General Manager of Flight Operations from ExpressJet to Discuss Airline Hiring Climate and Flight Training Implications at 2016 Flight School Operators Conference
Darrin Greubel, General Manager of Flight Operations for ExpressJet will join the 2016 Flight School Operators Conference as the keynote lunch speaker on Thursday's session, February 11, 2016.
Conference attendees can count on Captain Greubel's presentation to highlight current hiring trends and challenges in the regional and broader airline industry, along with sharing information about how flight training providers' efforts and throughput of students will be considered for future hiring as professional pilots.
Darrin's work supports the company's Flight Operations department and nearly 4,000 pilots, as well as overseeing the pilot recruitment and hiring department. In his 21 years with ExpressJet, Darrin has earned an ATP with type ratings on the EMB-120 and CL65 and has held various positions including instructor pilot, check airman, Program Manager of the EMB-120 fleet, Manager of Flight Operations, Manager of Flight Standards, Manager of Line Operations and Base Chief Pilot in Atlanta, Ga. In addition to his work at the airline, he has also represented the Regional Airline Association (RAA) on the First Officer Qualification ARC and other government initiatives. Prior to joining ExpressJet Airlines, Darrin worked in various sectors of general aviation, including instructing, surveying and 135 charter flying. Captain Greubel graduated from Indiana State University in 1991 with a bachelor's degree in Professional Pilot Technology.
ExpressJet is generally considered a "regional" airline, but it isn't small. They have over 8,500 staff, operate more than 300 aircraft, operate out of 189 airports, and average 1,800 daily scheduled departures. The airline is based in Atlanta, where Darrin lives and works.
If you haven't made your travel plans yet, it is time to do it now before it is too late!
For more information about the specifics of the conference, you can browse more information on this year's program for the event.
Click here (PDF)
to see the conference program. A printable registration form is included.

Lake Buena Vista's B Resort & Spa, an official Disney hotel, serves as the host for this year's event. FSANA encourages everyone to reserve their room now to take advantage of our conference rates. Conference discounted rates at the hotel are limited, and if you don't get your reservation now, they may sell out! For more information about the property, click here. To make reservations online, click here or call them directly at 800-248-7890.
NEW for 2016 ... on Tuesday, February 10, conference programming kicks in with a new members-only session at 1:00 pm followed by a new general session for all attendees starting at 2:30.
NEW for 2016 ... a special
Guest Program for those who want to have their spouse, partner or friend join them during the conference. Highlights of the Guest Program are included in the conference information download.
Sponsorship opportunities and exhibitor spaces are still available. If your business seeks flight training operators as customers, this is the perfect market to reach out. For more information about becoming a sponsor or exhibitor, click here.
FSANA Flight School Operators Conference
US Immigration and Customers Enforcement Student and Exchange Visitor Program Representatives to Take Part and Answer Questions at 2016 Flight School Operators Conference
Returning again this year to offer representatives to speak with the flight training industry, the U.S. Immigration and Customers Enforcement staff who deal with the Student an Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), the group that offers visas for students pursuing educational training, will offer a representative to answer questions flight training operators may have about the visa application, approval, and administration process.
One catch, they would like the questions to be presented before the conference, not on-the-spot during the event. Certainly, they will help by providing presentation information that is prepared, but to answer questions our attendees may have to the best ability they have, they would like the opportunity to review the questions, research the, and provide the best possible answers they can during the event.
So, here is your opportunity to do that!
Email us at FSANA if you have questions regarding the visa application, approval, and administration process as it pertains to flight training operations.
When you email us, include the following:
- Name and Title of Requester:
- School/Campus/School Code (if applicable):
- General Topic (SEVIS, School Certification, Student Issue, I-901):
- Specific Question (What is the issue):
- Regulatory Citation (if applicable):
- Is this question in regards to a previous ticket opened? (If so, please contact the SRC):
A completed email request can be emailed to
info@fsana.org. In the email subject line, place SEVP Question(s).
FSANA will collect the questions received and provide them to the SEVP representatives to help research and provide answers at the conference.
Submitters can send multiple questions. Each question should be on a separate submission form. All requesters information will be kept confidential and requesters names, school name etc will not be used at the conference.
Share the Dream
by Tracy Cook
Vice President - Marketing and Sales, Precision Flight Controls Inc.
Those of us who have lingered around an airport environment for any length of time, are reminiscent of the "kid at the fence" that spends hours watching the aircraft come and go. Many a generous pilot has extended an invitation into the air for one of these dreamers and, in doing so, has cemented a lifelong love for aviation. Simulators are also a great way to share a flight experience.
At year's end, it is a natural time for reflection on the year, on our loved ones and on our lives in general. I for one am very thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy. Surely the pursuit of happiness encompasses the ability to take wing and enjoy all that flight engenders. Private aviation is truly a gift that few have the opportunity to experience.
