position of Sun Flyer
Are electric aircraft the next step for the flight training industry?
A recent article in GA News Magazine highlighted the fact that
Independence Aviation, a flight school in Colorado, has put a deposit down for electric aircraft to be used in flight training operations. This is something that without a doubt will be a major discussion point in the flight training industry in the upcoming years, and potentially, revolutionize how the industry trains pilots.
North Coast Flight School Seeking CFI-I in Erie, PA
CFI-I needed for an active flight school in Erie, PA.
If you or anyone you know is interested in pursuing an opportunity to work at this active FSANA member school, contact Greg at
gshncfs@yahoo.com or call at 814-434-0875.
Flight School for Sale in Texas
Interested in expanding your flight school or taking on a new location? How about buying a flight school for the first time? A flight training operation in Texas may be the opportunity for which you are looking. The operation is a successful flight training business with two Piper Cherokee 180's, a Cherokee 140, a Cessna 172N, and Piper Arrow. The operation also has a Redbird FMX and XWIND simulators. Additional leased aircraft at the operation include a Cirrus SR20 and an A36 Bonanza. The school operates both FAR Part 61 and 141 ready training, is SEVP approved, has VA approval, and operates a CATS testing center with a current and active base of customers. Interested parties should Contact Jim Baloun at CPAaviation.com, via email at jim@CPAaviation.com or via phone at 847-812-0661.
FSANA Is an Interactive Trade Association
The core of FSANA is based on our members and the interactivity that takes place between members and/or the trade association. As the FSANA platform continues to advance, the association will continue to create added value for our members and supply chain partners.
Many FSANA members have come to realize that they are not competing against each other. Thus, a new era has evolved where flight school owners and operators can exchange and learn from each other in a friendly and positive environment.
If your not a FSANA member, please consider taking a test flight with us. You will be pleased with the results. Becoming a member of the only aviation trade association dedicated to
"The Business of Flight Training" will enhance your business model and provide a voice for the flight training industry.
Soon, the folks in Washington, D.C., will start to hear from FSANA. We need every flight school and supply chain partner to engage as we advance the agenda.
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Schools News eMonthly
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
Inviting the Best
Aircraft Operators
in the Business to
Join Our Network.
2016 FSANA International Flight School Operators Conference
More information to be announced.
Flight Training
Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.
More information to be announced.
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