FSANA is dedicated to supporting these aspirations. Not only does the organization provide valuable assistance with the business end of flight training, but their leadership with initiatives such as AeroChapters, AeroCamp, AeroParty, and AeroSolo illustrates their determination to share the gift of aviation with the next generation of pilots and keep the dream alive.
Don't discount the potential effect a simulator may have on the next generation of pilots. While it may not always be possible to take an interested youngster on a flight, helping them experience even a little taste of what flying is through using a simulator can decrease the first flight experience cost and still provide an introduction to a new world. I have personally worked with the Boy Scouts of America as an Aviation Merit Badge Counselor. As part of the merit badge process, each of the scouts flies touch-and-goes in a cockpit simulator. Other than my first solo, I have never experienced the joy of flight as seen through their eyes.
Share the dream. Even if it starts in a simulator.

Foxtrot Joins List of Supporters of the 2016 Flight School Conference
Foxtrot, a cloud-based software solution designed to help flight schools with scheduling and maintenance reporting, while providing users with a centralized and secure location to store, download, or export data into various formats has joined the list of supporters of the 2016 Flight School Conference in Orlando.
A relatively new company, Foxtrot is an up and coming software provider that flight training providers can consider for management of their daily scheduling needs and more.
Foxtrot offers a "customer-centric Front Desk software that enhances the Front Desk customer service software to provide operators with a more reliable, fluid and stable performance across multiple platforms. Front Desk is mobile client management and scheduling software that serves many businesses, both large and small and develops cloud-based and mobile client management software that gives business owners the freedom and flexibility they need to be successful and ultimately do what they love to do: run and grow their business."
Foxtrot is set up to help businesses keep track of the essentials of your flight school: pilots, aircraft, instructors, ratings, sign-offs, courses, lessons, student progress and much more.
FSANA appreciates their support of the conference and the opportunity to share their services and products with conference attendees.
New FSANA AeroChapter Announced
FSANA is pleased to announce that Triad Aviation Academy in Winston Salem, North Carolina has formed the Triad Aviation Academy AeroChapter.
The first meeting is coming up in a few weeks and Bruce McCall, President of Triad is excited to see the number of young people that have engaged in the AeroChapters program.
Three Great Holiday Campaigns, and One Bad One
by Paula Williams
Long before Thanksgiving, we start seeing and hearing holiday-related advertisements. Smart flight schools can jump on the bandwagon by entering the conversation that's already in your customers' thoughts!
This vintage postcard (circa 1917) shows that the connection between aviation and the holidays is not a new thing!
Campaign #1 - "Home for the Holidays"
Who can use it - Flight Schools that offer recurrency training
Why it's effective - Flight schools are often become less busy during December and January. People who have been working in other fields take time off or telecommute during the holidays. You can take advantage of this slowdown by providing services while the airplane is not needed.
Sample Headlines/Offers -
- Home for the holidays? Get recurrent in your alma mater flight school . . .
- Give yourself the gift of freedom!
- Have an airworthy 2016!
Campaign #2 - Holiday Discovery Flight Package
Who can use it - Flight schools with instructors and planes that aren't busy during December and January
Why it's effective - Everyone is looking for great experiences with their families or teams over the holidaysAdded bonus - if you do this successfully once, you can market to the same folks the following year as people like to establish holiday traditions. This is a good one for direct mail - The Postal Service has an Every Door Direct Mail service by which you can target the most affluent zip codes (and sub-zip codes) in your service area.
Sample Headlines/Offers -
- Take your family to (destination) for the holidays! We'll arrange everything. (Ground transportation, lodging, etc.)
- Christmas Lights Tours - Including limousine, roses, and dinner!
Campaign #3 - Get a Jump on 2016
Who can use it - Career-oriented flight schools, type rating programs, ATP CTP programs, etc.
Why it's effective - People evaluate their career choices and reflect on choices they've made they may not be satisfied with.
Sample Headlines/Offers -
- Make 2016 the year you (start on) or (get the) job of your dreams!
- Let us help you (use your Veterans benefits) to make your dreams come true in 2016.
Any of the above campaigns can be successful, provided they are structured in an appropriate way, with the three mandatory elements in place:
- A great list of recipients
- An attractive offer tailored for those recipients
- An effective presentation (We usually recommend a multi-part campaign, such as a mailer, followed by emails, social media mentions, a website landing page, and phone calls.)
One Bad Campaign - Hijacking Your Holiday Cards
Interjecting an opinion here.
While we strongly believe that sales and marketing campaigns are a GOOD thing, (There is nothing wrong with politely and enthusiastically asking people for their business) there is an appropriate time and place for it. We also believe that it's become an accepted (and fun) tradition to use holiday themes in marketing campaigns.
Holiday cards are not the time and place.
Sending a card of thanks, appreciation, and good wishes during the holiday season is a tradition among civilized people all over the world, for whatever holidays they celebrate.
Sending any kind of marketing message in the process is likely to be perceived as insincere and manipulative.
Holiday cards can be as politically correct or incorrect as you like, (i.e. the ongoing battle of Christmas Cards versus Holiday Cards, which we won't jump into here. ) As long as your holiday cards are expressing a sincere and thoughtful appreciation for the relationship and warm wishes for your clients and their teams and families, they will be well received. Be as creative, fun or traditional as you like - sincerity and authenticity trumps everything else in this department.
We recently had an aviation professional ask us how to measure ROI (return on investment) on holiday cards, because his company was reluctant to spend the money on them.
Seriously? Yes, seriously!
We recommended that
if his company truly
refused to send holiday cards to its existing customers without demanding a return on investment, that our friend (the aviation professional) do two things:
- Spend his own money to send cards to valued contacts who have done business with him this year.
- Look for another job.
A company that will make no investment in its relationships with customers and comply with accepted social norms is either in profound financial trouble or has truly lost its soul and will probably not be around long.
Agree? Disagree? Feel free to comment!
FAA Announces Small UAS Registration Rule
Registration will be free for the first 30 days
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced a streamlined and user-friendly web-based aircraft registration process for owners of small unmanned aircraft (UAS) weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (approx. 25 kilograms) including payloads such as on-board cameras. The Registration Task Force delivered recommendations to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta and Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx on November 21. The rule incorporates many of the task force recommendations.
"Make no mistake: unmanned aircraft enthusiast are aviators, and with that title comes a great deal of responsibility," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "Registration gives us an opportunity to work with these users to operate their unmanned aircraft safely. I'm excited to welcome these new aviators into the culture of safety and responsibility that defines American innovation."
Registration is a statutory requirement that applies to all aircraft. Under this rule, any owner of a small UAS who has previously operated an unmanned aircraft exclusively as a model aircraft prior to December 21, 2015, must register no later than February 19, 2016. Owners of any other UAS purchased for use as a model aircraft after December 21, 2015 must register before the first flight outdoors. Owners may use either the paper-based process or the new streamlined, web-based system. Owners using the new streamlined web-based system must be at least 13 years old to register.
Owners may register through a web-based system at www.faa.gov/uas/registration Registrants will need to provide their name, home address and e-mail address. Upon completion of the registration process, the web application will generate a Certificate of Aircraft Registration/Proof of Ownership that will include a unique identification number for the UAS owner, which must be marked on the aircraft.
Owners using the model aircraft for hobby or recreation will only have to register once and may use the same identification number for all of their model UAS. The registration is valid for three years.
The normal registration fee is $5, but in an effort to encourage as many people as possible to register quickly, the FAA is waiving this fee for the first 30 days (from Dec. 21, 2015 to Jan 20, 2016).
"We expect hundreds of thousands of model unmanned aircraft will be purchased this holiday season," said FAA Administrator Huerta. "Registration gives us the opportunity to educate these new airspace users before they fly so they know the airspace rules and understand they are accountable to the public for flying responsibly."
The online registration system does not yet support registration of small UAS used for any purpose other than hobby or recreation - for example, using an unmanned aircraft in connection with a business. The FAA is developing enhancements that will allow such online registrations by spring of 2016.
FSANA Membership Money-Back Guarantee
FSANA continues to create value for its members. Programs like AeroCamp are helping flight schools to create new revenue centers and attract customers, many who continue on to earn their first pilot certificate.
FSANA offers flight schools a money-back guarantee on their membership dues investment if the school operates at least one FSANA Aero program and does not generate enough profit to cover the cost of membership. Members are required to demonstrate that they have followed the FSANA program guidelines contained in the members-only toolkit associated with each program.
If you have not already looked into conducting one of our Aero programs at your flight school, now is the time. You can not loose!
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, director of Business Development, at
Flight School Seeking Investment Capital
and successful Part 61 and 141 flight school is seeking $1M-3M investment capital for new enterprise start-up. Qualified parties please call 863-327-6880.
* * *
Flight School for Sale in Ohio
Interested in expanding your flight school or taking on a new location? How about buying a flight school for the first time? A flight training operation in Ohio may be the opportunity for which you are looking.
The operation is a successful flight training business with two owned aircraft and multiple leaseback aircraft, a large client base, a FBO business and maintenance services.
The operation has simulators and operates both FAR Part 61 and 141 training curricula, is SEVP approved, has VA approval, and operates a PSI testing center.
Interested parties should Contact John Bonfiglio CPA at 440-461-6227.
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Schools News eMonthly
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
Inviting the Best
Aircraft Operators
in the Business to
Join Our Network.
2016 FSANA International Flight School Operators Conference
Orlando Florida
Februay 9-12
Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures